Valuable Tips To Lose Weight Easily

The process of losing weight should not be a very complicated one in order to achieve the best results.

You’ve heard it hundreds of times: if you want to lose weight, you should eat less and exercise more. It’s so simple and yet so difficult at the same time. When we are busy from morning to night, where should we find the time to exercise?

Your weight is normal if the BMI falls below 25. Between 25 and 30 is overweight; over 30, you’re in the danger zone. It should be noted that what is dangerous for health is the weight located around the waist because even the BMI has its limitations. For example, if you’re 20 pounds overweight in the buttocks and thighs, but your waist is normal, your excess weight does not present a hazard to your health. However, even if the excess weight is only around the waist, then there is the accumulation of fat within the abdomen and around vital organs.

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight remains a lifelong commitment. We must put in lots of will, time, and effort. You must be willing to change some habits permanently and for good reasons, not to please others, but yourself.

You’re the only one who can help you lose weight fast and easily, but that does not mean you have to do everything yourself. Seek support from your relatives, who are available to listen to you and encourage you. The ideal candidate may be someone who also wants to lose weight easily.

Set your progressive objectives such as eating better and exercising regularly, rather than distant goals like losing 50 pounds. Make sure your goals are realistic and measurable, such as walking 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Think of a way of doing things gradually changing your habits and the reasons why you gained weight on previous occasions.

Determine the date you begin. Plan periods of physical activity, prepare menus with lots of fruits and vegetables and do not forget to drink plenty of water. Identify potential obstacles and plan how you will deal.

A simple diet is the best way to lose weight fast and easily. By cutting 250 calories daily, you can lose about half a pound per week. But by adding 30 minutes of walking 4 days a week, you can double your weight loss. The purpose of the exercise is to burn more calories but offers other advantages. The number of calories you burn depends on the frequency, duration, and intensity of your activities.

Make physical activity and gradually increase the duration and intensity. Walking is a good choice, as well as swimming, cycling, running, and dancing. Think of different ways to move throughout the day: Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park far from entrances, walking, gardening, doing the lawn. Even housework helps burn calories, and it is a very easy way to lose weight at home.

Tips On How To Lose Weight Fast

Gaining weight fast is easy. Losing it, that’s a little more time-consuming and complicated. Here are some tips on how to lose weight fast.

First, you need to determine how much weight you need to lose. Then set a reasonable time frame for specific amounts. Don’t set completely unrealistic goals like 10 pounds a week. It is possible, but it is also incredibly unhealthy. The only people that do this are wrestlers. Something like 1 or 2 pounds a week is much more doable and safe. But losing pounds isn’t the only factor.

You also need to realize that pounds don’t exactly determine how much healthier you’re getting. If you wake up 5 pounds lighter, it doesn’t mean that you are that much closer to your goal. It just means you burnt the food you ate for dinner off in your sleep. A more accurate measurement of your progress is determining your body fat percentage. Make sure that you also set a goal in this. Just don’t set one that is too unrealistic. Now, tips on how to lose weight fast.

Sprint Intervals

Doing sprint intervals is a great way to torch calories and fat. Not only during the workout but for hours after it as well. Contrary to popular belief, running at a low intensity for a long time does not burn fat very quickly. Running at a much faster pace will cause your body to burn more calories to meet the energy needs. But not only do you burn a lot of calories in a much shorter time, allowing you to do other things, your body is also in an increased fat-burning state. For both the workout and for several hours afterward. Much more effective than running for miles.

Here is a sample sprint interval workout:

    -Dynamic Warm-Up (15 minutes, make sure you're nice and warm)
    -Sprint at full effort for 30 seconds
    -Take a 30-second rest
    -Sprint at full effort for 30 seconds again
    -Repeat this for 20 minutes

You can adjust the times as you progress. Moving up to 60-second sprints with 60-second rests. Then 2-minute sprints with 60-second rest. Also, increasing the time of the workout from 20 minutes to 30 or more.

Clean Up Your Diet

You can run as fast and hard as you want. If you don’t eat healthily, you will never get to where you want to be. Simple as that. Start by writing up a meal plan for each week. Then determine roughly how many calories you are eating each day. Then aim to decrease that amount by 200 to 500 calories each day.

Here’s a sample of how it works:

    3,000 calories per day currently
    Decreased to 2,500 calories per day
    Over a week, that is a deficit of 3,500 calories.
    A deficit of 3,500 calories over a week will equal one pound lost. Plus, the fat burning from the intervals.

Do sprint intervals 3 times per week, and start eating healthy. You’ll be on your way to a fit, lean body in no time. As for motivation, currently, 60% of America is obese. Do you really want to be part of that statistic?

The Advantages Of Slow Weight Loss

No dieter enjoys seeing the numbers of the scale move down slowly. However, it’s healthier when weight is lost at a slower rate. Instead of giving up, be encouraged.

Although most dieters are in a hurry to lose weight, it’s actually better to lose those pounds slowly rather than rapidly. According to Weight Watchers, losing two pounds per week or less is considered healthy. Here are a few advantages to losing weight at a slow pace.

Slower Weight Losses Last Longer

When a dieter loses weight too rapidly, chances are he (or she) won’t keep it off as long as if the weight came off at a slower rate. Why? That’s probably because metabolism slows down the faster the weight melts off. At first, the weight comes off fast, but then after the body adjusts to fewer calories, weight loss tends to slow down because metabolism also winds down. However, this is actually beneficial because weight won’t return as quickly when not dieting.

Losing Weight Slowly Teaches Dieters Good Eating Habits

Rather than considering your weight loss program a diet, think of it as a change of lifetime eating habits. Too many dieters determine to lose weight by a certain date, such as an upcoming wedding, school reunion, etc. Rather than adopting this mindset, just decide to change eating habits for a lifetime instead of a small chunk of time. This takes the pressure off trying to reach a particular goal by a certain date. In other words, don’t aim for a quick fix, but focus on developing healthier eating patterns.

  • Make better food choices – For example, eat more protein than carbohydrates. Fill up on whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as getting other daily food groups, rather than consuming empty calories containing no nutritional value. A well-balanced food plan is found in the Weight Watchers program.
  • Eat three balanced meals daily – Never miss a meal, even if you don’t feel like eating. By skipping meals, dieters can actually sabotage weight loss rather than help it.

Encouragement When Weight Loss is Slow

Even though losing weight slowly may be healthier, dieters can still get discouraged. Instead of being tempted to give up, follow these suggestions:

  • Take body measurements – Rather than fret those weeks when you’ve only lost .2 pounds or even worse, stayed the same, or gained some, take those body measurements. With a tape measure, record chest, waist, and hips measurements. Chances are, if you’ve been following your weight loss program, you have lost a few inches.
  • Stay positive
  • Buy or try on smaller-sized clothing
  • Use a bathroom scale indicating .2-pound increments –
  • Compare lost weight to objects – By comparing even a fractional weight loss with actual objects, you can receive a good idea of what you have lost. For example, if you’ve lost “only a pound,” stick a pound of butter around your stomach. Then, take stock of the overall weight loss. Ten pounds would equal a 10-pound bowling ball. Twenty to thirty pounds, a toddler. A fifty-pound weight loss is about the size of a five-year-old, and for a 50-70 pound weight loss, you’ve lost a large dog such as a boxer.

Losing Weight Slowly but Steadily

Several weeks of the scale not budging could be due to a weight loss plateau. If this is the case, it’s natural to be concerned, so make some adjustments to get the scale moving again, such as cutting more calories or enhancing your exercise routine. Just remember that weight loss at a slower rate is healthier whenever discouragement tries to force you to give up on your diet.

Sleep Better To Lose Weight

Sleep deprivation can drain your energy and make it nearly impossible to lose weight. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep when following a weight loss plan.

Are you getting enough sleep? If you aren’t getting between 7-8 hours of sleep per night, you may be jeopardizing your own weight loss efforts.

Whether you are a business executive or a stay-at-home mom, you probably lead a very busy life. More often than not, sleeping hours are used for other activities as we try to squeeze just a little more out of each day.

However, being sleep-deprived puts dieters at risk. If you are doing everything else by the book, but you are missing out on critical hours of sleep each night, you will likely have trouble losing weight. It’s time to examine your sleep patterns.

Examine Your Sleep Pattern to Lose Weight

 Having a hard time falling asleep at night?
 Frequently tossing and turning?
 Consistently waking up early and being unable to fall back to sleep?
 Waking up feeling tired?
 Experiencing a lack of energy throughout the day?

A lack of sleep causes more than low energy levels and irritability, though. It also reduces levels of certain growth hormones that are needed to metabolize carbs. An imbalance allows the body to store fat and burn fewer calories.

Get More Sleep to Lose Weight

Considering the most basic equation about weight loss that says you need to burn more calories and consume fewer calories to lose weight, sleep deficiency will do more hard than good. Consider revising your schedule and leaving plenty of time for sleep so that your body can work properly, and you will have the energy you need to do everything else on your mile-long to-do list.

You may have insomnia if you continue having trouble sleeping and answered yes to one or more of the questions above. Everyone has a restless night now and then, but if it persists for more than a couple of weeks, you should seek help. See your doctor for information on medications that can help you sleep. Sleeping better allows you to lose more weight.

Simple And Quick Exercise Routines For Busy Days

Don’t give up on exercise due to lack of time. There are many quick exercise routines that can be done throughout the day to increase energy and burn more calories.

Nowadays, people are busier than ever. Whether it is a busy job, family responsibilities, or just too many personal obligations, fitting exercise into the day is not easy and may even seem daunting. Luckily there are ways to squeeze in quick exercise routines into the busiest days.

Burn More Calories with a Pedometer

One of the best ways to fit in quick exercise workouts without even trying is by investing in a pedometer. Experts recommend working up to 10,000 steps per day, which equals approximately five miles.

Studies show that those who wear pedometers are more likely to move more throughout the day. By squeezing in a few brisk five-minute walks, parking further away, or just pacing the floors instead of sitting while on the phone, these small changes can add up quickly throughout the day.

Boost Metabolism with Strength Training

Another way to squeeze in quick exercise routines is by adding strength training. Strength training is very beneficial because a body that has more muscle will naturally burn more calories at rest. One way to fit strength training into a busy day is by investing in a set of dumbbells and work out for just a few minutes each morning or even in the evening while watching television.

Strength training does not have to involve heavy weights and long hours in the gym. Jorge Cruise, fitness expert and best-selling author of several weight loss books, including 8 Minutes in the Morning, developed a strength training routine that targets specific parts of the body each day with mini workouts lasting just eight minutes a day.

Turn Every Day Routines into Quick Exercise Sessions

Everyday routines also offer the chance to fit in exercise. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work and even taking multiple trips up and downstairs at home is a great way to increase physical activity. Household chores such as doing laundry will burn more calories by turning it into a mini-workout.

Just a few clothes at a time and making several trips to put them away instead of all at once. Vacuuming carpets is a great way to get in extra stretching. In fact, briskly tackling just about any household chore offers the opportunity to burn more calories.

Two healthy side effects to increasing exercise are more energy and a tendency to naturally eat better, and increased energy along with a healthy diet also gives a sense of well-being. Of course, before beginning any diet or exercise plan, it is always best to first consult a health care professional.

Reasons For Gaining Weight

There are some people who keep on gaining weight despite the fact that they have taken on a diet and have invested a considerable amount of time in the gym. We have always been told that a good diet coupled with exercise results in a good, healthy, and fit body. But how can we believe this advice if we have seen too many people struggle with obesity and uncontrolled weight gain even though they have consciously set themselves to eating healthy and taking on rigorous physical activities?

The truth is there is more to gaining weight than just ingestion of food and calories. Weight gain can be caused by a number of reasons, some medical-related and some genetically embedded in the genes.

Pregnancy As a Possible Reason for Gaining Weight

For some women, pregnancy may be the culprit behind their increasing weight. As the fetus develops inside the womb, women tend to eat more to support both themselves and the baby. Hence, the gaining of weight. However, while pregnancy weight gain may be normal, it should be monitored closely by a physician and should be kept at a certain level.

Typically, a pregnant woman’s weight gain may be assessed by a doctor based on the following factors: 1.) the number of babies inside the womb, 2.) the overall health of the woman, and 3.) the pre-pregnancy weight of the woman. Based on these factors, there is a range by which a pregnant woman may be assessed to be having a normal weight gain. If the gaining of weight is beyond what is expected, there may be an underlying problem behind it other than pregnancy.

Hypothyroidism and Weight Gain

Hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland fails to produce the right amount of thyroid hormone needed by the body, can be a reason behind an individual’s excessive weight gain. People suffering from this condition are likely to experience a dramatic increase in weight even though they adhere to a strict diet and exercise routine. This condition can lead to excessive accumulation of salt and water in the body tissues, leading to seemingly uncontrolled weight gain.

Weight Gain Can Be Due to Prescription Medications

Prescription medications can also lead to weight gain and obesity in some people. Some types of prescription drugs can dramatically change the manner by which food is stored in the body. It can also affect the insulin levels in the body. Moreover, they can increase a person’s appetite and encourage fluid retention within the body tissues. Some prescription medications that have higher chances of contributing to unwanted weight gain include antidepressants, steroids, antipsychotic drugs, and diabetes medications, to name a few.

Stress as a Factor to Weight Gain

Another possible reason for the accumulation of fats in the body is stress. Stress can slow down metabolism and give people a sense of hunger and fatigue. As a result, stressed people may tend to eat uncontrollably. Usually, stress can lead people to eat more food that is rich in carbohydrates as these types of food are known to provide the body with vital energy. More carbohydrates can lead to higher weight gain and obesity.

Depression and Weight Gain

People also have higher chances of gaining excessive weight when they are depressed. Depression can greatly affect the body’s biochemical processes, such as metabolism.

Typically, people suffering from depression may feel unexplained, intense sadness, and as a way to get away from this kind of feeling, they may resort to eating more. Additionally, they may take antidepressants, which are also a factor in excessive and uncontrollable weight gain.

Rapid Weight Loss Diets

Diet and exercise are key ways to lose weight fast, but there are some additional rapid weight loss diets that can be used to get results even faster. There are currently hundreds of rapid weight loss diets available for people to use who are looking for ways to lose weight fast.

Fat Burners

Fat burners, also referred to as thermogenic, provide a number of benefits for those who are trying to lose weight. Not only are they designed to increase fat burning in the body, but they also help to suppress appetite, which will allow for faster weight loss. Another benefit of using them is that they help to increase energy allowing for a longer or more intense workout. A longer or more intense workout will burn more calories. Here’s a further look into 3 FDA-approved weight loss pills.

Omega-3s, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) & Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA)

Omega-3s, CLA, and GLA are all fats that will actually help the body burn fat. That’s right, the body needs some fat, and eating fat can help the body in burning more fat which will result in weight loss. All of these fats can be found in foods, but taking CLA or GLA supplements may prove to give the best fat-burning results.

Omega-3s can be found in foods like fish and nuts, including salmon, tuna, mackerel, walnuts, and hazelnuts. They are also available in the form of fish oil and flaxseed, which can be taken as supplements to a healthy, balanced diet.

Conjugated linoleic acid can be found in various dairy and meat products. CLA helps the body reduce fat and increase muscle retention. Increasing lean muscle mass is important because muscle helps to burn more fat, even while the body is at rest.

Gamma-linolenic acid is generally better suited for those who are 10 to 20% overweight. GLA acts like an appetite suppressant and can be found in evening primrose oil and borage seed oil.

Colon Cleansers

Colon cleansers have been used by celebrities who are looking for ways to lose weight fast. They’re one of the most widely used rapid weight loss diets because they actually help the body to flush out toxins which can result in a quick 10 to 20-pound weight loss. Colon cleansers are popular because diet and exercise are not required in order to get weight loss results.

Meal Replacement Shakes

Meal replacement shakes can help people lose weight quickly because they are designed to replace a meal, and they provide a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats that the body needs. Most are also lower in calorie count than a typical “food” meal.

There are rapid weight loss diets that exist to help people drop unwanted pounds. It’s always important to speak with a physician in order to get the best possible recommendation.

Portion Control For Weight Loss

The Portion Teller, by Lisa Young, says to smart size, not supersize. Stop counting calories and pay attention to your portion sizes to lose weight.

The Portion Teller is a must-have weight control book by Lisa Young. Young explains that it is not what you eat but HOW MUCH you eat that makes you fat. Furthermore, to lose weight, you don’t have to cut calories. She says that knowing what a healthy serving size looks like and being able to correctly ‘eyeball’ the amount of a serving will help you shed pounds and stop you from unintentional overeating.

Growing Portions

The Portion Teller is filled with startling facts and statistics about portions and serving sizes. Knowing this information is important for making better choices and losing weight. Young compares the difference between a serving size now and several decades ago to show how we have supersized, as a nation. We eat 30-50% more now, and portions are truly out of control. Young blames these increasing portion sizes for the obesity epidemic we face today.

Overcoming the Obesity Epidemic

The solution to the obesity epidemic is as simple as reversing the things that made us fat. We need to smart size, not supersize our meals. By doing so, you’ll be able to eat the foods you love without cutting out entire food groups. Simply resist ordering the medium, large, and supersized portions when you eat out and measure everything you eat at home until it becomes second nature for you. Avoid overeating, and your body will adjust to the new portion sizes.

Be Aware of How Much You Eat

“The first step toward a lifelong change in your eating habits is portion-size awareness, the foundation of the Portion Teller program.” (24)

By learning what a portion really looks like, you will be able to find out exactly how much you have been overeating. Restaurants, for example, serve platters with 3-4 servings, and we often finish the entire plate without considering how much food we are really eating. You don’t need to track your calories to tell if you are overeating or not, but you must stop relying on fad diets and yoyo dieting. By becoming aware of what a portion size really is, you’ll be able to eat within your limits and lose weight sensibly.

Visualizing Food Portions

The Porton Teller describes a long list of food groups and specifics items and pairs them with a relatable item so you can mentally see what size serving you should have.

Portion examples:

 Meat – a deck of cards
 Fish – a checkbook
 Peanut butter – walnut
 Dressing – shot glass
 Butter- stamp
 Cereal – baseball
 Rice or pasta – half a baseball
 Bread- 1 CD
 Hard Cheese – 4 dice
 Mixed nuts – golf ball

Helpful tips for Becoming a Portion Teller

 Increase your daily fiber with whole wheat and veggies
 Realize that carbs aren't your enemy, and they, alone, won't make you fat
 Eat sweets in small portions to avoid feeling deprived
 Compare foods and make smart trade-offs to feel full longer
 Assess your food personality to make better choices
 Convert portions to serving sizes
 Use a diet diary to track your food portions

Overcoming Obesity And Overweight

Getting the straight skinny on sensible long-term weight loss, from risk factors to healthy dieting and how much exercise is necessary.

The body needs fat for warmth, shock absorption, and just-in-case energy. Losing as little as 5 to 10 percent of body weight can improve health outcomes. Goals need to be realistic and change consistently over time to achieve results.

The Risk Factors for Being Overweight Include Environment

The amount of fat storage and areas of the body affected may be determined by genetics. Family history also plays a role in learned patterns of eating behavior, as do culture and economic status. Older age goes along with reduced activity for most overweight individuals, who may have established sedentary lifestyles as children.

A fast-paced society pressures people to drive around the block and creates excuses to overindulge in snacks high in fat, salt, and sugar instead of cooking more nutritious meals. Insufficient sleep is associated with weight gain, as are some medications that stimulate the appetite. Quitting smoking improves a person’s sense of taste and smell, requiring vigilance to avoid weight gain.

One-Third of Adult Americans are Obese

That translates to 72 million people in the United States, according to The Obesity Society. Body mass index is a commonly used criterion to determine overweight and obesity by calculating body weight in relation to height in metric measurements. Weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared is the BMI formula; those for whom math is a challenge can use an online calculator. The World Health Organization defines a BMI between 25 and 29.9 as overweight, between 30 and 39.9 as obese, and a BMI over 40 as morbidly obese.

Elevated BMI is Associated With Chronic Health Conditions

Where fat is carried is important. Visceral fat or belly fat consists of adipose deposits in and between the abdominal organs. Visceral fat cells tend to be large, secrete chemicals, and proliferate rapidly. Belly fat poses a greater risk to health than the kind that can be pinched, such as fat deposited under the skin around the waist.

Increased belly fat and high BMI are associated with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, coronary artery disease, stroke, sleep apnea, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, infertility, pregnancy complications, and some types of cancer.

Excess Calories Produce Fat

It takes 3,500 calories to gain 1 lb. of fat. That means dropping only 250 calories a day can affect a weight loss of half a pound a week. Losing one pound a week can be accomplished by taking in 500 calories less per day. Keeping a food diary may help pinpoint high-calorie foods like sodas and chips that dieters can exchange for healthier water, low-fat proteins, high fiber vegetables, fruit, or whole grains.

Adding exercise while reducing calories helps to preserve muscle mass. Birn suggests a minimum of two and a half hours per week of moderate exercises, such as walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week.

Positive Coping Mechanisms Aid Weight Loss

Healthy ways to manage stress may not come naturally to someone fighting the stigma of obesity in society. Cultivation of a social network or support group and regular monitoring increase motivation. Educating others helps develop a positive self-image.

Millions of Americans are overweight or obese. Extra pounds are associated with health risks. Eating fewer calories and becoming more active need to become a way of life and a state of mind in order to achieve lasting results.

Motivation Tips For Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

When it comes to fat loss, it’s not just about finding motivation for the initial weight reduction. It’s also about maintaining motivation in the long term.

Motivation can come in many forms. What will work and won’t work is up to the preferences and personality of the person who is training; however, finding something that does work will help fitness become a part of life permanently.

Be Specific With Exercise Goals

By constantly reassessing fitness goals, there is always something to aim towards and something to achieve. Without specific goals, there is rarely a sense of achievement, and training from week to week is likely to have very little direction.

Exercise goals can include trying to achieve a set number of exercise repetitions (30 crunches in a row), aiming to improve time or distance (five-kilometer run in less than 20 minutes), a cumulative task (complete a marathon over the course of one month) – anything that conforms to the SMARTER mnemonic.

Hit the Gym With a Fitness Buddy

Training in a large group environment, such as bootcamp-style training sessions and group fitness classes, can be extremely motivating. With many people working towards a similar goal, it can be more challenging and more fun.

Even finding a training partner or personal trainer is a great way of staying on track. Being accountable to someone else may prevent the excuses setting in when time gets tough, and motivation dwindles.

Revamp the Workout Music Playlist

For the last two decades, sports psychologist Dr. Costas Karageorghis (from Britain’s Brunel University) has been researching the effect of music when it comes to sports and exercise.

Selecting workout music of a similar tempo to the exercise pace may help increase efficiency during an exercise session. Benefits may include increased endurance due to distraction, more enjoyment from training, and faster performance.

Find Some Inspiration

This is limited only by the imagination. Inspiration may be writing down a list of reasons why exercise is important. It could be several motivational pictures of people who have achieved weight loss, fit athletes, and focused sports professionals. It may be a recent photograph that changed the self-image.

Whatever method is chosen, inspiration comes down to personal reasons for training.

Exercise Should be Fun

Nobody likes to do things that aren’t fun, and that’s usually the case when it comes to exercise. Whether it’s working out at the gym, training outside, taking up an individual sport, or playing a team sport, there are many activities that will achieve fat loss and weight management.

Gym alternatives include dancing, ice skating, martial arts, rollerblading, skiing, swimming, rock climbing, and dog walking. If exercise becomes boring, it’s time to change the routine.

Acknowledge Weight Loss Achievements

It takes a lot of sweat and hard work to lose weight, so when goals are achieved, it’s important to acknowledge the effort that’s been put in.

If there is a lot of difference between the current weight and eventual goal weight, it’s a good idea to break that key goal into smaller, more achievable goals of no more than five kilograms. Plan for small rewards at each mini-goal (like a facial or massage) and a big reward for the final goal (such as a holiday or new exercise clothes and shoes).