How To Cook A Pork Chop

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Get the juicy details on how to cook pork chops perfectly every time – Meta Description:in the oven, on the grill, or however you like them!

There’s nothing like a tasty pork chop! But how to cook it? Well, it’ll all depend on how you prepare it. You can cook it on a barbecue or grill or bake it in the oven. Below are tips for basic pork chop preparation that will make your mouth water!


Pork chops

How to Cook Pork Chops in the Oven

How you cook your pork chop will depend on its size. Your pork chop is average if it is about an inch thick. You can throw it in the oven and have finished pork chops after about 25 minutes. Preheat the oven to about 400 degrees. Because ovens vary, you should always keep an eye on the pork chops. Cut them down the middle to make sure they are white in the middle.

How to Cook Pork Chops on a Barbecue

Similar principles apply to the barbecue only you will cook it for a lesser period of time and flip it onto each side. Approximately ten minutes will suffice. Again, make sure you’ve cut the pork chops down the middle and to make sure the insides are white.

Pork Chops Seasoning

Shake and Bake seasoning is common for those who bake their pork chops in the oven. However, you should have no trouble finding a store brand that will essentially taste the same. You wouldn’t use this seasoning if you’re cooking the pork chops on a barbecue or grill. However, you can try Montreal steak spice or something similar. Indeed, the spices are meant for steak, but they can be multipurpose as well. Also, you can use your imagination! Visit the baking aisle in the grocery store to see what spices sound the most appealing to you!

Side Dishes for Pork Chops

Typically mashed or baked potatoes are served with pork chops. You can also choose from an array of steamed vegetables, including: broccoli, carrots, peas, green beans and asparagus. Apple sauce is also very nice to have as a side. There is no special time to eat pork chops, like a holiday. However, when summer rolls around, people love to break out the barbecue, so pork chops are definitely an option.

The benefit of such a meal is that it will keep for at least a few days if preserved properly. If you work odd hours or through dinner time, you can take pork chops with you. Just prepare several plates worth, take it with you and microwave it. That way you can avoid the more unhealthy indulgences in which some people must partake.

Now that you know the basics, you’re ready to make some unforgettable pork chops!