Blog Post Ideas for Salons

I decided I want to start sharing blog post ideas for a variety of businesses. Something about just keeping these ideas in my head is starting to make me feel as though I could explode. I often will see a business owner, and hear him/her complain about how to engage with potential customers. What immediately starts happening is my mind begins racing with all kinds of ideas that they could use to blog about and share in their newsletters, on their website, possible even transform into an eBook or eCourse….this is just how my creative mind works. James Altucher said that ideas are like a muscle that needs to be worked out. If you don’t use it you lose it, so he recommends writing a list of 10 ideas a day.

Is your salon blog stale? Here are some great blog post ideas for salon owners

With that in mind, I’m going to flex my idea muscles even more. Who knows? This could turn into a fun and exciting eBook or pamphlet for my ghostwriting clients! Without further ado…here is my first set of ideas- Blog Post ideas for Salons

  1. About your salon – when did you open, where did you open, why did you open, and who do you run it with?
  2. Spotlight on your staff, or even one spotlight per staff member. What a great way to encourage your staff members sharing your website on their own social media pages! Many people love to have their moment in the spotlight. And, most folks enjoy recognition from their employers.
  3. The services you offer. Often times, I see a mundane list of services offered on a salon’s website. What I mean by mundane is it just lists the name of the service and the price. I want to know more. What will I enjoy during the service? For example, don’t say wash, cut and style. Instead, tell me about how my service will begin with a luxurious shampooing and a consultation with my stylist about the right cut for my face. Then, after my hair is nice and clean, I’ll be whisked away to my chair where my hair will be magically transformed and finished off with a wonderful blow dry and styling. Example two – if your salon gives pedicures, explain how important pampering is for our tootsies. Tell me about the foot massage I’ll enjoy, and why proper foot care is so important.
  4. Milestone events. Tell your readers about your anniversaries! Share lessons learned after 500 haircuts. Explain how grateful you are for serving your 100th customer in your new location. Share the joyous news of your new spouse of baby on the way. People crave relationships and love working with those they feel they have a connection with.
  5. What sets you apart from your competitors? Why should someone visit you instead of the guy down the road? What special extras do you offer that would make someone feel appreciated as a customer?
  6. Share your specials! Is it your salon’s anniversary? Celebrate with a sale on all of your products. Or, perhaps you could have an open house party and write about that. Then, after the party do a follow-up post and share the images from the night.
  7. Top 10 cuts for a round face, or top 12 styles for your wedding. There is a reason lists are so popular on blogs – the public eats them up!
  8. Quick styles for date night. You could even do a video tutorial on your blog for easy styles people can do at home. Now, I know what you might be thinking – I want them to come IN to my salon. That’s great, but building a relationship with your readers is what will make them loyal customers. Show you’re the expert on hair care!
  9. Hair care tips. I love this one because personally, after I get a hair cut, I love learning how to keep my hair looking as healthy as it did when I got it done. I want to know how to make it shinier and more vibrant. Your customers might want the same!
  10. My final idea that I’ll post today is a round up post of your favorite styling tools. What are your must haves? A flat iron? A curling iron? Combs or brushes? Bonus idea – mention styling tools that you are selling in your shop. Or, if you aren’t selling tools in your shop, get an Amazon Affiliate account and link to the tools there to earn a commission.

There you have it folks – my first post of blog post ideas. I enjoyed doing this post so much that I’m definitely going to be doing a LOT more of them. Do you have an industry you want me to post about? Leave me a comment below and tell me about it!

Gratitude Journal 12/12/16

Life is meant to be lived! So live it!

I’ve been on a journey lately of self love, exploration, discovery and gratitude. In an effort to squash my depression and boost my self esteem, I’ve found myself listening to countless podcasts, watching inspirational videos and reading line after line of uplifting text. It’s been heavy on my heart lately to start writing about all of these things. So, I want to start a gratitude journal here at my internet home base. I also want to blog a lot more about, well, a lot more. But, one thing that has held me back is fear of what people will think. Another has been fear over not being “niched down enough.” I’ve decided that I don’t care about any of that anymore. I want to share my thoughts and feelings, and I plan to just go for it. No lead ups or announcements – just writing when the mood strikes!

I may not remember or have time to write a gratitude post every day, but I’m going to try to at least write about what I’m thankful for more often. And, as for not being niched down enough…I plan to categorize everything I write here so that people who are interested in specific topics will only see what they want to read about. That is the beauty of categorizing after all, isn’t it? To place each item in it’s own niche, but be a part of a larger hub? I think so. And, it’s exactly what I’m going to do. Write all the things! Here! On my home base. Who knows? Later the things I write could be transferred to authority niche sites, but for now, the key is for me to start finally getting out all of the things I NEED to say. The things that are weighing my heart and my mind down. This is the first thing I’m thankful for today – the courage to finally start writing out my heart and mind.

I’m also thankful for the internet and the ability to work anywhere with a WiFi connection. In fact,  I plan to release several blog posts about that topic! I just love the freedom working this way has afforded me.

Finally, I’ll conclude with the biggest thing I’m thankful for. I plan to write at least three things daily in this gratitude journal of mine…The biggest thing I’m grateful for is my husband. I know it’s cliche, but it’s so true for me. Out of everyone in my life, he is the only person that has stood by me through everything. Rooting me on when I needed a boost, calming me down when I’m dealing with trials and tribulations, and loving me no matter what. It’s rare to have someone who you truly believe will love you no matter what, and I’m so damn grateful that he and I crossed paths nearly 14 years ago. We’ve been married for 10, and I have to say that even tho not every day has been easy, I wouldn’t trade him for anyone.

There it is, my first gratitude journal post. Wow! Feels good to write things out. I definitely need to do this more often 😀

3D Christmas Card – Magazine Christmas Tree


I get a bunch of magazines in the mail every month. I usually end up just throwing them in the recycle bin if and when I read them. This time, however, I decided to take all the bright and colorful pages and make a pretty 3-D card out of them. Here’s how you can do the same:

Materials needed:

– A magazine
– Scrapbook Paper/ Cardstock- I used a piece that was 8.5 X 11″ and folded it in half to make a card
– hot glue gun
– glue stick
– Stamp, Sticker or Large Sequin to make the star
– scissors
– a smooth rounded pen/pencil

How to Assemble:

1. Find the most colorful pages in the magazine

2. Take your 8.5 X 11″ piece of Scrapbook Paper/ Cardstock and fold it in half to make a card

3. Cut the base of the tree to be about 1 inch – 1.5 inch cube and using a glue stick glue it to the bottom middle of the front of the card.

4. For the rolled tree pieces: I used 13 rolled pages and cut 0.5-1 inch off of each piece to create the pyramid effect. For example the first page will be approx 8X10, the second will be 7.5X10, the third will be 7X10 and so on… I rolled each of them with a pen and then hot glued the seam while it was still on the pen to the paper. After pressing it to the paper and letting it cool slightly I carefully slid out the pen. I continued this process with each magazine page until I got to the top.

5. I used a large sequin star to top my tree and used a glue stick to secure it to the card.

6. Voila! I had a fun and colorful card that I could write a Christmas message in.

Who is the Ghostblogging Business in a Weekend Course for?

It’s for people who:

  • The ghostblogging business in a weekend course is for the happy writerlove to write
  • want to start their own business
  • have at least some writing experience (blogging, newspaper, magazines, etc…)

It’s not for people who:The ghostblogging business in a weekend course is not for people who hate writing!


  • hate writing more than anything
  • can’t string two sentences together to save their life
  • don’t want to start a business
  • lack discipline and organization




Learn more and enroll HERE!

2016 – My Year in Review


I love, love, love me some Marie Forleo ya’ll. And, today, while watching a video of hers, I got inspired to do this 2016 year in review post. She created a simple process to review your own year with just 3 questions. Since that doesn’t seem so scary, I thought I would answer the questions for myself! So, here we go…

What did I do, create, or experience this year that I’m really proud of? I have to say I’ve actually created a lot that I’m proud of this year!

  • I wrote some really great content for the Godaddy Garage. The article I’m most proud of writing for them this year was the one that gave me the amazing opportunity to interview Chalene Johnson!!! Check it out HERE!
  • I finished a ghostwritten book for a client that was more fulfilling than my college degree
  • I FINALLY finished the backbone of my writer-for-hire website
  • I raised my new client prices
  • I wrote a LOT of blog posts for clients that I’m really proud of!!! Omg, some of the work I did was just frikkin AHHHHHMAZING!!!
  • I went on a cross-country road trip (something I’ve wanted to do since I first got my license!!)
  • I went to THREE blogging conferences. Cool in and of itself!!!
  • I self-published another eBook under my own name along with writing a lot more other blog posts under my own name
  • I was active with a women’s networking group. Being a member of Charity Chics has been amazing for me!!!
  • I started working on the content for the course I’ve been talking about creating for nearly two years! Recent, but still counts for this year!!! LOL
  • I started taking better care of myself
  • I asked for help a LOT more this year

What mistakes did I make that taught me something? What lessons did I learn that I can leverage?

  • I didn’t put myself out there enough!!! I should have been pitching myself more than I did to get more writing work.
  • I didn’t write enough under my own name. I could have and should have!!! I plan to do a lot more podcast interviews, guest posts and self promotion going forward. Fear is what held me back from putting myself out there, but that is why I’m creating a word of the year for 2017. That word is EXPERIMENT! From now on, everything I do will be an experiment. More on that in another post though.
  • I didn’t speak up enough when I was unhappy with something, or I spoke up from an emotional place. Breathing and then being rational is way more helpful!
  • I should have been taking better care of myself before this year. My medical woes are all self-induced, but I am getting healthier every single day now!
  • I stayed in friendships that weren’t serving me for far too long, and the ones I did let go of I mourned way too much. When people are hurting you for their own benefit, you’re only hurting yourself if you stick around.
  • I also learned that November and December are slim months for my clients, and I should have budgeted myself better to prepare for the lean income!
  • Finally, I should have been building my email lists sooner, and affiliate marketing more!

What am I willing to let go of?

  • WEDDINGS!!! I decided earlier this year that I don’t want to photograph weddings anymore. This is true now, more than ever. I am NOT a fan of shooting weddings. The pressure, the nerves, the tears, the fears – nope, not for me anymore. I’m now shopping for wedding photographers I like that I don’t feel are too expensive so I will have someone or a few people to refer clients to because I just don’t ever want to photograph another wedding again!
  • Clients that want too many freebies, or aren’t willing to pay my requested rates. I have been really bad about letting some people walk all over me in the past. I got much better about this in 2016, but I do still have room for growth. I’ve decided that in 2017 I will be much stronger, and if people can’t afford me, welp – then we can’t work together. I bust my ASH for my clients, and I deserve to be paid for this work.
  • CLUTTER – oh man! This has been a big one for me. I’ve been getting rid of stuff all year, and I’m not done yet. I’m decluttering all. the. things! I’ve given away clothes I haven’t worn in years, books I never even opened, toys (yes toys!) that I had as a child, makeup and toiletries that should have been thrown away long ago, and so much more. I’m loving how good it feels to let go of all this crap, and I know that it’s just making way for the new, fresh and wonderful things the Universe is sending my way!!!

Wow, so although I’ve had some downs in 2016, it’s clear that this year has actually been a damn good one. Grateful that Marie suggested reviewing my year from a distance!!! I’ve learned a lot, I’ve grown a lot, and I just know that all of the amazing things that happened to me this year are going to lead to a bigger, better and more amazing 2017. Bring it on! I can’t wait to see how many wonderfully abundant things are coming my way.

Restating my goals for 2017:

  • $10,000 a month profit in easy, recurring revenue
  • Get healthier mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally
  • Have more fun and adventure
  • Do more creative things!

Want to do your own year in review? Catch Marie’s whole video here:

Get Stuffed Like a Turkey at Piquant and Love Every Minute!

piquant_1003UPDATE: This restaurant has closed

So, recently I had the AHHHHHMAZING opportunity to have dinner at Piquant. For those of you who don’t know, this is a restaurant located in Hyde Park Village. They are an American spin on French cuisine, and although I was treated to a meal here for their preview of a new menu thanks to my affiliation with the Tampa Bay Bloggers, all opinions below are my own.

When we first arrived, we were treated to the cocktail you see above. It’s a blend of equal parts Deep Eddy Peach Vodka and Rumchata, a squeeze of lime and a pinch of cinnamon. They said it tastes like Peach Cobbler. For me, it was a little too sweet, but the other bloggers seemed to enjoy it. For some reason, the older I get the less I like sweet drinks. Anywho…moving on…


Our first course was Octopus Provencal featuring chorizo-rubbed seared Octopus, Spanish evoo, potatoes, Provencal sauce. I keep it real on this blog, so I’m not going to lie to you and tell you I loved this dish. It was my first time having octopus and I’m NOT a fan. Bleh! The potatoes though- those were delicious!!! Love me some potatoes ya’ll!!!


Next we had the Pork Belly Benedict featuring crispy pork belly, lemon-thyme scone, beefsteak tomato, poached egg, avocado Hollandaise. Ya’ll!!! This dish was pretty darn tasty. I love me some porkt belly, and the scone was surprisingly moist. Most scones I’ve eaten are far too dry. This? This was good! I would eat this again if given the chance for sure.


For our first salad sampling we tried the Vertical (Uriah’s Farm) Salad featuring a mix of Bibb, Frisee & Arugula, roasted Red & Golden beets, toasted almonds, goat cheese and passion fruit vinaigrette. The cool thing about this salad is that it’s as farm-to-table as you can get at a restaurant. They grow the stuff vertically nearby, and then Piquant gets the goods at the peak of freshness. I didn’t like the beets so much, but the greens, almonds and dressing – YUM!

piquant_1055 piquant_1032








We were supposed to have another salad sample after the beets, but to our surprise the chef had other plans. EXCITING ones! He created this delicious croissant loaf. Yep, bread that is just as fluffy and flaky as a croissant, but in loaf form to make a sammich!!! So, naturally chef sliced the bread, toasted it and made the best turkey club sandwich I think I’ve ever had. It was so delicious I wasn’t even mad they cut the turkey sandwich from our scheduled samplings!


Our other salad sampling was a Salmon Salad featuring seared fresh salmon, golden lentils, heirloom Spring, beefsteak tomatoes, crispy Brussels sprouts and passion fruit vinaigrette. I REALLY didn’t like the Brussels sprouts, but the rest of the salad was pretty tasty. This could totes be a lunch I would eat one day! I’d just ask for mine sprout free. Ha!


As we waited for our first signature entree sampling, we were treated to a swig of Impatience wine. This was delicious! Paired perfectly with the salmon too.


Our first signature entree sampling was Duck Confit featuring leg of house-made crispy Duck Confit, golden lentil ragu and duck Demi glace. The duck was good, the rest? Not so much! I’m very finicky I guess. But, I did enjoy the duck leg quite a bit.


Our other signature entree sampling was Salmon Napoleon with layers of pate brisee, ratatouille, seared salmon, hollandaise and fresh dill. This is TOTALLY a dish my husband would have liked. I ate it and enjoyed it for the most part, but I wish my hubby could have been there because I suspect he would have been begging for more.


Taking a slight break from ALL. THE. FOOD. we were treated to another cocktail that rocked my world. Equal parts Pumpkin Spice Baileys and Crown Royal Vanilla shaken and poured over ice. What’s not to love? This drink was so frikkin good I considered asking for another. Going to have to nab me some of those bottles before they sell out since the Pumpkin Spice is limited edition!!!!

Finally, it was dessert time. And holy crap did Piquant go all out. I’ll share them in order from my least favorite to my most favorite because after all, you should save the best for last. Am I right?


This dessert was the JBF Passian Fruit Ganache Gateau which consists of chocolate cake, passion fruit ganache, almond croquantine, passion fruit curd and milk chocolate buttercream. I had one bite and quickly moved on. FAR too sweet for me!


This is the Chocolate Cherry Croissant Bread Pudding which consists of warm croissant bread pudding with European Chocolate wafers and cherries. Served with vanilla gelato and caramel sauce. The gelato and the caramel sauce – I was all over the deliciousness!!! But, I sadly was not a fan of the bread pudding itself.


Now, my favorite!!!! Oh my GAWD you guys!!! These are the Croissant Donut Beignets. Yep – I said CROISSANT DONUT!!! Omg! These warm, crunchy Croissant Donut Beignets accompanied with signature dipping sauces makes for an interactive dessert that will tickle your taste buds and have you foodgasming something fierce. I loved these little suckers so much I wished I had saved more room for them, because DAYUM, they were good! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!

Well folks, there you have it. Your sneak peek at the new items on the Piquant menu, and how I felt about them. Overall I had a VERY pleasant experience, and would love to munch on a few of the items again and again and again. If nothing else I’ll take more beignets and Pumpkin Baileys with Vanilla Crown please! So good!

Now, I want to hear from you!!! Have you eaten at Piquant? What did you think of the place?

Announcing My Ghostblogging Business in a Weekend Course!

Ghostblogging Business in a Weekend

Update: LAUNCHED 5/31/17


I am insanely excited to announce my first course HAS LAUNCHED! I’ve been talking about creating this course for nearly two years now. It started as a discussion with several writers I know that kept asking me about how I’m making full time income from writing. Yes, I get paid to write in my pajamas! Instead of staying on the 9 to 5 path, I took a chance nine years ago and decided to become a freelance writer. Then, the economy tanked and the freelancers were the first to go at every publication I was writing for.

Fast forward to 2014 and an opportunity landed in my lap to start ghostwriting for a small business. A light bulb went off! I realized I wouldn’t get the credit, but I was ready to take the cash! So, I started ghostwriting for this small business owner’s blogs and slowly, but surely, began getting offers to write for other people’s blogs. In the midst of building my business I had to take on another 9 to 5 to make ends meet, but just six months later I was able to quit for good. I haven’t looked back since!

Now, I want to help YOU! If you are a writer already and want to know how to break into a ghost blogging business, this is the course for you. I’m going to give you all the tools and ideas you need to start your ghostblogging business in a weekend. Yep, 48 hours is all you need if you have the hustle and drive it takes to launch your work from anywhere with WiFi ghostblogging business!

Click the Buy Now button below, and let’s get you registered! Then, you will receive all the details you need to make your ghostblogging business dream a reality.

Grab the Ghostblogging Business in a Weekend Course for just $97!

Imagine starting your own business! Imagine having complete control over your hourly rate, not to mention the hours you will work. Picture being able to work anywhere with WiFi! Buy the course today, and I’ll teach you exactly how I did it. If I can do it, you can too!

Who is this course for? Learn more here!
