My First Time Getting an IV – A Painful Pincushion Experience

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A first I never wanted to experience – my first time getting an IV. Read all about my experience and perhaps it will help save you some pain.

The First Stick is Always the Hardest: My First Time Getting an IV 

I had always somehow avoided getting an IV up until a couple of weeks ago when I landed in the emergency room. As someone terrified of needles, I had been dreading the prospect of having an IV inserted. However, when a nasty bout of uterine fibroids and severe dehydration landed me in the ER, it turned out an IV was necessary.

Deep down I knew it was coming when I was assigned to a room, and the nurse came in to take my vitals. Still, I couldn’t help but tense up when she said the fateful words “Ok, I’m going to place an IV now to give you fluids.” 

As she tied the tourniquet around my arm and felt for a vein, I had to remember to breathe and stay still even though my heart raced inside. 

I let out an involuntary wince when the needle first pierced my skin. The nurse apologized and said something to the effect of “First sticks can always be tricky, the veins move around.” 

However, after a few more pokes, well, she couldn’t get it in. 

That’s what she said! Jokes aside, this experience sucked!

Poking and Prodding Like a Pincushion

Getting an IV placed can sometimes be tricky if the nurse has difficulty locating a good vein. 

Here is some advice on what to do if this happens:

Try to stay calm and relaxed even if the nurse needs to make multiple attempts. Tensing up can cause veins to narrow and be harder to access. Take slow, deep breaths and focus your mind elsewhere.


Speak up politely if the poking and prodding becomes truly unbearable. Politely state that you are feeling faint or in too much distress. A good nurse will recognize when to pause attempts before the patient becomes overly traumatized.

Again, I wasn’t doing well with this. I tried to be as polite as possible, but instead it just came out with a lot of tears as I begged her to stop.

Request that another experienced nurse or IV specialist come try inserting the IV. A second pair of eyes and hands can sometimes have better luck on difficult stick patients.

I got lucky in this respect because my first nurse gave up before I had to ask for someone else. She decided she couldn’t do it, and was called to another room just in the knick of time!

Ask if ultrasound guidance for the IV is available. Many hospitals now have portable ultrasound machines that can visually map out vein locations under the skin. This technology can guide the needle right to a viable vein.

Again, I got super lucky here that I didn’t have to ask. The second nurse came in with an ultrasound machine. And thank goodness because in truth, until that day I actually didn’t know there were ultrasound machines that could help nurses find a vein!

Remember that difficult IV insertion is common and no one’s fault. Whether due to dehydration, treatment history, or anatomy, some patients present challenges. Open communication with an emphasis on patience makes the process easier on both sides.

In my case, I was insanely dehydrated, and I wasn’t permitted to drink anything because we didn’t know if emergency surgery was going to be necessary for the fibroid situation I was dealing with or now.

Still, I understand that getting an IV line established is important for administering fluids and medications. Working as an understanding patient with your nurses leads to the best outcome. But do speak up if you feel further attempts start compromising your health or sanity! Healthy veins for the win.

This Was Different from Blood Draws in the Past

Look, I’m no stranger to needles, having to have my blood drawn many times before. However, somehow getting this IV felt much more intense than past blood draws.

With blood draws, there’s the familiar prick of the needle, but once it’s inside a vein the nurses usually don’t have to dig around too much.

The IV needle seemed thicker and I could feel it wiggling inside my arm as the nurse tried to position it correctly. Blood draws are usually a smooth process once the needle is in. 

This IV insertion felt more like a journey to find just the right spot amidst my slippery veins. 

While I understand both the IV and blood draws serve important medical purposes, I’ll take a simple blood draw over uncomfortably getting an IV any day if I have a say! However, in an emergency situation like this, I was grateful the nurses persisted until they secured the IV that eventually brought my body much needed relief.

“I’m in!”

It took a lot of effort, but finally I heard the magic words “I’m in!” as she got the IV in on the first try with the help of the ultrasound machine.

I felt a cool rush in my arm as she attached the saline pouch and the much-needed fluids began to flow into my vein. Even though it was uncomfortable and foreign at first, I had survived my first IV. Now that I know what to expect, I feel just a little bit braver for any medical adventures that come my way down the road. The first stick really was the hardest!

The Massive Bruise

Other than fluids, and a couple of new prescriptions, another thing I walked away with was a huge bruise on my arm from where the first nurse kept poking and prodding me. If this happens to you, here are some tips that were shared with me that may help heal a bruise from an IV more quickly:

Apply a cold compress. Ice wrapped in a towel and applied for 10-15 minutes a few times a day can help reduce inflammation and bruising. Don’t place ice directly on the skin.

Keep the area elevated. Try to avoid letting your arm with the IV bruise hang down by your side. Keeping it propped up above heart level will minimize pooling of blood and speed healing.

Use a gentle OTC pain relief cream. An over-the-counter cream with lidocaine or hydrocortisone could offer some comfort and anti-inflammatory benefits. Check that the ingredients are safe to use on broken skin.

Massage around the bruise lightly. Gentle massage can help stimulate blood flow and drainage of pooled blood from the area. Just avoid pressing directly on the tender bruise itself initially. 

Try an OTC Arnica cream or gel. Many find that topical arnica, a homeopathic herb, can aid bruise healing. It may reduce swelling and discoloration.

Protect the skin from further injury. Be extra careful not to bump or injure the bruised area again until it has fully healed. Additional trauma will worsen existing bruising.

Allow two weeks of healing time. Like any deep bruise, an IV bruise needs time for your body to naturally reabsorb blood from the surrounding tissue and mend damaged capillaries. Patience pays off. 

It’s been two weeks and my bruise on my arm has only now healed. It was a pretty rough experience overall, and it was tender to the touch for almost the entire two weeks.

See your doctor if pain persists longer than a few days or you notice signs of infection like pus or redness. Bruises hurt, but should gradually improve with time and care.

Welp, there you have it. My tale about my first time getting an IV. It’s an experience I genuinely hope I won’t have to have again anytime soon. If I have it my way, it’s one I won’t ever have to go through again. I will be keeping myself as hydrated as possible from now on though – just in case!

Top Plans for Fast and Effective Weight Loss

Top Plans for Fast and Effective Weight Loss - Woman Pointing to Belly

Looking for the top plans for fast and effective weight loss? I can relate! I’m covering a few of them in this post. Check it out!

3 Plans for Fast and Effective Weight Loss

Weight loss plans are something that have to be tailored to an individual’s personal preferences, health and nutritional requirements. It’s hard enough to lose weight, but having to pick a plan from thousands of options is overwhelming.

Many people just pick whatever plan is trending in that moment, but this can create a struggle for you and make you end up feeling discouraged if you don’t know enough about it to succeed.

You want to gauge your choice based on the amount of weight you need to lose, the speed with which you want to lose it, and any dietary preferences you have. There are other factors that may come into play, too.

These include things like your metabolism, your lifestyle (to ensure the plan you pick is convenient for you), and more. Even with the best weight loss plans, be realistic about how much weight you can lose in a short amount of time.

Below, you’re going to learn about three of the top weight loss plans people are buzzing about right now. They include a calorie deficit, a low carb option, and one of many fasting programs.

Of course, it’s important that you take your own health into consideration and get the input of your healthcare professional before you begin to implement any type of weight loss regimen.

Losing Weight Without Putting Your Health at Risk

Currently, the biggest weight loss fad making news are prescription injections that many want to steer clear of. These semaglutide shots squash a person’s hunger and help them lose weight quickly – but it’s not without risks.

Though they’re usually put in fine print, these risks include severe health situations like thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, kidney failure and more. Some people have experienced gallbladder problems, too – which can be very painful.

And there are also many unpleasant side effects. The most prevalent ones are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. While the side effects subside for some users, it’s often only until the next dose is taken, and then they have to go through it all over again.

The shots, which not only have serious risks and numerous side effects, also put a hefty dent in your wallet – if you can even find them in stock. Many consumers have complained that they can’t get their prescriptions refilled when they need them.

The cost for these shots can be about $1,400 per month, and insurance usually doesn’t cover it unless it’s being dispensed for diabetic needs, not just weight loss alone. So you’ll be spending a lot as you absorb the risks, too.

Losing weight shouldn’t be something where you have to suffer. Not everyone wants to put their health at risk just to shed pounds. Instead, they prefer to lose weight naturally by watching the nutrition aspect of their life.

1. Calorie Deficit Dieting to Help You Achieve Your Goals

One of the most popular plans being adopted right now by men and women who need to lose weight is a simple calorie deficit. With this plan, there’s no starving yourself or being told you can’t eat certain foods.

With a calorie deficit, you simply eat fewer calories than you burn. When you take this approach, your body begins burning the fat stores in your body as fuel. This may not be the fastest way to shed pounds, but it’s a safe and reliable method that won’t make you feel deprived.

To get started on a calorie deficit, you first have to calculate how many calories you burn. There are numerous online calculators that will give you the exact number – based on your age, height, weight, and level of activity each day.

Once you have that number, all you have to do is subtract either 500-1,000 calories from your daily total and you’ll lose weight! The more you subtract, the faster the weight will come off.

One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. So if you cut just 500 calories off your consumption for a week, you’ll lose a pound each week. That’s a total of 52 pounds per year – at a safe and healthy speed.

There are many benefits to using this weight loss method, in addition to shedding pounds. You’re likely to lower your blood pressure and improve your insulin sensitivity. You might see your cholesterol decrease and your risk of developing diabetes will diminish.

Many people love the calorie deficit plan because it doesn’t require a lot of planning or complicated knowledge. You just eat less. You can still have your favorite foods, as long as they fit within your calorie consumption numbers.

To have the best success with this type of plan, don’t spend all of your calories on low nutrient, highly processed foods. Instead, fill up on low calorie, dense foods that are packed with minerals and vitamins your body needs.

Make sure you’re staying active and drinking water to stay hydrated, too. As you begin losing weight, you’ll need to recalculate your caloric needs and adjust your numbers or you may hit a plateau.

2. Carb Reduction Dieting Is a Powerful Strategy for Quick Weight Loss

Many individuals struggle to lose weight because they’re addicted to high-processed carb-laden foods. When you lower your carbs, you give your body the ability to store fat faster.

There are different levels of carb reduction diet plans. The most extreme is the keto diet. On a keto diet plan, you’re eating a high fat, mid to high protein diet with the lowest amount of carbs possible.

Typically, keto dieters will calculate net carbs, not total carbs, and they’ll aim for a number of 30 or fewer carbs to put them in a state of ketosis. This allows their body to burn stored fat.

Everyone’s exact carb number is unique, so one person might go into ketosis eating 40 carbs, and another has to go down to 20 to be in that metabolic state. You may have to adjust your carbs to find out what your best numbers are.

Keto is a super fast way to lose weight. But it’s not without minor side effects. You may feel like you’re suffering from the “keto flu,” which will go away in a day or two. Some people also suffer from constipation and bad breath, but these aren’t hard to overcome.

You don’t have to go to such extremes if you want to use a low carb diet plan, though. You can simply lower your carb count to 150 or fewer total carbs to reap the benefits of this type of diet.

You can do any number that suits you – 50 carbs, 100 carbs or up to 150 carbs total. Low carb diets can be filled with things like meat, avocados, nuts, eggs, and fish. You’ll want to limit fruits to things like strawberries and blueberries because they’re lower in carbs.

Try to eat a variety of high protein foods like beef, fish, chicken and eggs. Add high fat healthy foods like avocados and nuts or even extra virgin olive oil. If you eat vegetables, choose low carb options like spinach instead of a potato.

It’s important that you learn how to calculate the net carbs and read food labels so that you can see just how many carbs you’re consuming. If you stall out with your weight loss, you might need to make an adjustment of your carb intake and lower the number a bit more.

The good news is, many people lose their cravings for processed foods, but if you still want things like desserts, you’ll find low carb healthy options like chocolate mousse and other yummy keto-friendly options.

3. Fasting Is a Diet Plan That Has Many Options

Fasting is a method of dieting where you’re going without food for a prolonged period of time. The good news is, there are different types of fasting programs, so you can adopt one that works best for you.

When you’re fasting, your body begins to burn fat for fuel, but it also delivers other benefits to your health, including a reduction in inflammation, improved sensitivity for insulin, and a stable, lower blood pressure and cholesterol number.

You can choose which type of fasting plan you want to be on. Some people find it easier to do the 5:2 fasting plan. This is where you’ll eat normal for five days a week and then fast for two days a week.

Others prefer to adopt an alternate day fasting schedule, where they eat every other day and fast on alternate days. You can eat normally on the food days, but restrict yourself to water on fasting days.

Another method of using fasting to lose weight is to narrow the food window you have eat day. For example, some people do a 16:8 diet, which is where you fast for 16 hours and have an 8-hour eating window.

Or, you can choose to have a window of 14 hours of fasting and 10 hours of eating, or shorten it up to a 20 hour fast and four-hour eating window. You can even split the day in half and do a 12:12 window.

When it comes to fasting, it technically means you’re only drinking water. However, some people use the approach that on fasting days, they can have up to 500 calories, but that will obviously not results in as much weight loss.

When fasting, you might want to start out with a less stringent approach and then make it more difficult. For example, you might start out with a 12:12 fast and then move to an alternate day fast with 500 calories allowed on fasting days, then eliminate that allowance of calories as you increase the intensity.

When you are eating on a fast, don’t gorge on processed, unhealthy foods. Try to nurture your body with as many healthy foods as possible, which means foods rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, too – whether you’re in a fasting period or not. If you fast for too long, you might end up feeling side effects such as being weak or dizzy, so pay attention to how you’re feeling.

Making the Most of Your Choice and Preventing Plateaus

While these are the top three plans that people are pursuing right now, they’re definitely not the only ones that you can choose from. You want to select something that fits in with your lifestyle as well as your personal preferences.

Choose a diet plan that you feel you can stick to over a long period of time. You don’t want to be doing something that you feel frustrated with or where you are focused on deprivation instead of the success that you are seeing on the scale.

You might find other diet plans that are a better fit for you, as you begin to try a variety of programs out. For example, if you discover that you love eating healthy fruits and vegetables as well as fish, you might go on the Mediterranean diet.

Be willing and able to make adjustments as you need to, regardless of which plan you select to start with. Don’t just jump from one plan to another initially, but try to work with the one you start with and make adjustments to see if you can tweak it to a place where it will work for you.

It’s important that whenever you’re embarking on a weight loss plan, that you’re tracking everything. You want to track the food that you eat (every bite) and the nutrition of it, such as the calories and carbs.

If you’re doing something like fasting and this isn’t a concern, then you may want to track your hours carefully. However, if you’re sticking to a specific time frame and still not losing weight with fasting, you may need to go ahead and track your food intake to see if you are overeating during your meal times.

It’s not uncommon for people to experience a plateau whenever they are losing weight. You might start off with a high weight loss due to shedding water weight, and then see it slow down as your metabolism diminishes.

Additionally, you may notice that your mindset has a shift from the time when you first started and you were full of enthusiasm and hope to a time when you have plateaued and are feeling discouraged, so you want to make sure you are keeping yourself motivated in the process.

It might help to celebrate non scale victories in addition to the weight loss that you are experiencing. This can help you get through a plateau, when you may notice other changes taking place, such as an increase of energy or the ability to sleep better, even though you aren’t losing weight at that moment.

You might want to make an attempt at testing out each of these three top weight loss plans to see which one your body responds to best, and which one you feel you can stick to for a longer period of time.

Activities To Bring A Family Closer Together

Creating activities to bring your family closer together has limitless possibilities. Parents can create many moments, hours and days to encourage every member participate together.

The activities may include games, projects, entertainment, parties and other kinds of togetherness. The events should be planned as frequently as possible, no matter how busy the family schedules. Each moment you savor while close together becomes a precious memory to be enjoyed in the future.

Some suggestions may help parents plan for these happy and sharing occasions.


These enjoyable outdoor meals can be planned together at the local park, seashore, mountain trail or just in the back yard. They’re more sharing if each member of the family is assigned a task. The work may include putting together sandwiches, mixing salads, making desserts, preparing fresh fruit drinks, serving and clean-up chores.


This doesn’t necessarily require attending expensive concerts and professional plays. Tickets to the local high school or college music or dramatic event are not costly. By everyone attending together, you’ll be helping educational organizations that need your support.


Take the entire family on an exciting trip. It could be anything from a day at the local amusement park to a rollicking ocean cruise. Additionally, for real outdoors activities together, schedule a family trip to a national park. It will be an educational experience for the kids, as well as fun for everyone. Further, if you all agree to do it in the old-fashioned way, load up the gear and make it a family camping trip.

Home improvement

Everyone feels important when put to work doing something constructive for the entire family. When it’s time to paint, repair and plant, give each person a task. There’s no pride more satisfying when you can look back on the old family home days, and know you’ve put in a new porch, repaired the old shower stall or planted a veggie garden.


Check with your local church and social agencies about how your family can help others. Help out at a downtown food kitchen, join in on a church rummage sale for the homeless or visit lonely old folks at a nursing home. Your family will feel the pride of contributing to your community, while the youngest acquire valuable lessons in caring for others.

There are many activities parents can choose to bring their family closer. What they do should be fun, but the most important and lasting fact is that they will be doing it together.

5 Aromatherapy Oils For House Cleaning

Whether you make your own cleaning products from scratch or simply want to incorporate aromatherapy oils into the house-keeping regimen you already follow, it’s helpful to keep a good supply of fragrant essential oils to use in cleaning.

These can be added a few drops at a time to homemade cleaning products, or they can simply be diluted with water and used to substitute or supplement your normal routine. Aromatherapy oils can not only fill your home with soothing, pleasant, and possibly even medicinal scents, but they can also help to kill bacteria, mold, viruses, and even bugs. Here are five aromatherapy oils to use in house cleaning.

  1. Clove Oil

It not only smells divine, but it’s a potent poison for pests and pathogens! Clove oil ranked highest out of a review of several aromatherapy oils as an insect repellent, and it also seems to defeat staph, strep, and other deadly bacteria.

While it’s best use is as a mosquito repellent, clove aromatherapy oil can also help to keep your home free of icky pests like bed bugs, fleas, cockroaches, and even those pesky, hard-to-kill fire ants. Wipe down your countertops and baseboards with this pest-repelling, spicy, fragrant oil to keep your home clean and pest-free.

  1. Orange Oil

Long hailed as a favorite aromatherapy oil for house cleaning, orange oil is one of the greenest products around because it’s a natural by-product of the orange juice industry, and makes use of a waste product.

It’s an excellent furniture polish and can also be used on counter tops and in sinks, and it’s extremely effective for killing Salmonella and E. Coli, which are deadly infections that can hide in your own kitchen. Humans, on the other hand, might benefit just from smelling the stuff: orange oil is often used to help lift mood and beat the blues.

  1. Tea Tree Oil

One of the world’s most popular aromatherapy oils, tea tree oil has a crisp, clean fragrance and powerful antiseptic properties. In alternative medicine, it’s used primarily as a topical treatment for acne and fungal infections, but it can do so much more! A few drops of tea tree oil mixed with water or cleaning products appears to be a potent weapon against the antibiotic-resistant superbug MRSA.

In fact, one study suggested that it be recommended in hospitals alongside other treatments to battle MRSA. Of course, it doesn’t end there: tea tree oil can prevent the growth of mold and other fungi and makes an excellent product for cleaning your bathroom and your kitchen sink.

  1. Peppermint Oil

When we smell peppermint, we think “clean.” Why else would this herb have been used for so many hundreds of years in products for dental health and fresh breath? Peppermint oil doesn’t just smell clean, though: it actually helps to keep your home free of disease. Peppermint fights the growth of fungi, bacteria, and certain viruses, and its scent is purported to improve mood and make people feel more vibrant and awake.

Although it hasn’t been studied much, it may have another benefit for keeping homes clean. Folk wisdom claims that rodents hate the smell of peppermint and won’t enter a home that has been cleaned with it. It certainly can’t hurt to use it to keep mice and rats away!

  1. Lavender Oil

Lavender aromatherapy oil for housekeeping is becoming very popular. It’s a primary ingredient in many natural cleaning products sold in stores today. Lavender is known for its soothing and calming properties. Its name, which means “to wash,” accurately reflects its centuries-old reputation as an ingredient in soap. Spray a fine mist of lavender in your shower or use it to freshen up your linens between washes. According to aromatherapy proponents, it will be emotionally soothing, not just cleansing!

Aromatherapy oils can be an excellent component of your own housekeeping plan, whether you use them to make your own cleaning products or simply to supplement the products you’re already using. Unlike a lot of harsh “chemical” cleaners, aromatherapy oils not only make your home cleaner and safer, but they also smell wonderful and may even have health benefits!

Detoxify And Cleanse Your Body

In every person’s life there comes a time to examine what might not be healthy life choices, such as consuming excess fats, carbs, sugars, and processed foods in general. These unhealthy choices add up over a lifetime to create long term health problems such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems, among others.

Many of the negative effects from eating unhealthy foods can be reduced, and with a nutritionist and doctor’s help, often reversed to a great extent. While eating the right kinds of food and exercising are two of the most life-changing instruments, there is another valuable tool to utilize in fighting for good health.

Ridding the Body of Toxins

We can begin by ridding our bodies of toxins which are in our air, our water and our food. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates there are over 70,000 different toxins that we can be exposed to at any moment. If your liver is overwhelmed with toxins from your blood stream, it becomes sluggish and can lead to poor health, disrupting the body’s internal balance.

If the toxins don’t get properly neutralized and excreted, they end up being stored in your cells. When that happens, you can experience chronic fatigue, brain fog, muddled thinking, mood swings, and even aches and pains.

Detoxification is Crucial

Whether we live in a busy city or a suburb-by-the-sea, our bodies have an increased need for protection from the toxins in our 21st century environment. Detoxification is also crucial for weight loss because toxins are stored in our body fat. In order to flush them out, the hard-working liver must break everything down that enters the body.

Prepare Yourself for Internal Cleansing

To prepare yourself for internal cleansing, consume lots of clean spring water and foods that support both the liver and the colon, such as:

 organic broccoli
 leafy greens
 citrus fruits
 flaxseed oil
 olive oil
 cranberry juice
 lean meats

Benefits of Colon Cleansing

 high energy
 sharpening of mental capabilities
 enhancement in digestion
 weight loss
 prevention of illness
 boost in emotional well-being
 elimination of unhealthy food addictions and allergies
 spiritual renewal
 minimizing the effects of aging

In health food stores everywhere one can find a plethora of products to cleanse and detoxify the body of unnecessary and harmful toxins. Talk with a nutritionist, doctor, naturopathic doctor, or get help from the health food store staff to get your healthy start in cleansing and detoxification.

50 Things I Like About Myself

I was challenged by my therapist to write a list of 50 Things I Like About Myself. Here’s what I came up with. I hope it inspires your own list!

My Therapist’s Challenge

Recently, my therapist challenged me to write a list of 50 things I like about myself. I struggled with this because self love is not something I’m very good at. But, I managed to get 20 on the list by the time we had our next session.

She pressed on though and kept encouraging me to write the other 30. This has been going on for a few weeks, but I kept resisting. I just didn’t think I could fill out 50 things I like about myself.

For the last several days, my homework was to do some self reflection. She said for 15 minutes a day, go into a quiet space (without your phone!) and just sit with your thoughts. Another thing I’m not good at – sitting with my thoughts generally sends me into a panic and before I know it I’m scrolling Facebook and TikTok.

Still, a deal is a deal and I promised myself I was going to give this a fair shot. So, today is the fourth day in a row that I’ve left my phone on the desk and sat in a chair staring into the abyss. The first day, I unexpectedly just started crying through most of my 15 minutes and it actually turned into a couple of hours of self reflection.

Day two – well, I only sat for 45 minutes, but I started to gain some clarity on myself and what I want from this crazy thing called life.

Day three – that ended up being quite a doozy because it brought up some thoughts that turned into a roughly four hour discussion with my husband about things we want to do and things we need to do.

Then today – for some reason, the list of 50 things I like about myself was heavy on my mind. So heavy in fact, that I sat outside in a chair staring at the sky stumped about what I could add to my journal before my next therapy appointment on Wednesday.

When I got hot enough from the sun switching positions and hitting my skin, I came inside, and I opened my mind even further.

A Moment of Inspiration

I decided to read some lists others have written about self love to inspire me to think more deeply about things I actually like or love about myself.

I was surprised as I started thinking about myself how much more easily I wrote out 30 more things I like or love about me. I added my full list of 50 things to a special sheet to re-read in moments of self doubt.

Below is my list of 50 things I like about myself. I share it in hopes that it will inspire you to write your own list. Self love is important, and we all need to learn how to love ourselves. I’m still very much a work in progress, but I feel like this is the best start on my path I’ve had in years!

Finally! 50 Things I Like About Myself

  1. My cooking. I’m a damn good cook. My husband and I barely like to go out to eat anymore because we prefer my cooking
  2. My creativity. I love how creative I am in business and in life
  3. My boobs. 😆 it feels funny to say that, but I’ve always loved having bigger boobs
  4. My smile. When it’s an authentic one, I feel prettier
  5. My bright blue eyes.
  6. How I take care of my dogs
  7. I’m good at drawing from examples. Like I can look at a cartoon and draw the characters pretty well.
  8. I like that I’m pretty good at talking to strangers
  9. I want to help other people
  10. I am always trying to learn something new
  11. I like that I’m always trying to think of ways to make my life easier and better
  12. That I advocated for myself to try therapy again
  13. That I’m trying to improve my life and mindset
  14. That I’ve not given up on life
  15. I love how much I love to laugh
  16. I love my ability to make others laugh and feel better
  17. Though my feet hurt right now (I have plantar fasciitis), I love that they have carried me through life so far
  18. I love my hands that type out my blogs and articles for myself and my clients.
  19. I’m loyal, though I fear I’m too loyal at times
  20. I like that I always want to do the right thing even when I don’t know what that is
  21. I’m always looking for an easy solution to complex problems – thinking outside of the box is a good thing
  22. I like my desire to see the world – I like that I’m open to seeing and trying new things
  23. I like my sense of adventure – even when it’s not as open-minded and free as I would prefer
  24. I like my ability to take random ingredients and come up with new dishes
  25. I like that I don’t want to just quit people or projects
  26. My legs that have supported me and been strong for me
  27. My cute haircut and my willingness to randomly chop off all my hair when I want a change
  28. I like that I care so fiercely for others – my open and loving heart is a good quality
  29. I went against what others told me and married my husband when I did. We celebrate 16 years Friday 7/29/22
  30. I like that I try new things even when I’m uncomfortable
  31. I like my rhythm and the way I can move my body when a good beat comes on
  32. I like my singing voice most of the time 😆. I love learning songs and then singing them
  33. My ability to retain lyrics and movie lines and blurt them out at random
  34. I like my sense of humor. I find some things funny that other people don’t, but that’s okay. Life is more fun w/ laughter
  35. I love my ability to love others
  36. When I do ask questions to get answers to things I don’t know/understand. Even when I feel silly asking questions, I like what the answers reveal. I want to ask even more questions and feel comfortable asking
  37. I like how many chances I give people. Though sometimes I shouldn’t with some people, I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt
  38. I’m looking for the good in others – I want to believe everyone has good in them
  39. I love my curiosity – I want to know alllllllll the things
  40. I love that I want to share the success stories of others. I want everyone to succeed, and I love sharing the cool things they are doing
  41. I love that I’m able to take care of myself. I am grateful I can wash my body, brush my teeth, cook for myself, etc…
  42. I love my woo woo and witchy ways. I abandoned that side of myself for too long, and now I’m embracing my inner witch and loving it
  43. I love that I always try to finish what I start. Though I have abandoned many projects, I’m grateful and proud of the ones I completed!
  44. I like that I got my college degree. Even though I don’t really use it, I’m proud of myself for completing my education to the level I did, and honestly think about getting my masters and PhD someday
  45. I like that I am 37 years old. While it bugs me I haven’t accomplished as much as I want to by now, I feel fortunate to be 37 because it wasn’t that long ago (in the grand scheme of things) where women and men didn’t make it to this age
  46. I love that ideas pour out of me as effortlessly as water from a waterfall. I’m a constant source of ideas
  47. I like that I take risks. Some of my big risks have blown up in my face, but some actually turned out okay
  48. I love that I have achieved many of my goals. I REALLY want to work on remembering this when I’m feeling down or like a failure – I’ve actually accomplished a lot – some things that people dream about and never achieve I have done
  49. I love my commitment to making my life better. I will never stop trying to make things better
  50. I love that I have survived 100% of my bad days and will continue surviving!!!

Your Turn – Write Your Own List!

Like I said, my hope with sharing this list is to inspire you to think about what you love about yourself. Here are some links to some of the posts I read that inspired me to finally complete my own list:

100 Things I Love About Myself by Olga Phoenix

40 Things I Love About Myself by Niklas Göke

65 Things I Love About Myself by Mindy of This Fairy Tale Life

20 Things I Freaking Love About Myself by Sara of Fabulous & Fatigued

Aromatherapy Information And Benefits

Aromatherapy is a popular alternative therapy form. The treatment is known to have positive effects on the mind and body. But some caution is also needed.

Anyone who visits a spa often must have undergone the rigorous pleasure provided by aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is becoming a rage among urban spa goers as the treatment is known as not just a relaxing option, but also a healthy one.

History of Aromatherapy Treatment

Aromatherapy is a treatment that traces its roots to many ancient civilizations. Egyptians, Greeks and Romans were only a few among the many civilizations who believed in this form of therapy. The main ingredients in this form of treatment are essential oils that are used for massage.

As per relevant sources, these essential oils were used for bodily treatment extensively by ancient Egyptians. Egyptians refined these oils for not just beautification purposes but also for treating illnesses.

Similarly, Greeks and Romans too utilized these oils in various sacred rituals and also for other purposes.

Essential Oils used in Aromatherapy

According to health and beauty experts, aromatherapy makes use of a lot of natural herb oils and products. The main oils used in this form of treatment are made from fragrant essences present in several plants.

Geranium, tea tree, lavender, cedar wood and chamomile are some such oils that are utilized for aromatherapy. Each of these oils is known to possess specific qualities that act as healing and relaxing agents when applied on the body.

Advantages of Aromatherapy Oils

Health experts who promote aromatherapy as a healing therapy claim that many of the oils used in this treatment possess anti-bacterial elements.

These oils are also known to have stress-busting qualities and anti-depressing qualities. This therapy helps to relieve anxiety and also reduces nausea.

Each of the oils target different body anomalies. For instance, lavender helps to reduce ailments like insomnia and migraine.

Similarly, rosemary oil is known to lessen muscle sprains, aches and low blood pressure. Some of these oils are responsible for kindling lymphatic drainage as well.

Caution before Undergoing an Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is an alluring rejuvenating option. However, there are certain issues that must be known before undergoing a therapy.

According to therapy experts, every essential oil used in these treatments impacts different organs in the body. A person suffering from specific conditions must be aware how a certain oil massage might affect him during the therapy.

For instance, people with high blood pressure must stay away from rosemary, sage and thyme oils. Similarly, pregnant women must not go for oils like star anise, juniper and basil as these oils tend to stimulate the uterus.

Though some caution needs to be maintained, the fact cannot be ignored that aromatherapy is an effective way to deal with tension, stress and anxiety. It also helps the body and mind in a number of ways. Still, a person must consult an experience therapist or specialist before undergoing a certain oil massage.

Most Practical Essential Oils

Essential oils are produced by distillation of plant leaves, flowers, roots, seeds, and other parts known for their therapeutic properties. They are very potent extracts and caution should be exercised in their use. Essential oils are sometimes confused with perfume or fragrance oils.

These oils will not contain the same naturally occurring components and will not reap the same benefits as pure essential oils. This article outlines my top 3 picks of essential oils based upon 17 years experience with their use. Although there are many beneficial oils, these are the 3 that are never allowed to run out in my cabinet.

  1. Lavender Oil

My top pick for the most essential of essential oils is Lavender oil. If you are able to have only one oil in your cabinet, this is the one to have. This oil is unsurpassed for its anti-inflammatory properties and versatility. Lavender EO can be used neat (applied directly to the skin), unlike many oils that need to be diluted with a carrier oil. My family has successfully used Lavender oil for minor burns, allergic skin irritations, and joint pain.

It is the only thing that brings relief to my 10 year old son from a painful, itchy allergic reaction on his palms and soles of his feet. All that is required is a couple of drops of Lavender oil rubbed into the affected area and he is as good as new. He takes it with him whenever he spends the night with anyone or goes swimming. We have used it countless times for burns, it instantly soothes the burn and prevents further damage to the skin. Massage a few drops into sore, aching joints or muscles or into the temples for a headache.

Lavender is also known for its soothing effect on the nervous system. It is indicated in cases of stress, insomnia, and nervousness. For this reason it is frequently seen in soothing bath preparations, incense, and sachets. However, care should be taken not to mistake fragrance oils and synthetic fragrances for pure essential oil of Lavender.

  1. Tea Tree Oil

Second to Lavender oil is Tea Tree oil. This oil is in such high demand today that it can be found on the store shelves of Wal-Mart along with the vitamins and supplements. Most people are able to use Tea Tree oil neat, however this oil is strong and some may find it irritating to the skin. In this case it can be diluted in a carrier oil or in pure Aloe gel. Tea Tree oil is antiseptic and anti-fungal, making it useful in the treatment of athletes foot, ring worm, and fungal infections of the nails.

Tea tree oil is also indicated for head lice prevention or cure. Mixing tea tree oil with shampoo during outbreaks at school will keep the family free of infestation. An added benefit is that this oil reduces dandruff and scalp itch which can sometimes be a problem in the winter when head lice outbreaks are common. I have also used tea tree oil to clean and disinfect surfaces in the bathroom and avoid mildew.

  1. Lemon Oil

Lemon oil boosts the immune system and can be used as a vapor or in a burner to help prevent colds and other infections. It improves circulation when used in a bath but must be diluted with a carrier oil. It is antibacterial and antiseptic and can be used to clean household surfaces. It cuts grease and can be used for oily skin and hair conditions when properly diluted.

I have successfully used lemon oil to remove a wart on my son’s finger. I applied the oil with a Q-tip several times/ day and it took less than a week to remove the wart. I also frequently use lemon oil for cleaning in the kitchen. It cuts through grease, is antiseptic, and has a fresh, clean smell. In addition to adding it to cleaning water; cleaning cloths can be made by mixing lemon oil with water and then adding it to heavy-duty paper towels (made for the shop and sold in the automotive department) which are stored in a handy baby wipe container.

There you have it; my top 3 picks of essential essential oils. I hope that you have found this article useful.

Unusual Uses For Essential Oil

Aromatherapy: a way of using aromas and fragrances to calm the soul, relax the nerves and rejuvenate the spirit. Essential oils, small bottles of liquid fragrance, is just what the doctor ordered when it comes to aromatherapy, but did you know those water-like fragrances can be used in other ways? Here are a few you might not have considered:

Most of us use fabric softener, but to change the smell of the dried clothes, add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil onto a dry washcloth. Place in the clothes dryer along with the damp clothes. The clothes will be static-free but won’t smell like everyone else’s clothing.

Instead of throwing out old potpourri, which has lost its smell, place the potpourri in a plastic bag. Drop in a couple of drops of essential oil and shake. Place the scented potpourri back in the container where it was.

Don’t purchase room deodorizing sprays; make them yourself. Just use a squirt bottle full of water and drop in three or four drops of your chosen oil. Spray around the room, spray the furniture, spray rugs, lampshades, drapes and more

Add essential oil drops – two or three drops – to a box of cornstarch or baking soda. Tape the box shut and shake well. Leave this sitting for a day or two then sprinkle it on your capets and rugs. After allowing it to stand for an hour, vacuum up the powder and enjoy!

Purchase small brass rings from a craft store and use them to scent the room. Lay a ring on the light bulb of a lamp and drop a single drop of essential oil on the ring. As the bulb heats the ring the aroma will fill the room.

Put a couple of drops of essential oil on a cotton ball and place it inside your vacuum cleaner bag. The scent fills the room as you sweep. Place a new cotton ball in only when you change the bag.

Run mice out of the house by using peppermint oil on cotton balls. Place them under the kitchen sink, inside closets and other areas where mice are a problem.

Dab cotton balls with lemon oil and place one in each of your sneakers or other shoes. Overnight, the essential oil will eliminate bad odors and leave your shoes smelling great. Do this to car interiors, too. Dab the chosen oil on the cotton balls and set one under each seat.

Smells and aromas are a part of our everyday lives but those smells can be good, not bad. With essential oils you can have lovely aromas in your home, your vehicle and on your person at all times!

Flower Girl How To Wear Sophisticated Florals For Spring

Florals are a classic Spring pattern and can be a gorgeous way to welcome the change of seasons. Keep them sophisticated and sassy with these key tips!

April showers bring May flowers in more ways than one! Spring has arrived and with it come the pretty, floaty florals that look so lovely on the hanger but can be a little daunting to work into your wardrobe. A little floral can go a long way, so learning to wear blossoms without looking like you’re off to your first day of school can be hard to master. Using these few tips can insure that you look fresh and sophisticated instead of like you’re missing your lunchbox and pigtails.

Keep it in Proportion

First and foremost, make sure the size of the pattern is in proportion to the size of your body. This rule applies to patterns in general, but it especially important to keep in mind when wearing florals. If you’re petite, a Liberty floral or something similar in a small scale is perfect to keep your small body from being overwhelmed. Similarly, if you’re tall or have a larger frame go with a bigger print. Small florals can look childish on a larger body, and the last thing you want is to look like you’re wearing clothing from the kids department.

Polished Pairings

An easy way to keep a floral pattern from looking overly sweet is to pair the piece with something structured or even menswear-inspired. The juxtaposition of the sweet and serious creates visual interest.

A boyfriend blazer over a knee length floral dress with some short boots or even sandals keeps the look modern and provides the layering that spring weather often requires. Pairing a floral blouse with trouser jeans is both casual and crisp and can even be appropriate for a work environment in a more casual office. One look that never goes out of style is high-waisted cream trousers with a soft floral blouse tucked in paired with simple jewelry and heels. Sophisticated and feminine!

Structured Silhouette

While it may be tempting to pick up that floor length, 1970s inspired slipdress with the sweeping skirt, stay away. Since floral patterns are inherently girly and youthful, it’s important to keep the silhouette modern and crisp, especially if you’re going for an all over floral look in a dress. Keep the item fitted and well tailored, not too tight or too flowy.

A slim pencil skirt in an unexpected floral pattern can be surprisingly stylish when worn with a button down shirt and muted metallic or nude heels. A sleek and modern floral dress can be young and stylish with gladiator heels or wedges and a bold accessory or purse. If the floral item in question looks like it could be worn on the set of “Hair”, it’s generally not appropriate for this decade, especially if you’re planning on wearing it to work.

Floral fabrics can be a fresh and feminine way to take your wardrobe into the Spring season, and can be worn by any body type and at any age. All patterns are trickier to wear than solids, and florals may be the hardest. Make them flattering and stylish by keeping the size of the pattern in proportion to the size of your body, pairing the floral item in the outfit with sleek and structured items, and choosing a floral item that is well tailored to your body. With these simple tips anyone can be a flower girl this Spring season!