Student Loan Costs: Are You Feeling the Crush?

Feeling the crush of student loan costs? This guest post from may help.

Maybe you’re a high school senior looking forward to graduating and attending a fab four-year college next fall. Or a college grad hoping to maximize your skills base and earning potential by pursuing a graduate degree. I don’t blame you—or your parents, if they’re helping to finance your education—if you’re stunned by the cost of higher education today. Or perhaps you’re just one of the 43 million Americans who currently carry student debt and wake up every morning wondering how you’re going to manage to pay off your loans. The average college graduate in the US today has somewhere in the neighborhood of $40,000 in student debt.

That’s a big nut to crack. But by most accounts, it’s worth chewing on. A recent report from the Georgetown University Center on Education revealed that college graduates are likely to earn more than $1.6 million in their lifetimes than their high school graduate friends. That’s a big incentive for getting that diploma to hang on the wall.

But like a million ads for a million different products have asked before, “Why pay more?” Whether you’re just investigating college costs or already sitting on a bunch of student loans, you need a strategy. The goal? Paying as little as you can for the high-quality education you deserve. Let’s take a look at a few of the steps you can take to put that plan into action.

Best Tip of All: Let Someone Else Foot the Bill

No, we don’t mean your parents—though many students do rely on their folks for financial support while they’re pursuing their degrees. And that’s okay! Moms and dads want to do their best for their kids. Let them do their loving parent thing. It’s why you were born. But keep in mind that you can reduce the financial burden on them—and yourself—by pursuing scholarships, fellowships, and other financial awards. The organizations that fund these scholarships run the gamut from colleges and universities themselves to corporate entities like Coca-Cola to labor unions and professional societies. According to a 2022 report, more than 1.7 million such grants are awarded every year. Private scholarships alone total of $7.4 billion annually. Students who receive scholarships receive an average of more than $7000 per year. So do yourself a favor. Seek out websites that aggregate and organize scholarship information for you. Put your name on some scholarship alert mailing lists. And make friends with the financial aid officers at the university you choose to attend. When you’re trying to fund your college education, free money is the best money.

The Wild World of Student Loans

Granted, you might not be able to fund your entire college education through scholarships. That’s when borrowing money comes into play. The vast majority of students take out student loans. In fact, 79 million Americans have taken out student loans. Students borrow an average of $30,000 over the course of their college careers. Some loans are funded privately, but many students also take advantage of federal student loans. Each type of loan has its pros and cons

So what’s the best kind of student loan for you? That depends on a few factors.

Federal Loan Perks Explained

A well-qualified workforce drives the US economy so it’s no wonder that the federal government supports higher education. How much support? There are about 1.7 trillion dollars in federal student debt out there. Students flock to federal loans because they offer some significant perks. Let’s run through them.

  • Applying for a federal student loan is easier than applying for a private loan. Forone thing, there’s no need to supply a credit history when you apply. That’s especially important for younger students who have not accumulated or paid off any debt. Most high school seniors don’t even have a credit score yet.
  • You don’t need a co-signer to apply for a federal student loan. So if your parents or another family member can’t back you up on a loan, you can still get the money you need to pursue your degree.
  • Federal loans come with fixed interest rates. That means you can lock in a rate for the term of your loan. Interest rates are relatively low right now, but they’re predicted to rise precipitously—and soon. So it’s likely that locking in a low rate now can save you thousands over the lifetime of your loan.
  • Federal loan interest rates are typically lower than private loan interest rates. Right now, the rate is hovering around 3.73% for undergraduate students. Private loan interest rates vary according to your credit score and the term of the loan you take out. And they vary from day to day. For the month of April 2022, the average private student loan interest rate was 4.78%. The rates for a 20-year loan are higher than that. Federal student loans may offer loan repayment terms up to 30 years. If you choose a longer term, your monthly payments will be lower, but the lifelong cost of your loan will be higher.
  • The interest on a federal student loan may not begin to accrue until you graduate. That varies on the type of loan you take out. This feature is attached to Direct Subsidized federal loans only, which are granted on a needs basis. With most private student loans, interest begins to accrue from the date you receive your funding.
  • With a federal loan, your repayment options may be income-driven. So when you’re just starting out in your career and aren’t earning as much as an experienced employee, your monthly payments may be more affordable.
  • Federal loans may be more forgiving than private loans. For example, when the economy tanked at the beginning of the global pandemic, the government paused loan payments to give students and borrowers a chance to recover. Payments on federal loans are still paused. They’re scheduled to begin again this August, but some experts are predicting that the pause may last into 2023.
  • Federal loans offer deferment and forbearance options. Let’s say you hit a rough patch: you lose your job or suddenly have unexpected medical bills to pay. Federal student loans offer the option of suspending—sometimes for up to a year— while you’re resolving your financial problems. Keep in mind that interest may continue to accrue during this period.

So Why Would Anyone Take Out a Private Loan?

Given the many advantages that federal loans offer, why might you consider investigating private student loans? For one reason, it’s just good business to educate yourself on all of your options. But there are other reasons, too.

  • Private student loan rates range widely, even from the same lender. The interest rate you’re offered will depend chiefly on your creditworthiness. Sometimes, particularly if you have a co-signer with a terrific credit profile and take out a relatively short loan, a private lender may offer you a lower rate than the government can. Private student loans are best for borrowers with excellent credit histories.
  • Private loans have higher limits. The amount of money you’re allowed to borrow from the federal government may not cover the entire cost of your education. In fact, it likely won’t. As an undergraduate, you can borrow about $31,000 in federal money. Even if you attend a public university, you may have to spend considerably more than federal loan limits allow. If you’re attending a private college and have not secured any scholarships, that’s almost a dead certainty. With private student loans, you can typically borrow up to the full cost of your education.
  • Private loans offer greater term flexibility. If you’re in a position to take out a very short-term loan, you can pay a low rate and also decrease the overall cost of borrowing money for your education. Private lenders offer variable loan terms and there’s no penalty for early payment.
  • Private loans are available with fixed or variable interest rates. Federal loans are only available as fixed-rate loans. So depending on where interest rates go, you could wind up spending more as you repay your federal loans. If you take out a variable-rate loan through a private lender, your rate will fluctuate periodically. That can be a blessing or a curse. When interest rates go down, the interest you pay on a private student loan will probably decrease.

Managing the Debt You Already Have

Whether you’re mid-stream in your college career or mid-stream in paying off your loans, you can often find a way of shrinking the chunk of money you pay in student debt. It’s a good habit to periodically investigate whether student loan refinancing can save you some cash. When you refinance your student loans, your lender will pay them off. You can then start fresh with a clean slate.

You may find yourself in several circumstances that could make refinancing your student loans a smart move:

  • This one’s a no-brainer: you took out your student loans when rates were higher than they are now.
  • Your finances have improved and, along with it, your credit score. You may be earning more now. Perhaps you’ve been diligent about making on-time payments on all of your credit accounts. That’s the kind of thing lenders take positive note of and reward you for with lower rates.
  • You can afford higher monthly payments now. Refinancing into a shorter-term loan can earn you a better interest rate.

Next to a home mortgage, your student loans may well represent the largest debt you ever take on. Understanding the ins and outs of education financing will help you make better decisions for yourself, whether you’re taking out new loans or refinancing existing loans. There are vast resources available online to help you get up to speed. And if you can’t find the answers you need online, don’t be afraid to ask questions—whether you bring them to the financial aid office of the school you’re attending, your lender, or your financial advisor. And as you would when considering any large purchase, before you take out a loan, make sure you shop around.

Author Bio:

Susan Doktor is a journalist, business strategist, and principal at Branddoktor. She covers a wide range of personal finance topics, including debt and investing. Her contribution to this blog comes to us courtesy of

101 Best Affiliate Programs for Bloggers 

Are you a blogger who wants to earn passive income on the side? If so, it’s time to get into affiliate marketing! In this post, I’m sharing the best affiliate programs for bloggers.

Want to just jump to our list of the best affiliate programs for bloggers?? Click here!

How to Choose the Best Affiliate Programs for Bloggers

When you’re just starting out as an affiliate marketer, you might feel a bit of overwhelm just trying to determine which products you should be promoting. You want to cater to the needs of your audience, and you also don’t want to waste time promoting things that won’t pay off for you.

There are several ways to go about choosing the best affiliate marketing program so that both consumers and you, as an affiliate, will feel as if your needs are being met. Financially, you want the best return possible for every review that you create.

But you never want to gain that money as a result of misleading or disappointing your followers. Choosing a reliable, high quality affiliate program will not only ensure that your promotions convert into sales, but it will prevent refunds that can take your commissions back as quickly as you earned them.

Pick Affiliate Programs That Have the Right Types of Products

If you are new to affiliate marketing, you have probably been instructed or instinctively believe that you need to pick an affiliate marketing program that will earn you the most money.

That is definitely an important aspect of being an affiliate marketer, but it’s not the most important one. If you fail to serve the needs of your followers, you will either not generate any commissions whatsoever – or the sales that you do convert will quickly be refunded for a lack of quality and relevancy.

You need to focus initially on finding the affiliate programs that have the right kinds of products for your target audience. Think about what pain points or obstacles they have in their life, and what products you feel can help them overcome those.

Another angle that you can focus on are the benefits or improvements that people want to enjoy in their lives. If you can find products that will give them better quality of life in some way, it’s a good sign that you can earn from your promotions.

Some marketers will oddly enough promote products that don’t have much to do with their target audience or their needs, just because they see it converting well in another niche.

There are many ways you can find crossover niche topics, if you are struggling to find many affiliate marketing programs in the overall broad niche that you chose. For example, if you are in the stress niche, you can find products for sleep, exercise, and other topics that tie in nicely with your original one.

Evaluate the Quality of the Product

Once you find the programs that have the types of products your target audience will find useful and relevant to their lives, you want to take some time to evaluate the quality of the products you are considering promoting.

Even though someone else has created and is selling the product, you will be acting as the middleman that connects a trusting audience with the vendor. So you will share the responsibility of whether or not this product is a viable option to spend money on.

As an affiliate, you need to think about how your loyal followers will feel after they have purchased a particular product and used it. If you are sending them offers for low-quality products, they will no longer trust your recommendations, and you will ultimately sabotage yourself and lose money.

If you are promoting info products, you can ask for a review copy that will allow you to go through the product and make a genuine recommendation or review about it. If it’s a tangible product, you may have to purchase it yourself, so that you can report on things like durability, ease of use, and so on.

Look Into the Reputation of the Vendor

Something that you may overlook, especially if you see a product on a bestseller list, is the reputation of the vendor. Many online entrepreneurs are awarded accolades and make hundreds, if not thousands of sales, regardless of the fact that their product fails to deliver in terms of quality.

Sometimes, it may not even be the quality of the product, but other reputation issues that you want to be aware of. Keep in mind that when you recommend a product to someone, you’re not just recommending the product itself.

That customer, the one you sent to this individual, is going to be put on their list and manipulated over the course of time. Sometimes, they are treated very well and they will appreciate that you connected them with a new resource.

But if the reputation of the vendor is one where they mistreat their subscribers, such as scamming them out of their money or making poor recommendations to them, you will need to shoulder some of that blame.

Not only do you have to look at the reputation of the vendor, but you need to look at whether or not they have had any problems in paying commissions to top-performing affiliates.

You want to make sure that you will be paid what you are owed, and that may include the prizes you have won in a contest. Sometimes, people will discuss this type of bad behavior on social media platforms, and sometimes they will name these unreputable vendors in forums.

Analyze the Type of Experience Your Customer Will Have

While product quality and reputation are both important, you also want to think about what the experience will be for your customer after they purchase a product from a specific individual.

Customer experience includes a wide range of things. It starts with their ability to see and navigate the sales page. You want to make sure that the sites and programs you are sending people to are mobile-friendly and that they load quickly for your subscribers.

The next part of the process will be the purchasing experience. Ideally, you want to go through this process yourself so that you can see if there are any obstacles to purchasing or downloading the product.

After they buy it, are they shown the one-time offer upgrade? Are they sent to a download page or are they emailed a download link? If any of these steps are skipped, you may want to reach out to the vendor and ask them to remedy the situation before you mail out your promo for it.

Another thing you want to consider is what the post-purchase experiences are like for the people that you are sending to this vendor. For example, is this vendor someone who is responsive to customer service questions?

What kind of emails are they going to be sent by the vendor after they purchase a product? You want to know if you are setting your followers up to be spammed incessantly or if they will be treated well by the new vendor.

You can’t micromanage every vendor on a regular basis. Predicting the future of how they will conduct themselves is out of your hands. But what you can do is look at previous behavior to see if there are any complaints about the experience others have had with this vendor, and go through the process yourself to see what you think.

Choose an Affiliate Program That Offers You the Best Compensation Opportunities

Now we get to the part that you are probably most interested in. Once you have ensured that your customer will have the best possible experience from start to finish, you can consider selecting an affiliate program that is based on your financial needs.

After all, you are becoming an affiliate marketer so that you can earn extra money online, whether it is from digital or tangible products. The first thing you want to look at is the percentage you will be paid by the vendor as an affiliate whenever you make a sale.

Most vendors will split the profits with you 50/50. You will usually see a 50% commission that you can earn across the board, which includes not only the front end but also the one-time offer upgrades and any downsells, too.

From time to time, you will have a vendor set your commission at 100% for a front-end product. They plan on offering a low ticket, front-end item so that they can get many sales and affiliates promoting for it.

They make their profits through the rest of the funnel, on higher priced upsells and downsells – not to mention future promotions that will go out to this buyer, who is now on a list as a subscriber.

In addition to considering the commissions you will be earning, you want to look and see how many items are in their funnel, and what you could be earning as a whole with each promotion.

Next, you have to look at the amount that the product is selling for. If the price point is $7, and you are earning 50%, that’s only $3.50. But if the product is $27, you stand to earn much more.

A lower price point is definitely okay if you are just starting out and want to gain some good statistics for your username on a specific platform. Or, if the vendor is willing to offer 100% commission for a lower price point, you might want to consider that as well.

Sometimes, neither of those are true, and you simply promote a low ticket, 50% commission product because you know it’s a perfect fit for your audience and you want them to be aware of it.

Another way you can analyze an affiliate program to see if you will make money through your promotions is by looking to see if they have one of two things: a cash prize contest, or some type of residual payment option that will pay you month after month, such as a membership.

Select Vendors Who Offer Support for Their Affiliates

Lastly, you want to choose affiliate marketing programs that will support you as a beginner affiliate. There are many vendors who will provide you with many resources that can help you hit the ground running.

Look for a JV (joint venture) page that includes demo videos or screenshots, swipe files that you can use in your emails, banner ads that you can place on your blog or in your e-mail when you write a review, and most importantly – their contact information so that you can reach out and get the support that you need.

By paying attention to these six factors when you are choosing an affiliate program to promote as a new marketer, you will increase the odds that you will have a profitable and successful career reviewing and promoting products to your target audience.

101 Best Affiliate Programs for Bloggers 

Are you a blogger who wants to earn passive income on the side? If so, it’s time to get into affiliate marketing! Below is a list of 101 of the best affiliate programs for bloggers. Let’s dive in!

  1. A2 Hosting
  2. Adobe
  3. Amazon Associates
  4. Awin
  5. Barefut Essential Oils
  6. Barkbox
  7. Beautylish
  8. BestSelf
  9. BH Cosmetics
  10. Bluechic
  11. Bluehost
  12. Blurb
  13. Bonsai
  15. Buzzsprout
  16. CBD Relief Authority
  17. Chewy
  18. CJ
  19. Clickbank
  20. Clickfunnel
  21. Cloudways
  22. ConvertKit
  23. Creativebug
  24. DestroyDepression
  25. Dreamhost
  26. eBay Partner Network
  27. Elegant Themes
  28. Elementor
  29. Engage Bay
  30. Equifax
  31. Etsy
  32. Fitbit
  33. Fiverr
  34. Flexjobs
  35. FlexOffers
  36. FoxyNails
  37. Freshbooks
  38. Generation Tea
  39. GoDaddy
  40. Gold Medal Wine Club
  41. Grammarly
  42. Greater Minds
  43. GreenGeeks
  44. Health IQ
  45. Hello Fresh
  46. HoneyMoney
  47. HostGator
  48. Hostinger
  49. INeedMotivation
  50. Interact
  51. Jillian Michaels
  52. Kinsta
  53. LiquidWeb
  54. Makeup Geek
  55. MindBodyRecovery
  56. Mindvalley
  57. Mosaic Weighted Blankets
  58. Namecheap
  59. Native Remedies
  60. Nomatic
  61. Nordstrom
  62. Online Therapy
  63. Overstock
  64. Panic Away
  65. Pepperjam
  66. Petco
  67. Physician’s Choice
  68. PicMonkey
  69. QuickBooks
  70. Rakuten LinkShare
  71. Razer
  72. Scrapbook
  73. SellHealth
  74. Semrush
  75. ShareASale
  76. Shopify
  77. Simple Truths
  78. SiteGround
  79. Skillshare
  80. Skimlinks
  81. Skyscanner
  82. Spocket
  83. StitchFix
  84. Styled Stock Society
  85. Sunbasket
  86. Tailwind
  87. Target
  88. Teachable
  89. The California Wine Club
  90. Thinkific
  91. Thrive Market
  92. TransUnion
  93. Travelpayouts
  94. Tripadvisor
  95. Tula
  96. Twitch
  97. Ultimate Bundles
  98. Vitamix
  99. Wix
  100. WP Engine
  101. Zazzle

9 Ways to Increase the Monetization of Your Online Business

If you are looking for a way to improve your online business, this is an excellent place to start. These nine strategies will help you increase revenue and get more out of each customer.

9 Ways to Increase the Monetization of Your Online Business

If you are an online marketer, chances are you’re a self-starter who prides yourself on being driven in the pursuit of a successful entrepreneurial career. But even those who have no struggles with productivity or with learning the ropes can hit a wall when it comes to maximizing their profit potential.

What often happens is a niche marketer will immerse themselves in the tasks presented to them to complete a business model. For example, they might start off launching a blog as an affiliate marketer or create an info product that they sell on a third party platform.

What they don’t know is that there are additional ways they can boost the revenue that funnels into their bank account. Most of these options take very little added effort, but they must be activated in order to start working for you.

Below, you will find nine different strategies you can use to quickly increase your earnings and gain an edge over the competition. With this added income, you can outsource or delegate tasks you no longer want to do, reinvest in your business by getting new tools and taking new courses, or simply use it to enhance your lifestyle in any way you see fit.

Engage in Ongoing Affiliate Recruitment

There are many digital info product creators who have come online with a desire to share the information they know with others. This is a lucrative business model for many different niches.

You can launch a digital course on how to grow tomatoes, how to lose weight, how to start an online business, how to care for your pet, how to prevent your body from aging fast, and many thousands of other topics.

For most digital product creators, their focus is put on brainstorming an idea that will sell, making sure the information is thorough and valuable enough for the buyer, and learning how to technically put the pieces together so that the course goes live and people are able to buy it.

What you may be neglecting is one of the most lucrative aspects of your task list as an info product creator. Having a JV (joint venture) page in place is not enough to put a powerful affiliate strategy in your corner.

You have to identify and nurture relationships with top affiliates in your niche who will sign up to promote your product when it launches. Not only does this increase your immediate income, but it adds a huge number of subscribers to your list that can be profited from at a later date.

The key in activating this simple tip is to be strategic in how you look for and communicate with these prospective affiliates. You want to look on leaderboards, launch lists (aka: your competitors), and ask others who would be the best affiliates to have in your corner.

You have to take a little bit of time to get to know what they promote, how they promote (so that you can provide them with all of the readymade materials they need), and what kind of perks they’re looking for when they agree to send their list to your offer – then deliver for them.

Don’t rely on the simple task of creating a JV page and hoping the right people will sign up. Unless you have built an amazing reputation for your brand, chances are it will get ignored unless you are proactive in targeting the right affiliates.

Host a Contest for Your Launches

Another thing you can do to increase the monetization of your online business is to make sure you are hosting contests whenever you launch a new product. There are specific launch calendars available to online affiliates so that they can choose which promotions they engage in based on whether or not the vendor is offering prize money.

If you’ve never hosted a contest for your launches before, there are a few things you need to remember so that you don’t soil your reputation in the process. First and foremost, you always want to make sure that you have the funds to pay out the prize money at the end of the launch.

There is nothing worse than an affiliate giving it their all to promote you and help you make sales, only to not be rewarded in the end because you spent what should have been their prize money.

One way you can avoid this is to set minimums on the prizes. For example, first place may have a $500 prize attached to it, but the affiliate has to have a minimum of 100 sales.

As the money is coming into your online accounts, make sure you leave in enough to be able to payout the prizes. So if you know you have $750 in prize money to pay out, and you have taken in $2,000, you only want to withdraw $1,250 and leave the remainder in your account to send to the winners.

Don’t host a contest where the only winning prize is whether or not someone gets bragging rights. This is an embarrassment to both you and the affiliate. The prizes ideally should be cash, but sometimes vendors will offer things like laptops, smartphones, or even a trip somewhere.

If you do offer vacations or products, you will also want to have an alternative, equivalent monetary prize that they can choose if they don’t want that item. You will have to choose whether or not your contest is based on the number of sales someone has, such as 100 sales total, or if you want it based on the revenue earnings they brought in, such as $2,500.

You might have someone who wins who has fewer sales, but who has earned more because they heavily pushed the upgrade offers in your funnel. All of this can be determined when you technically set up the contest on the platform of your choice.

You want to make the prizes enough so that it’s worth it for an affiliate. Having a $25 first place prize is usually not enough to entice top affiliates to get onboard. At the same time, you don’t have to offer a $10,000 prize for a simple eBook course that you are selling for $17.

You can have more than one contest during your launch. You might have one for the first 24 hours, the last 24 hours, or one in the middle of the launch to help with lagging sales.

Check Past Content for Links that Convert

If you want to increase the income of your online efforts, you may want to spend time going back to fortify the profit potential of every piece of content that you have published for your brand.

Early on in your journey, chances are you neglected to add things like hyperlinks to your own products that you now have, offers that you are an affiliate for, and even banner ads that could be strategically positioned within the content to help you earn more.

Some people may only want to go back a week or two in an effort to check their content, but in terms of search engine optimization, you will want to go back to the very beginning.

Content that has been around longer may have had a better chance of being indexed and ranked in search engine results pages (SERPs) then newer content that you have recently published, that may not have been crawled by search bots yet.

This is a good time for you to check for broken links or outdated links that are pointed to products you may not want to promote anymore. Log into the dashboard of your blog and start at the beginning with the very first post, working your way toward the more recent content.

On each blog post, you want to make sure that you have included hyperlinks to your products or those you are an affiliate for. You may need to add a little bit of text if you don’t currently see any opportunities on that post for monetization.

You want to do the same with any kind of multimedia that you have online. This may include going back to old YouTube videos to add profit potential to your descriptions, or to your podcast episodes to do the same.

You can also go to your social media posts on sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and the elsewhere and double check to make sure that they are all monetized and that you have left no stone unturned.

Another place you want to check is in your email autoresponder system if you are utilizing follow up emails that are dripped out to your subscribers over time. Make sure your emails are all current and up-to-date in terms of the information they provide, and monetize each one in some way – whether it’s a link to one of your own products or to someone else is that you are an affiliate for.

Secure Special Deals for Your Subscribers

If you’re looking for a very quick and easy way to increase your online earnings, look no further than your competitors. The people that you are going up against in your niche will be launching products that you can promote as an affiliate.

What happens to most digital info product creators, is they launch a course or membership program that may or may not do well during the launch period. After that initial release, the product is often set on the back burner where it doesn’t make them as much money, if any.

Many digital info product creators have to continually release new products in order to keep their income flowing. You can look at their back catalog and find products that they have released in the past that you feel will be beneficial for your subscribers.

Reach out to these vendors and see if they can arrange for a special deal for your list. This can be for an evergreen, permanent promotion such as a blog post review – or, it can be a temporary promo code that they set up for you for a short time that you can email your list.

Sometimes, they will put the product back to launch pricing for you, which can be a significant discount for your subscribers. Other times, they may take more than one of their products and bundle it up together with others that they have and discount it as a whole.

There are some digital info product creators who, once a product launch period is over, take it off the market completely. Periodically, they may take it out of the vault for a short sale, and they may be able to arrange something like this for you and your list.

Allow Sponsors to Leverage Your Content

Another easy way that you can monetize your online business is to enable sponsors the ability to leverage your content for their own promotions. You want to be selective about who you allow to sponsor your content.

Obviously, you don’t want to allow anything unsavory or offensive. Ideally, the sponsor should be aligned with whatever niche market you are in. It wouldn’t make sense to have a sponsor involved in the toy niche if your niche is all about anti-aging.

When you allow sponsors to have a spot in your content, it can be done with text, image ads, with video or verbally. It all depends on where you are hosting your content and what makes the most sense.

For example, if you have a podcast that you want to allow sponsors to promote on, then that will be a verbal ad placement that is spoken at the beginning, middle, or end of the podcast.

If you are allowing someone to sponsor your TikTok account, then you will usually be creating short videos for their brand that you then upload to your channel. You can use hashtags and text along with the video to let people know it is a sponsored post.

You can do the same on other social media sites, such as Instagram, Snapchat, and even YouTube. You might be able to charge a different fee based on the placement of the sponsored ad or the length or size of the ad itself.

Turn on Creator Funds Whenever Possible

Many social media sites have built-in creator funds that you can tap into if you are a proficient content creator. Not only do you have to have good content that viewers, listeners, or readers feel is valuable, but you need to be releasing content on a regular basis.

If you have a large following on social media accounts, they will often invite you to be part of their creator incentive program. These are often not immediately lucrative to small accounts, but for those who have a large following, you can earn a lot of money.

Facebook now owns Instagram, but both sites have incentive programs as does Snapchat, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, Spotify, and Twitch. Go to the social media platform of your choice and look to see if they have a creator incentive program and find out what the requirements are in order to participate.

You also want to make sure that you are abiding by any rules that they set forth so that you don’t mistakenly lose your account and become ineligible for further monetization on their platform.

Then, begin researching strategies that are ethical and above-board (and allowed by the platform) to help you get more views and ultimately, more money from your content efforts on these social networking sites.

Host Live Events and Let Your Expertise Rake in Money

If you enjoy hosting live events on your social networking accounts, then you may want to use this talent to help you earn more with your channels. TikTok is probably the best example of a social networking app that allows creators to go live and profit from it.

With a minimum of 1,000 followers, you can begin going live on this app to your followers and also end up in the feed of people who don’t yet know you as they scroll through their For You Page.

If you are providing an entertaining or informative live event, they have the ability to send you gifts or tip you at that time. You can also put strategic monetized links in your bio that they can follow when you verbally give them a call to action to check it out.

There are many people who are raking in a lot of money with live TikTok streams who are doing nothing more than creating arts and crafts, scratching off lottery tickets, eating in front of the camera as if they are chatting with a friend over lunch, or giving great insight about a specific niche topic.

Before you start creating your own live events, make sure you get on the app and see what other people are doing so that you can beat the competition with something viewers find more engaging and also know how to prevent trolls from getting the best of you.

Flip Private Label Rights with a Goal of Pure Profits

If you have space online, whether it’s a blog on a domain that you own or social media profiles, pages and channels, then you have the ability to take what is called private label rights (PLR) content and monetize it without having done the work yourself.

You want to find a PLR producer who has a similar style to the content that you already upload to your accounts. That way, you have very little tweaking, if any, to do. Take the content and insert your own affiliate links or links to your products so that you can have a great return on your investment.

Private label rights are very inexpensive and you can find content in many different media formats. While text PLR is most prevalent, you can also find images such as social posters, video PLR, and even audio content that you can claim as your own and monetize any way you see fit.

30 Day Marketing Monetization Plan

Learn how to monetize your online marketing business and start bringing profits to your website in 30 days with this 30 Day Marketing Monetization Plan.

30 Day Marketing Monetization Plan

When you think of an online entrepreneur, you most likely automatically assume that the individual pursuing this type of career would maximize every chance they get to monetize their business.

The truth is, most online marketers get so wrapped up in the minute details of niche selection, content creation and launches that they fail to seize every opportunity to earn profits.

Many Internet marketers fail to succeed just because they forget – or don’t know how – to monetize their business. When it comes to earning, they primarily have tunnel vision for product launches and short term affiliate promos, and some aren’t even doing that yet – they’re just slapping up blog content and being baffled that it hasn’t converted for them.

The fact is, there are many opportunities that are overlooked, which could add up to a hefty sum of money streaming in on autopilot. These passive and proactive profits are what set experienced marketers apart from green ones.

Day 1: Find the Gaps in Your Online Monetization

When you are starting the process of monetizing your marketing efforts, there are a few days in the beginning where you have to analyze what you’re currently doing and take some steps to make sure you are generating a profit.

On day one of your 30 day plan, you will be conducting an audit of how you have currently been setting up your business for success financially. You need to look at your blog, your email autoresponder system, your products, your lead magnets, and all of your social media accounts and pinpoint exactly how often and how you are setting up some sort of monetization.

You might be shocked to find that very few of your blog posts have any type of link that would help you earn money in them. You may find that on social media, you are active and engaging, yet have no form of profit potential being shared.

For now, you just need to take stock of what you have done in the past and what kind of profits that has generated for you. After the 30 day plan is complete, you will be able to monitor the changes in your income and see how the improvements have helped.

Day 2: Gather the Links to All of Your Products

On the second day of your 30 day journey, you want to gather the links to each and every one of the products you have created and sell online. Whether they are links to content packs, courses, memberships, printable or even tangible products, you want to have all of the links readily available at your fingertips whenever you need them.

Make sure you have them organized in a way that is logical (with a short description to act as a reminder of what it is) so that if you need to pull a link to use in your online communications or content, it will only take you a split second.

If you make it difficult for you to find, you might end up passing up the opportunity to monetize a situation. You might be in a rush or tired, and instead of sharing the link that would earn you money, you simply send your product as a freebie or share the name of it.

Day 3: Apply for and Organize Links to Affiliate Programs

To get you ready for maximum profit potential, you need to take a day to find products that you feel will convert well with your target audience and apply to their affiliate program.

As you do with your own product links, you need to organize these affiliate links in a logical manner. For example, you might have a category for courses that teach people things, a category for tools they may want to invest in, and so on.

These are going to be links to affiliate products that you can promote on an ongoing basis. This is not where you will be housing affiliate links for a specific, temporary launch that someone is having.

Day 4: Set Up Strategic Coupon Codes for Your Products

Even if you don’t use these regularly, you want to set up an evergreen coupon code for each of your products that you can give to a specific affiliate or customer directly whenever you feel it is appropriate.

You can place these codes in a separate file of their own, or beside the links to each of your products that you have organized. You might want to make more than one discount code, such as one that takes a little bit off the price of the product, or one that takes a significant amount off.

It’s good to have these coupon codes readily prepared and available for you to use anytime you need them so that you don’t have to stop what you’re doing and go through the process each and every time.

If you are regularly communicating with your target audience, and you recognize that some people maybe on a budget where they can’t afford your product, you’ll be able to quickly pull the coupon code to share with them and make the sale rather than miss it.

Day 5: Approach Vendors for Special Deals that Benefit You and Your List

In addition to having your own discounts for customers and for affiliates to use with their audience, you want to spend a day securing evergreen coupons with some of the vendors whose products you will be recommending on a regular basis.

Make sure you specify that you would like it to have an indefinite activation, and not something with a beginning and end date. This will work best for evergreen courses and tools, but not so much for short-term launches.

Sometimes, you will find vendors who can set up a separate sales page and listing on a third party platform that is specific for your customers. These will usually begin with some sort of wording such as, “For Friends of (your name)…”

Day 6: Turn Your Posts Into Partial Product Reviews

Now you are going to begin the process of going through your existing, current, and future content and updating it with whatever form of monetization you feel would work best.

First, start by going back through the blog posts that are performing best for you in terms of traffic. They may not be converting into cash for you yet, so you need to study each one and see where you have failed to monetize it so that you can add a bit of revenue.

One of the best ways to add a form of income to your blog posts is to spot those moments where you have mentioned some sort of product or strategy. For example, you may have mentioned in passing that you conducted some keyword research.

Take time to create a call out or separate section of that blog post that explains which keyword tool you use, and why. Make sure you link to it with an affiliate link and any type of discount code that you have for your readers.

As you continue publishing now and in the future, have a step on your publishing checklist that course is you to pinpoint somewhere within the content that you can find a product to create a mini review of within the post.

Another example would be if you created a blog post about how you lost wait after turning 40. You may have traditionally just shared your story as a way to bond with your readers, but now you want to find an opportunity to include a few lines that point them to a product that you recommend to help them with the same.

You can include a short segment that introduces them to a course or tool that will help them if they are on the same journey and are struggling. You don’t need to turn the entire blog post into an infomercial, but understand that your audience has landed on your page for help, so you want to go above and beyond your storytelling and give them direction they can act on, even if that means sending them to a product they need to buy.

Day 7: Monetize the Tip Articles You Publish

Whenever you are sharing tips on your blog, such as, “How to Lose 10 Pounds in 14 Days,” you are conveying valuable information to your readers at no cost. The key is to make sure that your content is effective enough that if your reader closed their browser and walked away, they would be content with what they learned.

However, when you add some form of monetization, such as a hyperlink to a product that you are an affiliate for, or one of your own products, you are helping them reach their goals faster and easier than if they only implemented the tips that you have shared.

You may have read various articles in magazines or online about tips for adhering to a keto diet plan, for example. These are usually one or two sentences long, and are meant to intrigue the reader so that they want to find out more.

You want to find the meaty courses that will take them by the hand and walk them through all of the intricate details of the direction they need to be on. For example, a simple tip blog may have advice that says, “Brace yourself for experiencing the keto flu.”

It might expand on it a little bit by explaining what the keto flu is. A full course about the keto diet would help the reader prevent the symptoms, and add more details about what they can do to quickly get over this issue.

Day 8: Use Case Studies Strategically Two Ways for Profits

Another way to monetize your online efforts is to use case studies as a way to generate profits. There are two different ways you can use these to your advantage. First, if you are an affiliate for a product (such as a course) that you, yourself want to go through, consider offering and in depth case study as a bonus for those who buy the product through your link.

Not only are you earning commission off of the sale of the product itself, but many people will buy through your link solely to access the case study where you share your thoughts about the implementation and results of using the product.

Another way that you can use case studies to your advantage is to conduct open case studies on your blog. These are perfect for evergreen products. you have to be careful not to share the details of the course (in terms of what it is teaching exactly) when you conduct a public case study for people who may not have purchased the product yet.

You can be fairly generic about it when you blog openly about your case study. You always want to include your affiliate link in the beginning, middle, and end of your blog post.

When you speak about the actions you have taken, you can tell the reader which section or module or chapter you are working on that day, how much time it took, what your opinion is of what you learned, and what the results were.

What you don’t want to do is give them a step-by-step account of what you did, because then you are not only infringing on the vendor’s knowledge that he or she expects people to pay for, but you are shooting yourself in the foot when it comes to affiliate commissions.

Day 9: Monetize Your Image Inserts on Blogs

Many bloggers understand the importance of breaking up long blocks of text with whitespace or with images. However, there are too many who use random niche relevant images and don’t take time to monetize them.

For example, if you are writing a blog post about how important it is to optimize your site for search engines, you might have traditionally gone to DepositPhotos or iStock Photos and downloaded an SEO stock image.

While this may help you achieve your goal of breaking up content and giving the readers eyes a break, you are missing out on the ability to add some form of revenue with this one action.

Instead of using a simple stock image, you can find an image such as any cover or course image on the joint venture (JV) page of a product that you want to promote and use that in the middle of your blog post.

Make sure that you hyperlink the image so that it directs your readers to the product using your affiliate link. You want to make sure that the link opens in a new tab so that you retain the customer on your blog without losing them.

They will have the opportunity to follow the new tab and purchase the product that you are recommending, and after the purchase is completed, exit that screen and continue reading your blog.

Day 10: Make Money with Your Sidebar Ads

Depending on the blog theme that you are using, you may have the opportunity to monetize your sidebar. The sidebar can be on the left or right side of your blog, and gives you ample space to include hyperlinks to products that you promote as an affiliate as well as links to your own products.

You can use text links or images that are either square or vertical. Just make sure that the dimensions fit accurately. Again, you want to make sure that these links and images open in a new tab so that you don’t lose your customer.

Many vendors and affiliate programs will provide you with readymade code that you can paste into your blog’s sidebar. They will be populated with your affiliate link. Make sure that you center the links and ad images in your sidebar so that they line up nicely.

Day 11: Cash in on Blog Post Banners to Other Offers

While you may be using banners in your sidebar, you can also use them underneath your header as well as directly in each piece of content that you publish on your blog. Consider linking out with banner ads to products that you feel are well known and respected.

You want to make sure that the products you are linking to using these banners will be around a long time. You don’t want to have to go back through hundreds of blog posts to update outdated affiliate links.

So for example, you may want to use a banner ad to something like HostGator, Aweber, or something else that’s been around for years. What you don’t want to do is use a banner ad under your header or in a blog post that links to the bestseller of the week on a third party platform.

These are the types of products that are often not supported by the vendor for very long, even if they have thousands of sales in the beginning. You don’t want to find out months down the road that you have a high traffic pulling blog post that has been linking out to a dead product, causing you missed sales.

Day 12: Don’t Forget to Monetize Your Lead Magnet

Whenever you are starting out as an online marketer, you may have big dreams of quickly and easily building a list of high converting subscribers. You do your very best to conduct research about their pain points and what type of lead magnet would pull them in and convince them to hand over their contact details.

You work hard to create something unique that your readers or viewers will find value in, regardless of the fact that it is a free gift. But did you know that you can also monetize your lead magnet?

For example, if you are in the online marketing niche and you want to build a list of newbies who are just starting out so that you can teach them the ropes, your lead magnet might be a free guide for how to start a business using a blog.

Make sure that you initially sit down and write a soup to nuts report that will knock their socks off and endear them to you. After you have completed the creation of your lead magnet, go back through each individual page and look for opportunities to add a hyperlink that will earn you money.

With the example mentioned above, you might link out to a domain registrar, a hosting company, a package of themes or plugins, a keyword tool, and even a private label rights (PLR) store so that they can hit the ground running with plenty of content for their blog.

Day 13: Include a Profit Strategy with Your Welcome Email

When you have a new subscriber opt into your list so that they can receive the free gift, you want to take time to welcome them to your list and explain a little bit about what it’s like to be on the receiving end of your emails.

You might talk about how often they should expect to hear from you, what types of content you will be providing to them, and invite them to connect with you directly so that you can meet their needs.

But what you can also do in the welcome email is add a single monetization link. you don’t want to have a spammy welcome email that starts off on the wrong foot. But, you can add a message such as, “Ready to get started? If you want to build your blog today, read my free gift about blog opportunities for WAH moms and then sign up for my newest blog course here to walk you through every step.”

This is not an in your face method of promotion, but instead allows the new subscriber to decide whether or not they are ready to take the next step. People like to be presented with choices, and this is something they can bookmark and come back to if they feel it’s too soon.

Day 14: Have a Profit Plan for All of Your Broadcast Emails

Everyone has a different strategy for how they send out emails. Some upload a series of follow up emails, while others prefer to use broadcast emails that only go out to those who are subscribed at that very moment.

Whenever you are sending out broadcast emails, you want to always ensure that you are providing some sort of value to the reader, even if they don’t purchase anything that day.

Start off with some personalization where you either discuss something about your own life or ask them about something to do with theirs. Then, you can follow that up with both a value based tip email and a recommendation for a product that you have either launched or that you are an affiliate for.

Because these are broadcast emails, and will not be seen by future subscribers, you can use these two promote short-term launches that are occurring on a regular basis. Check the launch calendars on Muncheye, JVZoo and Warrior Plus, and sign up to the affiliate list of the vendors that you like to promote so that you can recommend the 72 hour to one week launches to your readers.

Day 15: Check to Make Sure Each Follow Up Email Is Monetized

Even if you are using follow up emails as your preferred communication with subscribers, you still want to make sure that each follow up email is monetized in some way.

You can create a mixture of value packed tip emails that go out to your subscribers with a mention of a product and straight review emails, but you need to make sure that everything is evergreen so that your links will work months or years down the road.

It’s a good idea for you to create a spreadsheet or list where you keep track of what is being promoted on what day of your follow up email series. That way, if you find out that a certain product is now defunct, you can quickly go in and change the hyperlink to a different product that is currently active.

Day 16: Monetize Your Video Channel

If you are using video as one of your media formats online, you need to make sure that each one of your creations is monetized both on screen and in the description area. The reason you want to make sure it is hyperlinked on screen, as well as verbally mentioned, is because many marketers will embed your video into their blog, cutting out the description area that may contain the live hyperlinks.

Video editing software makes it very easy to include callouts within the video during the presentation that don’t interrupt the flow of speech, yet will stand out to the viewer so that they can make note of it or click through to whatever you are recommending.

Depending on where you are using video, such as YouTube, you may be able to turn on the option to monetize your video channel based on the number of views that you get. If you start seeing a heavy dose of traffic to your videos, you will want to monetize the views to add an additional income stream to your content creation efforts.

Day 17: Profit from Each of Your Podcast Episodes

Many people have not yet chosen to test their abilities with podcast publications. This is an extremely easy and free media format that all niche marketers should be using to the best of their ability.

You can use a platform such as to host and syndicate your podcast, and it won’t cost you a penny. What’s better is that they have a built in ad platform that you can use to earn from your episodes.

You can also secure sponsors on your own who will pay to have a mention on your podcast, and you can set the pricing according to when and how long the mention will be.

For example, you might charge more for a mention in the middle of the program than you do at the beginning or end, or vice versa. Another way you can monetize your podcast is too verbally send listeners to a specific page where you have an offer, or add the link to the description area so that they can click on it and go to the page easily.

Day 18: Use Your Facebook Profile to Generate Income

Many marketers are using their Facebook profile, not to connect with just family members and offline friends, but also to network with other marketers and even customers in their niche.

You can monetize your Facebook profile by using Facebook Live videos, where are your friends can listen to you as you are speaking, and you can send them to specific offers or pages that you know will earn you money.

You can also use your profile to post whenever you have a launch, a blog post that you have monetized, a new video that you can profit from, and more. By using your profile in this manner, more people can see it based on the engagement it gets, and it also has the ability to be shared by others.

Day 19: Set Up a Facebook Group That Earns for You

A Facebook group can also be very strategic for niche marketers. Where a profile is meant for a mixture of business and personal life posts, a Facebook group can be a place where people join with a specific intent to learn more about a certain topic.

In your Facebook group, you can share links to your blog and videos, and you can also post affiliate links and links to your products directly in the feed of the members. What you don’t want to do is have a group that includes nothing but affiliate link spam.

You still want to make sure that you are providing value to the group members so that existing members want to stay, and the group grows with new members who have joined because of the size of the group and the activity level you are providing.

Day 20: Turn Your Facebook Page Into an Informative Profit Puller

You can set up a Facebook page that represents your brand and allows you to promote your products, talk about projects you have in the works, make recommendations as an affiliate, and so on.

If you are going to be running paid ads that will give you a good return on your investment, then you can use your Facebook page to do that with. Of course, you always want to make sure that your page is a representation of the value you provide to your target audience as a leading niche expert.

Day 21: Monetize Your Instagram Account

There are many different ways you can earn money from an Instagram account. This is a more aesthetic account than other social media networking sites. Of course, you can make money as an affiliate marketer or as a vendor who recommends your own products.

But you can also earn money by accepting sponsors who pay for you to share information about their products as part of your Instagram stream. You can even get paid to make a video or upload an image and simply give a shout out to a product or brand.

There are many people who engage in collaborations with other Instagram influencers. Together, you can monetize your accounts for an event or product launch that you are doing together.

Day 22: Use a TikTok Account to Increase Your Income

There are many niche leaders who are making money using TikTok. On this platform, you are free to discuss your products or those you recommend as an affiliate marketer. You can have a link in your bio.

You can also enable your account to get paid for the video views that you received using the TikTok Creator Fund. You can accept sponsor ads, engage in collaborations with other TikTokkers, and more.

They even make it easy for you to accept tips from your viewers, and viewers can send you gifts whenever you are hosting a live video. There are certain requirements you need for your account in order to be able to use some of these monetization features, but if you continue putting out good content and grow your channel, you should be able to profit from it quickly.

Day 23: Profit from Niche Pinterest Boards

Pinterest is a great place for you to promote your products directly as well as the blog post in which you recommend other peoples’ products as an affiliate. The one thing that will make you stand out on this social networking site are the Pins themselves.

You can make gorgeous Pinterest graphics using a free tool like Canva and upload them with strategic hashtags to help targeted visitors find and follow your Pin links. Make sure you join group boards too, so that your monetized links are shared widely.

People and brands pay for sponsorships if you end up having good success with your Pins, so be open to having others pay to be placed on your boards if you have lots of followers.

Day 24: Release a Viral Freebie with the Intent to Make Money from It

Many marketers mistakenly forget that they can release viral freebies on a regular basis. Instead, they make one free gift and use it as a lead magnet to build a list. You can create short, targeted reports that others can rebrand with the links intact.

That means they can put their name on it And use the PDF to send out to their own subscribers as a valuable gift. You are helping them provide value to their audience, and they are helping you by leaving your links intact that will help you earn a commission or direct sales.

If you are a vendor who has a large list of affiliates, you can even create these re brandable reports that will be populated with your affiliates’ links, so that you both benefit financially from the process.

Day 25: Monetize Your Forum Signature Files

If you are a niche marketer who is routinely involved in visiting forums online and helping your target audience achieve their goals by answering their questions and concerns, then you want to make sure that you have monetized your participation using a signature file.

A sig file, as it’s more commonly known, is a text or image that is shared below every comment that you make on a thread. Many forums allow you to hyperlink your signature file so that it links out to your own site or one that you are an affiliate for.

If you are heavily involved in a forum that does not allow signature files, you can always sign your comments with instructions to check the link in your bio, if the site allows you two have a link to your domain there.

As you are immersing yourself in the community and people are finding value in what you share, they will want to follow the links to see what else they can learn from you, whether it’s free on your blog or in a paid product.

Day 26: Turn Private Label Rights Content Into a Profit Machine

There are many Internet marketers who purchase private label rights content that they can use on their blogs, in emails, as lead magnets, on social media, and even as products that they can sell.

Unfortunately, most people simply copy and paste the content into their blog or wherever they are using it, relieved to have readymade content at their disposal. You want to make sure that you go through each piece of PLR that you are using and add hyperlinks (and additional text, if necessary) so that you monetize the content and get a return on your investment.

Day 27: Make Sure You Monetize Your Members’ Area

If you are successful enough to have launched a membership product, you don’t want to stifle your profits by neglecting to monetize the dashboard of the new member. There are many different ways you can monetize your members’ area.

You can include banner ads from sponsors that’s around the core content that they have paid for. You can also include upsells or cross sells for additional products that you have or that they originally passed up when they first purchased the front end offer.

In each lesson or segment of your members area, you can also include links to affiliate offers that relate directly to what you are discussing in that module. You can also elevate your income and present them with a one on one coaching opportunity.

Day 28: Create Additional Income from Your Coaching Business

Regardless of what type of coaching business you have, there will be many ways you can monetize your coaching business. Every time you have a discussion with a client, make a note about the things they need specific help with.

As part of your coaching process, send them a summary after the coaching call that includes what you discussed along with a list of resources that you feel can help them further.

For example, you may be coaching someone about business success, but they mention how sluggish they feel due to a poor diet. In your follow up call you may instruct them to work on their nutrition, and also provide them with a link to something that will help.

There are other ways you can add revenue to a coaching program. Usually, if someone is able to afford one on one coaching, they may also be able to afford mastermind groups or retreats that you host at a higher price point. And of course, you can provide them with links to other courses that you have in your online empire.

Day 29: Cash in on Kindle Books After the Sale

If you are a niche expert, you may be using Amazon Kindle to self-publish online. Please be aware that they do not allow you to link to a lead magnet page where you are collecting customer information.

However, you can mention the name of your website You have to be careful with live links because Amazon is very selective about what they allow you to send their readers to.

If you send them to your main website, make sure you have something specific on that page that welcomes readers and give them a call to action on what they should do next, such as where to find your in-depth courses or recommendations.

Day 30: Take Time to Earn Revenue from Your Customer Service Replies

This last strategy is something that you may not have considered, and it may not work every single time you communicate with someone. However, it’s worth noting that when someone reaches out to you directly – whether it’s a generic inquiry or a specific question, you have an opportunity to profit from the exchange.

You never want to do that in lieu of providing value and assistance to your customer. But you can add it to your communication. Some people add a call to action, a teaser, or a straight hyperlink to another product that they have created in their signature.

But another way that you can monetize your customer service replies is to spend a few moments being thoughtful about what it is the customer needs help with. They may need more than just a simple, brief answer from you.

You can give them some basic advice and then also direct them to the courses and tools that can help them get past whatever obstacles there facing and achieve the success they desire.

When it comes to monetizing your career as an online marketer, get in the habit of not rushing the publication of content or your engagement with others, and stop to consider whether or not there’s anything you can present at that moment that would result in a sale or commission for you.

The one thing you want to make sure of is that you are not adding links that don’t contribute to the other person’s journey, just because you want to increase your own earnings.

Every time you monetize a piece of content or a communication, it should be with the purpose of helping others so that you elevate your brand as one that can guide people to the tools and courses they need to succeed.

Over time, you want to check the links that you have positioned on your blog, in emails, and even on social media and update them so that they are providing the best option for your followers.

Even if the link is still active, you may have found a better product or tool that would benefit your readers more. By staying organized with your monetization efforts, this will be an easy project that you can even outsource to a virtual assistant.

30 Day Launch Jacking Profit Plan

Need to make money fast? Here’s a simple, step-by-step launch jacking profit plan that can help you start generating income immediately.

30 Day Launch Jacking Profit Plan

When it comes to earning commissions from product launches in particular, not evergreen products that you happen to want to showcase, it can be tough to carve out any sales when you’re competing with other hungry affiliates who are all promoting on the same day at the exact same time.

It seems like those with the biggest lists and heavyweight reputations are able to take the lion’s share of sales, leaving newer affiliates and those with smaller lists to barely eke out a few small commissions – hardly making it worth their effort to promote.

But there is one strategy that puts everyone on a level playing field, and because many don’t know about it – or don’t take the time to implement it – you’ll have an increased ability to stake claim to more commissions and climb the leaderboard for cash prizes.

Below, you’ll find a 30-day plan of bite-sized tasks you can implement on your blog and on social media to make this approach work for you. You can use it week after week to promote the launches you feel are worthy for your subscribers.

Day 1: Make Sure Your Blog Is Filled with Relevant Niche Content

In order to get the full benefit of implementing a launch jacking strategy, you have to set yourself up for success as an affiliate with the vendors you plan to promote. Unless the vendor is already acquainted with you, then you will be an unknown affiliate and possibly have no known stats that they can check out ahead of time.

A launch jacking strategy requires you to have advanced access to certain information that will help you position yourself in the search engine results pages and elsewhere early on.

So if you are approaching a vendor as an unknown or inexperienced affiliate, you want to be able to refer to a flourishing blog in your communication with them so that they can see that you are serious and have expertise in the subject matter.

Not only will this sometimes sway their decision on whether or not to approve you as an affiliate if you are lacking proven stats on the platform that they are selling on, but it can also help you secure an advanced review copy of the product, which will help you with your launch jacking strategy.

If you don’t have time to create a massive amount of content, consider publishing some private label rights (PLR) articles on your blog to help beef up the quantity before they go take a look.

Make sure that you invest in well written PLR content that will represent you in a positive light. You can either publish the PLR as is or tweak it so that it has your personal insight added to it.

Day 2: Spend Time Analyzing the Buying Habits of Your Target Audience

As you make plans to embark on a launch jacking campaign, you want to begin analyzing the previous purchases of your target audience. If you have a record of sales or commissions, you can look at your own conversion rates to see what people were buying through your links.

But even if you have never sold or promoted a single item, you will be able to look at listings on third party platforms to see what has been sold recently in large numbers, and what the conversion rate looks like.

You can do this on sites like Warrior Plus, JVZoo, and ClickBank. You can also look at things like social media chatter and forum posts to see what the audience is buzzing about when it comes to digital download products.

Day 3: Conduct Some Launch Jacking Keyword Research

In order to effectively run your launch jacking promo, you will need to have some keywords on hand that will help you post to your blog in a way that elevates your content to the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages).

You can use keyword tools or look on other affiliates’ and vendors’ websites and social media accounts to see what keywords and tags or hashtags they are using in their product reviews for related products.

To find these, look for a similar product that has launched on one of the platforms and go to Google and type in the name of the product and the word review. You can go to some of the blogs that are positioned on page one and right click and select View Source.

Here, you will be able to find the keywords and tags that are used to help this particular blogger rank high in the SERPs. this will be beneficial in helping you map out your own content for upcoming launch jacking promos.

Day 4: Study the Upcoming Launch Calendars

In order to plan your first launch jacking campaign, you have to first know what is coming up for a launch in the near future. You don’t want to select anything that is launching days away.

The idea is for you to be able to publish your review content early enough for it to get indexed by search engine bots and ranked well early on. Try to find something at least two weeks, but preferably three weeks away.

If you have a blog that routinely gets indexed on a daily basis, then you may be able to get away with a shorter timeline. But you need to know how often Googlebots are visiting your site and plan for the longer term.

You can find launch calendars for digital info products on sites like Warrior Plus, JVZoo, and MunchEye. Some vendors are good about giving plenty of advanced notice on these sites, while others do it at the last minute.

Be aware that there are also some vendors who will plan to launch something weeks away, and then fail to complete the launch without removing the listing, which will leave you with nothing to promote. So you want to make sure that you are targeting the launches of productive and reliable vendors.

Day 5: Get Signed Up to Affiliate Lists of Those You Want to Promote

Another way that you can get notice about what types of launches are releasing is to sign up directly to the affiliate list of the vendors you know you’ll want to promote. Most successful vendors have separate lists for their buyers and for their affiliates.

You can also see if they have a Facebook page or group for their affiliate program, and begin networking with them on a personal level so that you stay informed before the masses.

Day 6: Choose Your First Upcoming Launch to Dominate

When you are looking at the various launches that will be released within the next three weeks, you want to take several different things into consideration before making your choice.

First, you need enough time to prepare your review content and bonus and give it time to rank in the search engines. So the date of release will be your first criteria. The second thing you want to consider, is the quality of the product that you will be promoting.

You may not know what the exact quality is yet, if you haven’t seen the product, but you can get an idea of whether or not a target audience will enjoy the product based on the reputation of the vendor.

If they are known for releasing top quality products, then that would be a safe bet. You want to make sure that the product you are considering is highly relevant to your target audience, whether those are your blog readers, email subscribers, or social media followers.

Another thing you want to consider is whether or not the product is going to be priced right for the consumers you are promoting it to. If your list is made up of a majority of newbies on a budget, then promoting a high ticket, advanced product will probably not succeed, even if you are launch jacking.

After you have considered everything that will benefit the customer, you want to look at your own perks. Is the vendor paying enough in commissions to make the launch jacking process worth it for you?

If you have two similar products that you are considering, and one is only paying 10% commissions on a low cost item, and another is paying 50% commissions, then you’ll want to choose the one that works in your favor.

Lastly, you want to see if the vendor has set up a contest with cash prizes that will provide another level of profits for you. Some people will have a contest listed, but the prize is simply bragging rights, so make sure you check out the fine print before selecting your product for this activity.

Day 7: Study the JV Page Carefully

On day seven, you want to make sure you go over the joint venture (JV) page with a fine tooth comb. Here, you will find many of the details that you will need in your upcoming launch jack review.

It should have everything from the exact date and time of the sale (from beginning to end) to a layout of the funnel so that you can see how the upgrades and downsells flow and what your commission is on each.

Keep this page bookmarked so that you can refer to it quickly and easily as you create your launch jacking content. You also want to go ahead and submit your request for approval to promote the product so that the vendor will have your links ready as soon as possible.

Day 8: Reach Out for a Complimentary Review Copy

Today, you will want to reach out to the vendor or their affiliate manager and request an official complementary review copy or advanced access to the course. Not every vendor is willing to go this route, so it’s important that you find out early on whether or not you will be able to see the product.

It is still possible to conduct a launch jacking campaign without an advanced review copy. The only difference is the level of details you will be able to provide, but it doesn’t vary too much, because you never want to give away what’s inside the course anyway.

You can still set up an official launch jacking review campaign, and then purchase the product yourself on day one of the launch and increase the details of the reviews that you have published on your blog.

When you approach the vendor asking for a review copy, keep in mind that many freebie seekers also hit them up for a free copy, with no plans to promote. Therefore, you may want to tell the vendor what your plans are, including the fact that you would like to prepare an in depth review ahead of time.

Some people are afraid of admitting that they are engaging in a launch jacking campaign. Any competent vendor will be appreciative of your advanced efforts because it means they will see a surge of sales that can put them on the best seller list and increase the number of affiliates who get onboard.

Day 9: Make a Decision About the Type of Review You’ll Create

There are three different types of promotions that you can use to make sales with a launch jacking campaign. You need to decide which of the three you want to pursue. The first one is a straight promo, where you are not reviewing the product, but simply letting others know about it.

This is a very surface level promotion that does not provide the buyer with any deep insight about the product. Still, you will see some sales if you are able to rank your posts well.

A real review will include your insight about what is included in the course, along with the quality of the information being provided. You can go over the pros and cons of what you find, and the benefit of owning this particular course.

Lastly, you can create the most in depth launch jacking campaign possible. A case study can be used as either a broad account of what you experienced, or as a private, in depth account where are you showcase what you did and what the results were to those who buy the product through your link.

You can refer to this in all of your upcoming blog posts as an exclusive bonus reserved for your buyers. This is not even something you have to do ahead of time period you can purchase the product on the day of the launch, and rip your case study out to your buyers over the course of several weeks.

Day 10: Create a Bonus for Your Launch Jacking Promo

If you aren’t using a case study as a bonus, then you will want to come up with some other type of bonus that you can use in your launch jacking promo. There are many people who will specifically search online for bonuses that are being released with the launch.

Your bonus can be anything that pairs well with the original product. For example, if you are promoting something for bloggers, then you can provide them with some niche private label rights content that they can use on their site.

If you are promoting a course that informs people about how to do something, you can also create a bonus that goes above and beyond and teaches them additional tips or something related to the original topic.

Day 11: Understand the Rules of Promotion Posts

Before you start promoting anyone or any product, you need to understand the rules of your affiliate review posts and promos. Usually, these rules are placed at the bottom of a joint venture page for affiliates, but many don’t see them and end up breaking the rules and having their affiliate approval revoked.

First of all, most vendors do not want you sending any spam from any traffic sources that could cause them problems. They also don’t want any kind of negative language used in the promotion of their products.

You’ll sometimes see affiliates use click bait headlines, such as, “Is (product name) a scam?” Or, they might say something like, “Don’t buy (product name) until you read this!”

These are the kinds of posts that many unknowing consumers will see and assume the worst of the vendor or product. They don’t know that it’s a specific keyword strategy, so it’s understandable that vendors don’t want you to engage in this behavior.

You want to make sure that if you do have to buy the product on launch day, you clear your cookies and don’t purchase through your own link. Many vendors will ban you as an affiliate if they see you doing that.

You also want to make sure you are not bribing people to buy through your link with things such as a cash rebate. It’s okay to offer a bonus that adds value to the purchase, but not a cash discount.

Day 12: Create a Teaser Post and Spread the Word

One of the first pieces of content you want to create as someone who is conducting a launch jacking campaign is a teaser post. This is something where you are simply giving your readers or followers a heads up that there is something on the horizon they are going to be very interested in.

You can let them know a few basic details, such as something the product will help them with. But don’t tell them everything, including the product name, because then they will begin searching for more information about it and may end up following another affiliate.

Once you have your teaser blog post published, you want to send a link out to both your email subscribers as well as placing it on all of your social networking profiles and groups that you operate online.

Day 13: Write a Generic Keyword Post for the Type of Product It Is

The second piece of strategic launch jacking content that you will create is one that capitalizes on a generic keyword or phrase. This will be something that the target audience will type in when they are searching for this type of product or course.

For example, they may go to Google and type in best page building tool. So you want to create a blog post about that keyword phrase, if that is the type of product that you are going to be promoting during this launch phase.

In this generic, strategic post, you do not want to name the product yet. You also don’t want to link out to any specific products. Instead, use the keyword phrase and some variations of it to help you rank high in the search engines and discuss things in a broad nature.

For example, you may cover things like what a page building tool it can be used for, who needs it for their online sites, the approximate price range of most page building tools, and so on.

You will not be sending links out to your list yet for this post and the ones in the immediate days following this. These posts are specifically for search engine bots to crawl and begin ranking for you.

Day 14: Write a Review Keyword Post for the Product

On the third day of your strategic content for the launch jacking process, you will write a review keyword post for this particular product that you will be promoting. This is usually no secret at this time because people will have started to hear a buzz about a big launch on the horizon.

You want to use the product name and the word review in your title and throughout the content, along with variations of that phrase, such as, a review of (product name). You still do not want to include your link just yet, but allow readers to get a little more insight about the fact that you will be thoroughly reviewing with the product in the coming days.

You can tell your readers who the vendor is, and what you know about previous products that they have launched in the past. Let them know why you are going to be conducting a review of the product when it releases.

Again, do not send this to your list or post it on social media just yet. As search engine bots crawl and index your content, it will be closer to the date of the real launch, if not during it, and your links will be live during that time.

Day 15: Write a Review Post for Who Would Benefit Most from the Product

On the fourth day of your content creation process for the upcoming launch jacking strategy, you want to create a review for the product based on who would benefit most from owning it.

With digital info products in particular, as well as tools, buyers often want to know if the product is a good investment for everyone, or just newbies or advanced marketers. It can be very frustrating for a consumer to purchase a product, only to find out everything in it is very basic and covers things they already know.

Likewise, it can be just as annoying for a newbie to purchase a digital course, and discover that the content inside is addressing information they are not yet familiar with, which is too advanced for their level of skill.

Make sure you are using the name of the product in this post, but do not include your affiliate link yet, because the launch will not be live. Again, do not share this post with your list or social contacts yet, that allow it to be crawled by Googlebots.

Day 16: Write a Review Post About What the Product Is

Your fifth day of content creation for your lunch jacking process is to write more about what this particular product is. You want to explain to your readers a little more than what normally goes into a sales page for many vendors.

With digital info products in particular, vendors will often choose some sort of snazzy product name that doesn’t tell the buyer anything about what it does or what it is. For example, if it is an AI program that creates content, it might be named AIMER stand for artificial intelligence marketing earnings revolution, or something equally ridiculous.

Likewise, the sales pages that your buyers will be landing on are often so vague that the buyer gets to the end of the page and is no more informed about what the product is than when they first landed there.

Sometimes, the JV page is more informative about what the product is than the actual sales page that consumers will be reading or watching. The only thing you want to be careful about with this particular review post is that you don’t give away any information that is actually part of the product or course.

Day 17: Write a Review Post About the Differences Between This Product and Others

On the sixth day of your content creation process for the launch jacking strategy, you will be writing a review post that talks about the differences between this particular product that is launching and other ones that are like it in the marketplace.

For example, you may have seen dozens of puzzle creation tools being launched on sites like Warrior Plus. Each time one is launched, even if it is by the same vendor, you need to take time to pit the new one against others that are on the marketplace and tell what makes it better than the others.

Day 18: Write a FAQ Post About the Product

On the seventh day of your content creation for your launch jacking campaign, you want to create a FAQ (frequently asked questions) review post that answers any and all potential questions or concerns people would have about the product.

For example, one time the most common questions consumers like to know about digital courses is whether or not they will need to spend more money on tools to implement the strategies that are being taught in the course.

Sometimes, vendors will give the information in the front end, and make it apparent in the upgrade offer that the strategy will not work unless the buyer also purchases the upgrade.

Day 19: Write a Post for Tips on Using or Getting the Most Out of the Product

On the eighth day of the content creation process, you want to create a very helpful post as part of your review campaign that provides additional tips or information about how the consumer can get the most out of their purchase.

For example, if the vendor has a string of upgrades, such as five to six offers, then you might explain to your readers which ones you think are most viable and helpful. Or, you can discuss a tip specifically about the front end product.

For example, if you are promoting a plugin that automatically builds review pages for niche blogs, then you might offer an additional tip about adding more content into each page that is created so that it’s not so thin and will rank better.

Day 20: Write a Review of Your Experiences with the Product

On the ninth day of your review process, you want to create content that shares your own experience with the product. This does not have to be an in depth case study, but just and opinion generated piece of content that lets people know whether or not you feel it is a worthy purchase.

This will only work if you have received an advanced review copy. If you have not been approved for an advanced review copy, but you have purchased products from the same vendor before and enjoyed them, then you can make this post about that previous experience and what you hope to find in the new product.

Day 21: Create a Similar Review Series for YouTube

Once you have your text based content written and uploaded to your blog so that it can begin being indexed by search engines, you want to work on creating a similar review series for your YouTube channel.

Some marketers are comfortable being on camera and discussing products in this manner. But if you are not comfortable with that, you can create a slide presentation using a free tool such as Canva end use a screen capturing tool to record yourself talking about it as a narration to the slides.

For screen capturing, you can either use a tool like Camtasia – or, use a freeware version like CamStudio. Make sure you edit it so that it is polished and professional before you upload it to your channel.

Day 22: Embed the Videos with Your Text Reviews

Today, you are going to capture the embed code for each of your review videos and embed them on the corresponding text post that you uploaded to your blog. You can place these in the beginning, middle, or end of your post.

This will help your human visitors who arrive on your site and have a preference of one of the two media formats. If you have time and want to go above and beyond, you can even extract the video and upload it as a podcast that you embed on the blog as well.

Day 23: Plan Your Emails Based on the Contest(s)

If the product that you are promoting is hosting a contest (or multiple contests within the launch), then you will want to plan your emails according to the timeline of when you would win the most prize money.

For example, a vendor may only have one specific overall contest based on the volume of sales or the total revenue. If you are involved in a revenue based contest, then you will want to push the upgrades heavily in your promotions, since those are usually priced higher than the front end.

Or, they may have an opening contest where the first 24 hours determine the winner. They might have periodic surprise contests sprinkled throughout, and a contest for the final 24 to 48 hours so that they can see a big push in sales before their launch ends.

You can strategically plan when you send out specific mailers based on how hard you want to promote the product according to the contest timelines. You definitely want to include a strong call to action and a sense of urgency in certain emails, such as the final 24 hours.

Day 24: Create a Set of Social Media Posts with Images

Today, you want to go ahead and create a set of social media images that you can use in the posts that you place on sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. You can also whip up a short text based posts to go along with it, if applicable.

You can schedule these to go live on the day of the launch, or upload them manually. make sure you include the link to the product as well as any and all hashtags or keywords that will help your post get found by interested consumers.

Day 25: Launch Day To Do Tasks

On launch day, you want to be up and ready before the launch actually goes live. About an hour beforehand, you will want to go in and add your affiliate links to the blog posts and videos that you have already uploaded for Googlebots to begin indexing.

Now that they have had time to get indexed and rank well in the SERPs, having a live link is imperative because when the launch goes live, people will begin using search engines to find out more information before they spend money.

This is when they will find your high ranking blog posts and videos, find out about your bonuses and in depth reviews, and purchase through your link. You want to make sure you queue up your emails for your subscribers and share the social images and posts at lunchtime if you are doing it manually.

Day 26: Play Up the Bonus Offer in a Follow-Up Email and Promo

If you have created or are going to offer a bonus to those who buy through your link, you want to play up this slant heavily in all of your communications. Many consumers will buy through your link specifically because you are offering a bonus and someone else is not.

There are a few people who will be loyal to a marketer based on the value that they provide, regardless of whether or not they have created a bonus. But with human nature, most well find the person with the best bonus to buy from.

Day 27: Promote the Upgrade Offer(s) Heavily

Another thing you want to do is promote the upgrade offers in your emails and posts. Even if it is not tide into the contest prize money, it’s important that you urge your readers to consider the upgrades, assuming they are worthy of the investment.

Some people claim to hate one time offer upgrades, but the fact is, it is a chance for consumers to get a big discount on something relevant to what they just purchased, so it’s a win-win for everyone.

If you want to, you can introduce a new bonus for the various levels of upgrades. For example, you might offer a bonus of a 5-page report if they buy the front end through your link.

If they buy the first upgrade offer, you might offer access to an in depth case study that you have created. If they buy a higher ticket upgrade offer, such as coaching, then you might offer something bigger, such as a custom item or access to a membership.

Day 28: Send Out an Urgent End of Sale Reminder

Regardless of whether or not the contest is based on a final 24 hours push. You want to send out an urgent reminder whenever the sale is drawing to a close. There are many subscribers and followers who will initially read your review and make a mental note to buy it later that day or in a few days.

Having the reminder and the urgency is beneficial for those who don’t want to miss out on the purchase of the product, along with the discount that they will be getting with launch pricing.

Day 29: Select the Next Product You Plan to Launch Jack

As the launch jacking process is winding down, and you are collecting your commissions and prize money, you want to immediately begin planning the next launch jacking promo that you will be doing.

Take a look at the launch calendars and see how products have been promoting recently with your target audience. You want to keep an eye on your email inbox for any concerns or questions your buyers had so that you can tweak and perfect your launch jacking process each and every time.

Day 30: Publish a Teaser About Your Next Launch Jacking Promo

To keep up with the momentum and excitement, you want to immediately publish the next teaser about whatever launch you have chosen to cover in the coming weeks. Be sure to send this out to your new and existing email subscribers and get to work on the content and research that you will need to carry out to succeed with the next launch.

One of the biggest perks to mastering the launch jacking process is that vendors will begin to sit up and take notice of your ability to dominate their launches and when prizes.

This will turn into additional opportunities where vendors are having their affiliate managers contact you ahead of time to see if you will promote their product. They will automatically hand over an advanced review copy, and may provide you with additional perks such as a bump in commission and a spot for an ad on their download page.

30 Day Online Business Plan for Kids

This 30 day online business plan is designed specifically for kids, and will help them learn the ropes of starting and running their own successful business.

30 Day Online Business Plan for Kids

One of the greatest things about the world of online marketing is that it has no boundaries when it comes to the age of who can begin building a business. In fact, many parents are registering their child’s names on social media accounts and domains as early as birth, to ensure they are always able to stake claim to their virtual real estate brand.

As your child grows up and is old enough to talk, you may want to get them involved in a business online – eithers one you do together, or something they can pretty much take over on their own with your overall supervision and approval.

The concept of raising a child entrepreneur is not only wonderful because it’s an endeavor that you can do together. But it also contributes to a healthy self-esteem, is a great educational project, and gives them something to grow into adulthood for financial stability.

If you question the ability of a child to earn major money from their online efforts, look no further than 10-year old Ryan Kaji, who started a YouTube channel called Ryan’s World featuring toy reviews that release once per day and earns anywhere from $11 million to $26 million per year.

That’s just one sensational story, but in households around the world, kids of all ages are working with their parents in their online home business and earning good money with niche websites, review channels and products.

Using the plan below, you can help your child navigate the ins and outs of building an online business that delivers for them in terms of personal satisfaction and profits. Some tasks will need your involvement more than others, but it’s good to have them involved in every step so they learn as you help them launch and grow their business.

Day 1: Pick Your Child’s Brain About Their Interests

Before you ever present the idea of owning their own business to your child, you want to casually find out what it is they enjoy being involved in. It might be a sport, arts and crafts, video gaming, cooking, fitness, pets, and more.

It’s important that you don’t insert yourself into their answers. You want a genuine response based on their interests, not what you think is best for them. Unless you want them to eventually get bored and leave you with the responsibilities, let them voice their interests with you alerting them to the fact you’re asking about a potential business opportunity, which could sway their replies.

Day 2: Test the Skills of Your Child to See What They Can Monetize

Without discussing the business yet, you want to see how easy it will be for them to monetize their niche options. For example, have them write an article about one of the topics.

Would it be viable as blog content? Would people pay money to read it and feel they got quality content? What about graphics – can they draw pictures for things like coloring books or printables?

To find out, just get them to draw something like a simple animal. You might even bring home a toy or other product and ask them to record a video of them unboxing it and using it, giving their opinion of it.

These should all be fun tasks – not for any reason other than you just want to see how well they do with it. Don’t guide them just yet. You need to see their raw talent to gauge how much revision or tweaking you’ll need to have done, if any.

Day 3: Take Time to Consider the Attention Span of Your Child

Not all kids have the same ability to focus on tasks for any length of time. Especially after a full day of school, with homework on the horizon, they may not have anything left to give for a business.

At the same time, teens often find after school jobs, or work on the weekends, so they might be old enough and focused enough to handle the responsibilities of running their own business.

If you have a child who is unable to sit still or finish projects, then this may not be a good option for them yet. You may need to wait until they reach a level of maturity that allows them to handle work.

Day 4: Present the Idea to Your Child Correctly

Now is the time to introduce the idea of a business to your child. You can either present it as something you’ll be doing with them – or as something you want to help them get started so they can operate as their own business.

Don’t start with astronomical earners like the child YouTuber earning tens of millions of dollars, because kids may assume everyone who does review videos can earn that. They may not have a concept of the time and effort it takes to grow the business.

Mention to them that you’ve seen their skill for writing, drawing or making videos and you know they have an interest in whatever topic they told you. You can tell them you’d be willing to help them make money off their interests if they want you to.

You don’t want to force this on your kids. It shouldn’t be a chore. They have to be enthusiastic about their business or it won’t convert into profits for them. If they decline, say okay and let it sit on the backburner for now.

You might be able to periodically show them examples of people earning with the same types of skills and interests, but don’t nag them. As they sit and think about it, their interest in the idea may grow, and they’ll come back to you whenever they’re ready.

Day 5: Spend Time Brainstorming Money Opportunities with Your Child

If your child is receptive to the idea, take some down time when they’re bored and invest it in brainstorming the money making opportunities they have. For example, if they love toys, they could do YouTube videos and/or a niche toy review blog.

If you have an older teen who loves fitness, they could do YouTube, a fitness blog, write fitness info products, promote fitness gear as an affiliate, etc. If the child loves to draw, they could sell graphics as PLR (private label rights), as a service, as Etsy printables, and more.

Basically, you want to consider what they can earn if they created an info product about it, if they created digital downloads like low content printables, if they promoted products as an affiliate, if they had a service for it, or even if they monetized a social media channel for the topic itself.

Day 6: Have Them Come Up with a Brand Name for Their Business

A brandable name is an important step in developing a real business online. This should have some thought put into it, not something they blurt out in seconds. Have them make a list of possible brand names for their business.

It might be something including their name, like the YouTubers do. Or it might include a keyword phrase, such as Instant Homeschool Printables, where they draw or write pages that homeschooling moms and dads can print out for their kids in a variety of subjects.

After they’ve brainstormed to the best of their ability, make a list of your own and sit down with them and have them ruminate on the list to pick whichever one stands out to them the most.

Day 7: Set the Business Up Legally and Financially

You don’t know ahead of time how much your child will be earning. Their channel or business could take off quickly and you want to be ready for that. Set up an LLC or S-Corp for them in your state.

It may be as simple as claiming a DBA (Doing Business As) moniker. You may need to legally be involved or at the helm of this business, so check to see how it works in your state or country.

Don’t forget to set up a bank account and payment processors for the earnings in the business. You don’t want this mixing with you or your child’s personal financial accounts. It all needs to be separate.

Day 8: Consider Investing Seed Money in Their Business If Needed

To get started, your child may need a little start up help. For example, registration of the business, any product creation tools they may need, outsourcing expenses, and even things like an email autoresponder account, domain and hosting will need to be paid for before the business is bringing in money.

You can keep track of the expenses you provide and have the business repay you for them, or simply do it as a gift to help your child get started with a business of their own. Make sure you look for free options, like Canva or CamStudio before you spend a lot of money on Photoshop or Camtasia.

Day 9: Have Them Register a Domain for Their Brand

You need to have them register a domain for whatever brand they devised a couple of days ago. Even if they’re doing a YouTube channel initially, you want them to own the domain for it as well.

If the channel takes off, someone else will go grab the URL and can siphon off your child’s customers easily by attracting them to their website, telling them the channel name has changed, etc.

Day 10: Help Them Sign Up for Hosting

If the plan is to launch a website or blog, then they’ll need a hosting plan. This shouldn’t be an expensive plan – just a basic one that allows for one site. Later, if they want to grow their online business, they can increase their hosting plan with ease.

Day 11: Teach Them to Install and Set Up a Blog

Installing WordPress for a blog is very easy. Once the hosting and domain are connected, they can use QuickInstall to place a blog on their site in seconds. Make sure you keep a copy of the site’s login details in case your child ever loses it.

Help them get the blog set up with a Contact page, an About page (but be careful about how much information is shared with strangers), and a Services or Products page, if applicable.

Day 12: Register for a List Building Account for Their Business

Depending on their business, list building may be an important tool for growth and profits. It’s not necessary for all niches, like toys. But if you have a niche like pet care, health, etc., then being able to contact subscribers is important for your child.

You may need to register this yourself and screen any and all messages being sent, since this is something that could be problematic if your child accidentally sent a spammy message to their list.

Day 13: Register the Social Media Accounts for Their Brand

Just as you need to claim the domain, you also want to claim the social media accounts for your child’s business. If they’re older, they can do this themselves. But if they’re younger, you’ll need to claim it as your own.

Be sure to grab accounts on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, SnapChat, Pinterest and anywhere else your child’s audience may lurk. Even if you aren’t having them use it right away, it’s a good idea to claim the brand name on it.

Day 14: Have Them Create or Order the Branding Graphics for Their Business

Graphics for the brand are important for conveying a professional business. Whether they’re selling info products or services, reviewing products or something else, a recognizable brand will be good to have across all platforms.

You can put it on the third party selling platforms they’re using, on their website or blog, and in all social networking profiles they’ll be using to promote their business. If they’re talented, let them take the reins and create something themselves, but if they’re not, simply outsource it on Fiverr and allow them to voice the kind of look they want for their brand.

Day 15: Get Them to Time Their Creation Process

Whether they’re creating products as a service for others or to sell to consumers, you need to know how long it takes them from start to completion. Even if they’re recording a video, the process has to be timed before you can price it and set a schedule.

Some kids might take hours to write one page, while others can do it in ten minutes. You have to make sure that their ability to create matches what you’re able to price the item for, or else they’ll lose money.

Make sure you time it when they’re free of disruptions and distractions. If they’re working while chatting with friends, it might drag out much longer than the true cost of time it takes them to handle the task.

Day 16: Help Them Set a Competitive Price Sheet for Their Products

Prices may be something your child needs a lot of help with. They can easily under or overprice their products and services without your guidance. This is an area even adult marketers struggle with.

You don’t want to undercut the competition to the point where it looks like your products are subpar. But you can’t price them too high – especially when you’re an unknown newbie.

Look at current prices for similar projects and talent and help them price things like printables, full eBooks, services, and more. If they sell something like single sheets, make sure you also help them price a bundle of items at a slight discount and explain why.

Day 17: Have Them Map Out Their Reviews or Products

In the upcoming days, your child will begin the process of creation – whether it’s text, images or videos. To help them get an idea of what they’re capable of, have them map out a list of things they plan to finish this coming week.

For example, if they’re creating homeschool printables, they might plan to create one sheet per day, for a total of five if they only work weekdays. Make sure they list what they’ll be working on exactly each day.

For example, they might do a second grade math sheet on Monday, reading sheet on Tuesday, science sheet on Wednesday, and so on. Or they might do a coloring sheet of a dolphin on Monday, a giraffe on Tuesday, a sloth on Wednesday, etc.

They may only be doing one item per week, which is fine. Just have them make a list of what will be coming up in terms of topics or types of projects they want to work on. These could be subtopics of one broad topic, too.

Day 18: Set Up a Workspace for Them

For some kids, merging the worlds of relaxation and work will be a problem. But for others, such as teens, it may be perfectly fine, depending on the type of topic and business model they’re involved in.

You want them to have a dedicated work space if needed. It needs to be a quiet area where they can think or record, and also one clear of clutter so that their creativity is not stifled by their surroundings.

Day 19: Brainstorm a Schedule for Them with a Week’s Worth of Tasks

Having a schedule for the types of projects or topics they’ll be covering is one part of the planning process, but they also need to have a schedule for other tasks involved, too. These include things like research, writing or recording, editing, blogging, sharing on social media, etc.

For example, if they plan to review products as an affiliate marketer, they need to plan the task they’ll be doing each day. That might include things like find a product to promote on Monday, research the pros and cons on Tuesday, write or record the review on Wednesday, edit and publish the work on Thursday, and share it on social networks on Friday.

Day 20: Have Them Create Their First Product and Give Feedback

On this day, let your child know that this is the real deal. They’ll be creating a product for sale or an official product review in an effort to make money. It’s important that you alleviate their fear of making sure it’s perfect.

There are editing tools they can use for both video and text that will clean up most problems or mistakes. Have them finish the work and then give it to you for honest, constructive criticism that will help them become better, if needed at all.

Day 21: Set Up Third Party Platform Accounts for Them to Sell on

Depending on what kind of products or services your child will be selling, go ahead and get their business account set up there. This may be places like Warrior Plus, JVZoo or ClickBank for info products or PLR.

Or, it might be Etsy for printables. You may even have them set up on sites like UpWork, Fiverr or Udemy, so make sure you research where it makes sense for them to have a listing.

Day 22: Help Them Learn How to Create and Publish a Listing

Most third party platforms have a knowledge bank that explains exactly how to create a listing. Help them take their first product creation and publish the listing on the platform where they’ll make sales.

Sometimes, this can be a big learning curve until the process has been done repeatedly. It might help to make a screencast video of you going through the procedure so they know how to do it themselves from that point on.

Day 23: Sign Them Up for Affiliate Marketing Programs

Even if they start off as product creators, becoming an affiliate can add more revenue to their online business. For most niches, you can have them make recommendations or even just link to products they’re discussing in a blog post or video that can result in commissions.

You can sign their business up on Amazon, Commission Junction, Share-a-Sale, JVZoo, ClickBank, Warrior Plus and many other vendors who have affiliate programs built in to their sites directly.

Show them how to grab their affiliate link whenever they’re writing a blog post or publishing a video on YouTube so they can link to it and earn money whenever someone buys through their link.

Day 24: Teach Them to Research New Ideas and Competition

Part of being a successful online entrepreneur will be their ability to come up with innovative ideas and to track trends so they can meet the needs of their customers. For example, if they wanted to get into creating coloring books, they’d want to see what trends are selling well on Amazon, such as mandala coloring books.

You can teach them to look at the competition – not so they can copy them, but learn from them. You can also give them access to a paid or free keyword tool that can help them look for search trends.

These will be especially helpful in niches like video games, toys and other niches where trends change quickly compared to evergreen niches like pets or gardening. Even cooking has trends that they can capitalize on, such as when Instant Pots or Air Fryers take the cooking world by storm.

Day 25: Show Your Child How to Repurpose Their Creations

Many kids get burned out on work, as do adults. One great thing about online marketing is that you can help them take their existing for and repurpose it to help their business grow.

You might show them how to take a YouTube product review and turn it into a transcript for a text-based blog post with hyperlinks to affiliate products. Or vice versa – show them how to take their text blog post and use Canva presentation slides and a screen capture tool to make a video review.

If they’re creating things like journal pages or other simple printables, show them how to start working from a readymade template so they can tweak little elements along the way and have new products with very little work.

Day 26: Help Them Learn How to Use Private Label Rights and Public Domain Content

Some shortcuts can be a blessing when your child starts feeling the burden of their workload. Private label rights can help them with blog posts, emails, social networking posts, or even info products.

And public domain content can be a great foundation for them to use, whether they’re working with text, images, video or some other media format. Explain to them the rules of using these types of content, and how it can serve as a springboard or replacement for their work when they need a break.

Day 27: Filter and Sort Through Offers That Come Their Way

Kids are very adept at using social media – more so than most adults. It’s very possible they’ll grow a huge following, quickly. So you need to be onboard to help them sift through the incoming offers and messages.

Some may come directly through their website’s Contact page, while others might come to their social media inbox. The messages might be from people wanting to purchase something, from competitors who want to collaborate with them, from prospective joint venture partners, or even sponsors who want to pay them for an ad.

And unfortunately, if a child of any age is representing the business, you may find some horrible individuals who engage in unsavory or even illegal behaviors. You want to protect your child from these people as well as from any business agreement that’s not a good fit.

Screen the messages for your child’s account, or (if they’re older), have them send serious offers to you to vet, and report anything else that’s offensive and harmful on the platform.

Day 28: Have Them Analyze Their Stats to See What’s Working and What’s Not

Watching statistics is an important part of growing a business and keeping your child from making mistakes and losing money. Details in the statistics can show who is buying, where they’re from, what kind of content keeps them engaged, and so on.

They have analytics built into their cPanel in their hosting account. They also have some insight built in to certain platforms, like Warrior Plus or Etsy, for example. You can see what’s selling, what the conversion rate it, what the refund stats look like, etc.

If they have an Etsy printables shop, for example, and they see that elementary school printables are outselling high school printables, then they may want to focus on making more of those to increase their revenue and prevent wasted time on things that aren’t as lucrative.

Day 29: Consider Having Them Monetize the Story of Their Child Entrepreneurial Efforts

As they embark on this journey, there’s another avenue they can go with their talents. Starting a blog, podcast or YouTube channel strictly about their journey of making money online is a wise investment of time.

Not only can this result in many opportunities from reputable sources who want to interview your child about their business (since it’s something many have interest in, but most don’t know how to pursue), but it can be a profit puller, too.

For example, if your child is discussing how they started a blog, they can link to the domain registrar, the hosting company, the page builder, and more and earn commission off of every person who buys the same through their link.

They can also start putting out info products about making money online. These can sell to kids like them or adults who have struggled and are looking for inspiration from others who achieved success.

You don’t want to overburden them with too much, since they’re in school. But they might want to make a weekly vlog or podcast about being a child entrepreneur. The following they gain might also translate into opportunities in their other niche from potential partnerships, sponsors and more.

Day 30: Check in to See If They’re Satisfied with Their Business

If they business model they’ve been working on is not delivering for them in terms of happiness, don’t be afraid to let them switch gears. You might try something we’ve already discussed above, or something new, like allowing them to self-publish fiction books on Amazon.

From early readers to complex young adult fiction, they can write, edit and publish a fiction book at no cost upfront. This is a great way to help a child tap into their creativity and get rewarded from it at the same time.

Raising a child entrepreneur takes patience. You have to approach things in a way that lets them feel like they’re in control, not being forced. You have to motivate them and help them find their enthusiasm.

You’ll need to protect their interests, and be a teacher as they learn how to navigate the technical and social complexities of running an online business. But if it succeeds, they will have gained a massive amount of confidence and knowledge that can help them power through any obstacle in life.

11 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Site Rankings

Your enthusiasm for being a site owner and online entrepreneur can sometimes inadvertently impede your ability to strategically think about things you’re either doing or not doing that can hurt your business.

One of the most important tasks Internet marketers have is to ensure their home on the ‘net – their website – is able to rank well in the search engines so they can generate free, targeted traffic that results in sales.

Unfortunately, many niches are fiercely competitive, and too many marketers don’t take time to understand what it takes to beat the competition in the SERPs (search engine results pages).

Right now, there are at least eleven different things potentially sabotaging your ability to get your site ranked well for important keywords and phrases. As you go through the list below, check to see if you’ve analyzed these issues and considered whether or not they could be burying you in the rankings.

If so, you’ll be able to quickly and easily follow the advice to help you remedy the problem and climb up to a page one ranking, where your site has a competitive edge over other niche marketer domains.

Problem #1 – You’re Focusing on the Wrong Thing When Choosing a Domain

Choosing a domain name has generally been based on who can get the shortest URL with the best keyword. If you were lucky enough to grab a URL like, you could have sold it for millions in a strategic flip.

For some, keywords will still be important, but it’s not said to be a strong indicator of future SEO rank by itself. You can rank a branded site with no specific keywords in it just as well.

For years, people emphasized the importance of buying an existing domain that had already had some work put into it. Longevity is a factor in rankings for websites, but existence alone is not enough to help you.

Only sites that existed with a positive and healthy role on the web have benefitted domain buyers. You can easily shoot yourself in the foot by buying a domain URL that has a bad history attached it – simply because you didn’t know this could be a problem.

What constitutes a bad history for a domain? Well, the content itself could be problematic. You may be purchasing a website that was once used to house adult content.

That webmaster may have tricked people into clicking on their URL, and the site got buried in Google and other search engines because they were intentionally misleading people or hacking them if they clicked on the link.

You can use the Way Back Machine and investigate the domain in other ways to ensure it has no negative reputation before you buy it and put in a lot of effort building a business on it.

Problem #2 – You’re Not Ensuring Search Bots Can Find and Index Your Content

When you first set up your domain, you may have not realized there was a setting on your blog dashboard that tells search engines not to index your site. You want to make sure you go to this setting and disable it.

You can find it under Settings in the Reading section. At the bottom, it says Search Engine Visibility and it should be unchecked where it says “Discourage search engines from indexing this site.”

In addition to making sure they can index it, you want to use a plugin to help create an XML sitemap for you to submit to Google and other search engines. This will be an automated tool to help them navigate your content and find and index every page on your domain.

You can also create a sitemap manually, but there’s a lot of knowledge that goes into creating one that successfully helps them index your entire site and all of its media. Try using a tool like Yoast SEO, Jetpack or Google XML Sitemaps to help you create and submit your sitemap for proper indexing.

Problem #3 – You Haven’t Made Sure People Feel Safe Visiting Your Site

Have you ever visited a domain and seen a warming flash on the screen that you’re about to enter an unprotected website? It looks very precarious and most people will not use the option where it asks if the person wants to visit the site anyway.

Most will choose the “go back to safety” option and avoid the website completely. This is what can happen if you haven’t gotten an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate for your site.

There are many ways you’ll establish trust with your audience, such as by providing ethical, informative content and guidance. But before they even land on your blog to read what you have to say, the SSL certificate gives them peace of mind that you won’t be hacking them or putting their files and information at risk.

To get an SSL on your site, where the “Not Secure” warning will disappear from the browser bar next to your domain name, and instead show a lock that identifies it as a secure site, you’ll either add it for free or buy a paid version.

Some companies (hosts or domain registrars) will give you free SSL and install it for you. Others will make you buy it and install it yourself. There are free online tutorials that will walk you through the process if your host or domain registrar doesn’t do it for you.

Problem #4 – You Didn’t Set Your Site Up for Flawless Viewing

Google is all about a visitor’s experience. That includes everything from the content they find to the technical ease of use. You may not have thought about making sure your pages load quickly – and while they may load faster for you, they may drag for others.

If your site is taking over three seconds to load a page, that’s a problem. People have short attention spans and no patience for slow loading sites. They can simply exit your page and find one that will load faster for them.

Therefore, since Google takes responsibility for being the one who sent you there, if they find a slow loading page, they’ll bury your listing so that faster loading sites can shine instead.

Go to or use another tool to check your page loading speed. This will show load times for both mobile and desktop users and it’s easy to use because you just type your URL and let it do an analysis.

Tools like this won’t just tell you what’s wrong, such as a slow loading time. They’ll usually give you pointers about how you can improve things on your site. Make note of what it says, fix the issues and then run another analysis since it’s free to see how it’s improved.

While you’re working on making sure your site is viewed flawlessly, make sure you spend time checking it on other browsers than the one you’re used to. You might be using Chrome, and see your site just fine.

But other visitors might be using Firefox, Safari or a number of other browsers, and what they see might be a mangled and distorted mess. If you’re on a desktop, make sure you check it visually on laptops, iPads and smartphones as well.

Sometimes, it could be something as simple as you having chosen an outdated theme that’s not responsive to mobile use. Plus, an iPhone might deliver it differently than an Android, so you have to check every gadget and browser possible.

Google makes it easy for you to check. You can enter your domain URL at and the will tell you if your site is mobile-friendly and if not, what to do about it.

Problem #5 – You Haven’t Helped Your Audience Find and Understand Your Content

If your content isn’t easily found, then you won’t be able to see the kind of monetary return on your blogging efforts that you were hoping for. There are several ways you may have been sabotaging yourself when publishing content on your site.

First and foremost, have you been writing effective titles for your posts? You have to think like the consumer thinks and title it the way they’ll be searching. For example, a blog post can be titled, “What’s the Best Diet for Women Who Want to Lose Weight Over 40?”

This has a nice mix of conversational dialogue and keyword strength. It tells the reader exactly what it is they’re going to find on that post. There’s no guesswork. If you’ve been using titles like, “A Question Everyone Keeps Asking,” then that tells the person searching nothing regarding what your post is about.

Use your favorite keyword tool (free or paid), go to forums to see how people are asking questions about what they need to know, and look on social media so you can craft titles that pull people in.

The title is going to show up on Google in the search results, so use it strategically. While you have your keyword list out, make sure you create clusters of related keywords to weave into the content piece itself.

You don’t want to use the exact same phrase over and over again relentlessly because it will cause the blog post to read awkwardly. Using variations of the phrases will still help you with SEO, without sabotaging the quality of your work.

Another thing you may have not been doing to help your content get found is writing meta descriptions. These HTML tags are what viewers will see right beneath the title and link to your page on search engine results pages.

You have to basically sum up your page’s content in about 140-160 characters, max. That’s because that’s all that will show up before the next site is shown in the listings. Your meta tag will look like this: <head> <meta name=”description” content=”This is where you write the blurb about your page content.”></head><br/><br/>.

Now Google doesn’t take your meta description into account when figuring out your SEO ranking. But if your description is effective at garnering the attention of their users, they will take notice, so it does have an impact in a way.

Have you been publishing your content without bothering to categorize the post? Many bloggers have a bad habit of doing this. Go into Posts from your blog dashboard and then click on Categories.

Here’ you’ll be able to type in a category name and slug (URL version, like countertop-blenders), and decide whether it’s a parent (broad) category or if you want it to go under another category in a hierarchy.

You can also give it a description, and while not all themes will show the description, some will – so write it carefully. You can create categories and then each time you’re about to publish, choose what category it best fits under.

This way, both humans and search bots can navigate your site and find the information they’re looking for. Don’t have too many categories where it overwhelms your visitor. Just outline your niche topic and have several main categories and a few under each one.

While you’re categorizing your site, you also want to see if you’ve been neglecting to use tags on your posts. Keyword tags are keyword identifiers that help people find your content on your domain using the search function.

You might also have a tag cloud widget in the sidebar, which can show visitors what the most widely searched for topics are on your blog. These can be broad or long-tail keywords, and you should use no more than ten per post, max.

Another findability issue is with the images on your site. Have you failed to use alt text for your graphics? This helps Google and others understand what topic the pictures are about.

So for example, if you have a picture of a weight loss graph, your alt text would be <img src=“weightloss.jpg” alt=“weight loss graph for one week” title=“weight loss”>.

This way, whenever search bots crawl the page, they can see keyword-based identifiers for the images you’re using. And when human visitors land on the page and hover over the image, they’ll see the description in your alt tag.

Problem #6 – You’re Not Publishing the Best Content for Your Readers

There are many ways to make sure your content is worthy of a top spot in the SERPs, but until now, you may not have been giving it that much thought. Instead, you were finding what looked like profitable keywords, cranking out a set number of words for a content piece, and publishing it so see if it would turn a profit for you.

That’s the wrong way to go about trying to rank well with your blog. Google is increasingly concerned with the quality and value of the content they put forth for people to examine, so if your site is lacking, or you’re continually publishing what’s known as “thin” content, you won’t find your site anywhere near the top.

Marketers have routinely found a specific keyword and written a post about it, hoping that because it’s so narrow and targeted, they’ll rank high for it. But now, you might want to go a different route.

Instead of many small blog posts that are narrow, take related topics and turn them into longer pieces that are packed with value and well-rounded for the site visitor. These pillar posts will go a long way in helping your site rank well.

If you’re not sure what else to put in a post, use Google to help you get started. Type in a word or phrase that you want to blog about. For example, you might have a dog site and type in potty train puppy.

If you scroll down a bit, there are two sections to help you gather more relevant content. You’ll see questions people are asking like, “What’s the best age to potty train a puppy?” and “ What’s the easiest way to potty train a puppy?”

You’ll even find very specific methods, like, “How do you housebreak a puppy in 5 days?” Scroll further and you’ll see related searches, like training by age at 8 or 12 weeks, training in certain types of places like small apartments, and more.

When you’ve been publishing content, have you been looking at evergreen topics only? Because it may be a mistake that you’re making not to scout out trends and breaking news and blog about that as well.

The reason you want to go this route is because when something is new in terms of having a buzz about it, there won’t be as much competition to fight with when it comes to search engine rankings.

You want to create Google alerts and stay tuned to the news in your niche via sites, magazines and other media formats so you can blog about trends as they’re on the rise for the audience.

One reason your people will follow you as a niche leader is if you can prove to them that you’re a great resource of information. Sometimes, this means you show them where to find great information that you didn’t create yourself.

Have you failed to highlight other experts in your niche? That’s a big mistake when it comes to SEO. Google loves to see authority sites sharing great resources, and you can do that by creating curated posts.

A curated content piece is when you gather small pieces of content from many different sources and showcase them with a common theme. For example, a museum curator who is putting together an exhibit on a certain culture, period of time or place can gather exhibit pieces from many sources.

They then showcase them in one exhibit, and add commentary about what the visitors are seeing. You’ll be doing the same, only in blog format. You might include a quote from one expert, an infographic another person published, embed a video by another professional, and share a paragraph from a piece someone else published.

They key is to take small snippets, not the entire thing – and then link out to the original source so your visitors can see it in its entirety. Most bloggers are afraid of link leakage, but that also means they’re too frail to build a reputation as a strong resource.

Problem #7 – You’re Not Listening to What Search Engines Want from Your Posts

You may be using keywords and publishing here and there, but have you really looked at the current needs and wants of search engines like Google – as well as your followers?

It’s important not to ignore the changes or what they deem important, because failing to pay attention can send you to the back of the search engine results pages. For example, search engines like to refer their users to sites that are up-to-date and frequently publishing content.

They’re less inclined to send people to sites that sit stagnant for long periods of time, even as long as a week or two. So the more often you can publish quality content – the better!

Every time a Googlebot comes to your site to crawl it and index new content, it makes a note of how far in between you uploaded new content, and it comes back sooner the next time until it’s on the same schedule as you – even if that means coming to index your content several times a day for fast-paced niches.

You may not have paid much attention to whether or not people stick around for any length of time on your site. Site stickiness is an important component in whether or not your domain is given a higher ranking.

You want people to find content they stick around for. One way to do this is to use multiple forms of media, like a text-video hybrid. If you have a 10-minute video embedded on your site, and someone is staying there to watch it, that contributes to your site stickiness.

Of course, long blog posts that are very thorough and comprehensive, overdelivering to the reader is also a wonderful way to get people to stay longer – because they become absorbed in the content.

Have you ignored the increasing demand for voice search when it comes to SEO? This is another thing Google is looking for that you may not have paid attention to. People use Alexa and Siri to look up information, and your site should cater to the conversational manner in which people vocalize their needs.

It’s different form how people search when typing something in. For example, someone might type into Google the words cook low fat, but they would verbalize it as, “Hey Siri! How do I cook a low fat meal?”

You want to be weaving those conversational phrases and sentences into your content. That means use lots of longtail keyword phrases instead of just broad, short words strung together.

You can use the previous methods mentions to create clusters of content questions people may ask that are related to the original one, and then create a long blog post that answers everything in one fell swoop.

Google doesn’t expect perfection. But you may have been sloppy when creating and publishing your online content. You need to make sure visitors will enjoy their experience, which means you have content they don’t struggle to read.

Don’t use language that’s over-the-top. Keep it at a low grade reading level, about 8th grade or so. Be conversational. Don’t write in a stuffy manner as if you’re trying to impress a college professor.

Break up the content strategically so the readers’ eyes don’t glaze over. You can do this with images and also with shorter blocks of text, too. Instead of a paragraph with twenty sentences in it, stick to 2-3 sentences before moving on.

If you’re using images, make sure they relate nicely to the content. It might be an infographic that sums up your main points, a quote poster that extracts and highlights an important piece of information, or something else.

Problem #8 – You Haven’t Implemented a Strong Link Strategy

Failure to implement a good linking strategy could have the competition beating you at every turn when it comes to SEO. You have to have links being pointed at your site to identify it as an authority site.

You also need to be linking out to other sites to show that you share good information and great resources. And you also want to link within your site, from one page or post to another, without overdoing it.

Don’t engage in shady practices to try to get backlinks. But you can do things like interview an expert who might share a link to your post with him or her from their own blog.

If you’re creating stellar content, people will naturally begin linking to you, so make sure you share your pillar blog posts on social media sites and send them to subscribers so that you get more eyes on them.

Most marketers forget to even notify their list about new blog posts, but chances are, they haven’t bookmarked it and are referring to it daily. You have to let them know so they can find the value in your posts and help you generate traffic and backlinks to it.

Problem #9 – You’ve Been Ignoring Technical Issues with Your Site

Technical issues can be a huge reason why your site isn’t ranking. You probably go through the publishing process without giving it much thought. But making sure your visitors have a positive experience is important.

Start by helping the load time of your site with images that are compressed and sized right. Run them through a free tool like to resize them for you, and try to use files that aren’t size hogs (like PNGs are).

Being a good blogger and earning better rankings means you’re on the lookout for problem areas. You can go to your analytics that are built into your site and pinpoint exactly where people are bouncing.

A poor bounce rate will tank you. It tells Google that when they send people to your domain, they leave almost as soon as they get there. So they will simply stop sending people there altogether.

You might be sending them to a page that’s not mobile friendly, or that has poorly written content. Spot those problem areas and go fix them before it’s too late. You don’t have to just accept that certain pages don’t perform as good as others – fix them!

Problem #10 – You Haven’t Exhibited a Strong Authoritative Presence

Keep tuned into Google’s ever-changing algorithm messages. They will announce upcoming changes so that site owners can prepare for them. Sometimes, whatever it is they’re doing is going to automatically benefit you, sending spammy bloggers to the back of the SERPs.

But other times, it can hurt your site because you weren’t enacting something they thought was important. Remember to adhere to their EAT guidelines. EAT stands for expert, authority and trust.

You want to showcase your expertise by creating valuable content and showing your readers that you care enough to provide links to other great resources, too. A true expert isn’t afraid to share the stage.

If you need to build authority, you have to become worthy enough of securing those backlinks from others. Creating pillar posts that are chock full of great information is a good way to do that.

When it comes to sharing links to other resources, don’t forget to do it with product promotions as an affiliate, too. Google has an update called MUM where they specifically advise you to start giving consumers multiple options of where they can get a product – not just one.

Of course, that may not be possible with a digital course or tool, but with tangible items, you can often promote on a variety of retail sites by using links from Amazon, Share-a-Sale and Commission Junction.

You can also highlight information about what makes you the go to person in your niche. Maybe you have experience with the topic that can help others, or a credential that helps you serve your audience.

It might be others who gush about your amazing insight, so don’t be afraid to ask for testimonials and product reviews so that Google and other search engines can sit up and take notice of what people think about you.

Trust is easily built. The SSL certificate is one way, but just practicing good, ethical marketing habits for your business is another. Make sure you update WordPress and all of the elements on it so that you don’t leave your site open to hackers.

You want to keep your site visitors safe when they land on your page. You also want to leverage social media to help you achieve your goals with Google’s EAT program. Sharing your advice on social networking sites and linking back to your pages of in-depth content is a great way to generate awareness for your brand and position yourself as a strong authority figure in your niche.

Problem #11 – You’re Not Shoring Up Your SEO Efforts Over Time

Another way you may have failed yourself is by only paying attention to your SEO efforts in the very beginning, and then ignoring them from that point on. Optimization of your site is not a one and done ordeal.

It’s on-going maintenance and strategy that you have to tend to over time. Periodically, go through your site content and freshen it up if anything is outdated or if links are broken. Maybe you talked about a site or tool as a resource that no longer exists, so fix it.

If you notice your site traffic is all but disappearing, find out why. Are the competitors posting more often? More in-depth? Did Google release another algorithm update? Don’t rely on SEO for sales, only to wake up one day and your ranking has plummeted. Take time every week to stay abreast of SEO news and apply it to your site.

30 Day SEO Plan for Niche Marketers

When a niche marketer embarks on the journey of building an online business, at the forefront of his or her mind is how they’re going to monetize their efforts. Usually, they focus on product creation, affiliate income and list building.

But soon, they realize traffic is a major source of whether or not they’re capable of succeeding, and since most don’t have deep pockets to invest in paid ads, they have to scramble to try to rank high with search engines for targeted, organic traffic.

This isn’t something you can do overnight, but by carrying out a steady stream of beneficial changes to your site, you can start seeing the results of your efforts. You’ll beat out the competition and see your site consistently ranking for targeted keywords and phrases.

The plan below allows you to choose one simple task to implement each day for an entire month. This will allow you to start enjoying free traffic so that you can build a list and see your income start rising, too.

Day 1: Check the History of the Domain Name You’re About to Buy

The first thing you want to do, which may or may not be too late by the time you’re reading this, is make sure that the domain URL you’re buying doesn’t have any bad history associated with it.

For example, if someone owned the domain before you and acted with blackhat tactics and spammed individuals and sites, then your domain might have an ongoing penalty associated with it that could hinder your efforts to rank well.

You want your website free and clear of any trouble. If you’ve already registered a domain and discover it has a shady past, then you might want to take the content you’ve created and migrate it to a new domain that has a clean slate.

Even if the previous owner simply did a bad job of creating content and serving their audience, you’ll have your work cut out for you in the future trying to dig yourself out of a hole.

People typically think of old domains as beneficial for SEO (search engine optimization), since they have longevity in their corner. But if the domain owner wasn’t above board, it will act as an anchor weighing your site down in the SERPs (search engine results pages).

Also, in terms of achieving that longevity that can benefit you with SEO, make sure you aren’t changing domains every time you happen to think of a better one. It’s best to stick with one and grow it for the future rather than change course, as long as your domain doesn’t have an unsavory past.

You can use a tool like to see the history of the domain. This is an Internet archive that will show you what the site was doing through the years, if anything.

Day 2: Create and Submit a Sitemap for Search Engines

When your site is chosen and you’re beginning to build it, make sure you’re employing the use of a sitemap. This gives Google (and other search engines) a clear navigation expectation of how their search bots can effectively crawl your site.

Some people have considered an HTML sitemap outdated, while others continue to use it. Most people use an XML sitemap, and you can find plugins that will help you do this automatically, making the entire process a breeze.

There are some like the Google XML Sitemap Generator you can use that are open source tools. It automatically goes to your site and looks at the traffic logs, files and URLs and makes sure everything’s up to date for the search engines.

Officially, there are different sitemaps you can use – in addition to the XML sitemap. The others include an image sitemap, video sitemap, and news sitemap (if you want to get your blog included on Google News).

Day 3: Secure Your Site with an SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate is a security layer of protection called Secure Sockets Layer that helps people avoid landing on unsecured networks that could harm their computer files. You want consumers to feel safe accessing your site, so their personal information won’t be stolen.

An SSL certificate prevents a warning from showing up that makes your site look as if it’s been infected or is dangerous, even if it hasn’t. You can have your hosting company or domain registrar add an SSL certificate to your site.

Some hosts charge you extra for this, while others will include it in the price of your plan, or give it to their customers free of charge. If you opt to go for a higher level of security, then it will cost more, but most niche marketers don’t need this.

Day 4: Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile-Friendly

Many people bypass their laptop and PC and use their smart phone to access information on the world wide web. You want to make sure your site is compatible with smart technology so that Google doesn’t bury you in the SERPs for being non-compliant.

Start by checking to see if the blog theme you’ve chosen to use is mobile-responsive. You might have only checked using your own smart phone, but remember, not everyone uses the same kind.

Go to Google and see if your site is mobile friendly using their tool here: You’ll enter your URL and it will take a minute to give you your results.

They will tell you what issues your mobile readers may have, such as text being too small to read, incompatible plugin usage, screen dimensions not adjusted properly, and so on.

Day 5: Check to See If Your Site Loads Quickly

Google typically wants your website to load in under 3 seconds. Anything over that and they may ding you in the search engines for a slow load time. That’s because users will often click out and go elsewhere.

The site has to load on both desktops and mobile technology, so make sure when you’re checking your site, that you check both. You can use a tool like to check both.

Just enter your URL and click the Analyze button. It will first analyze mobile, and then you can choose desktop, too. It will show you opportunities to improve load times on your site in the audit, so you can make changes that will benefit you.

Day 6: Examine Your Site on All Browsers and Gadgets

While Google Chrome is the most widely used browser on the Internet, it’s not the only one. You want to make sure your website shows properly on all browsers, different gadgets (like smart phones, iPads, Mac computers and more).

There are certain tools like, that you can use to check to see how your site looks on various browsers, or you can do it manually. You want to definitely check Firefox, Safari, and Opera.

Day 7: Categorize Your Posts for Easy Navigation

Every time you create a post for your blog, it will default to Uncategorized, unless you specifically put it in a category. These categories are important for navigation both by search bots and human visitors alike.

You want to create a hierarchy of categorization to help everyone understand the site content better. You can have parent categories and child categories that fall under each one.

So for example, if you have a site on weight loss, your parent categories might be diet plans, exercise, and mindset. Under the diet plans, your child categories might be calorie deficit, keto, and other types of diets.

Day 8: Put Keywords in the Post Titles and Tags

Keywords are very important to the optimization of your niche site. You’ll be using these in many places, but to start, make sure they’re in the post titles and tags of each piece of content you create.

The post title itself should have a keyword-rich word or phrase in it, as should the headings or subheadings in the content. When you go to publish the post, in addition to selecting a category, you can add keyword tags to the post.

Day 9: Use Strategic Keywords in Your Content

Keywords will come in handy with your content creation, too. Make sure you spend some time carefully collecting and organizing the keywords and phrases you want to use for your site rankings.

Never buy into the outdated hype that stuffing your content with keywords will benefit you. In fact, overuse of keywords can sabotage the very goal you’re trying to achieve. You will have an easier time ranking for long-tail keywords than broad ones.

For example, you’d rank easier for weight loss for over 40 women than you would for the phrase weight loss by itself. That’s because there’s more competition targeting the broader keywords.

In each piece of content, try using a variety of words and phrases that relate to your post so that you bring in visitors who go about searching for the same topic in a variety of ways with slightly differing language.

Day 10: Utilize Alt Text to Your Advantage

Most bloggers insert images into their site without ever maximizing them for SEO. Your images can help you bring in traffic. You want to use the Alt Text to your advantage whenever you include visuals.

What you’re basically doing is including a text-based reference for whatever the image is. So for example, if you have a picture of a bird, your alt text would be <img src=“bird.jpg” alt=“blue bird perched on a tree branch” title=“bird identification”>.

The title will be what users see when they hover over your image. The alt description is very important to the optimization of your image, so write it carefully and include keywords while making sure it relates to the text in your post.

Day 11: Get More Clicks with Effective Meta Descriptions

If you go to Google right now and type in a topic, you’ll see the results page pop up with a list of links. Below each link title, you’ll see a brief snippet of what the site is about. That’s what your meta description does for you.

And while it may not be a direct SEO bump indicator, search engines will take notice if more people are clicking through and staying on your site due to the relevancy of your content to their needs.

You have a code that looks like this: <meta name= description content=> which is an HTML tag you can use for up to 160 characters or less that will show up under your listing to help people understand what the site or page is about.

Day 12: Start Creating Value-Packed Posts

For a long time, SEO experts have said not to worry about the length of your blog post. This was primarily because newbie bloggers would pump a lot of fluff and filler content into the post and it was deemed useless.

But now, Google is definitely placing an emphasis on in-depth content. You want long, but valuable pieces that are comprehensive in nature. So instead of just writing a short, 300-word blog post about something very specific, where there’s not much to say, see how much broader you can get and make that one topic a section of an overall, bigger blog post.

Day 13: Spend a Day Updating Outdated Information on Your Site

Outdated information on your site can be very damaging when it comes to search engine optimization. If Google and other search bots see old information, they won’t want to send their users to your site.

Sometimes, facts and data have changed. Other times, you might have old examples used in content that are clearly outdated. All you need to do is go in and refresh whatever portions are outdated.

You don’t want to totally redo the piece (unless it needs it). You also shouldn’t delete it completely and write a new one. Just log into your dashboard, look for posts that could have old information in them, and tweak them to be up to date before republishing.

Day 14: Have a Good Balance of Outbound, Inbound and Internal Links

Links can be important elements in whether or not your site makes it to the top of the SERPs. Sites that have many people pointing to them as an authority site are bound to get more organic traffic than those who have only a handful (or none).

You don’t want to involve yourself in shady, blackhat tactics that try to get you backlinks because those are often exposed and then sites using them are penalized. Instead, stick to creating value-packed content that will have sites naturally linking to your pages for the expertise and insight they share.

Not only do you want inbound links showing that you’re an authority site, but you want to prove to Google that the places you link out to are good resources, too. And you also want to periodically have internal links from one of your pages to another page (posts) – but none of this should be excessive.

Day 15: Compress and Resize Your Images

When images take too long to load, you’ll lose visitors and search engines will bury your site in the SERPs. Before uploading images to your blog, make sure you optimize them for performance.

Basically, you want to reduce the file size. There are different ways to do this. First, start with a good file format. PNG images, for example, might look slightly better, but they’re larger than a JPG.

You can take your images and process them with a tool like to help you get the best compression and quality for your various formats.

If you use GIFs in your content, you should compress those too. For this task you could use a program like the VEED GIF compressor which helps you compress and optimize them for social media and other content.

Day 16: Find Ways to Create Sticky Content

Search engines want to be the go-to tool people us to find information. They know, when they send someone to a site and that person immediately clicks away, that it was not the best site to show to searchers.

So you want to make sure your site is sticky. That means when people land, they stick around for awhile. The longer, the better. There are different ways to create a sticky site, but nothing works better than delivering stellar content.

The pillar blogs successful bloggers publish can help with stickiness by being comprehensive content pieces people simply don’t want to click away from. You can also use multimedia formats like video to ensure people stay longer.

Day 17: Start Publishing More Frequently

Fresh, up-to-date blogs often enjoy a higher spot in the SERPs than those who publish new content infrequently. You want to be publishing as often as it makes sense for you to post, while maintaining the same level of quality needed to beat the competition.

Never adopt a quantity over quality mentality for SEO just because you want to publish more often. It’s better to publish three value-packed posts per week than seven flimsy content pieces – one for each day of the week.

By publishing more often, you’ll be training search bots to come back to your site quicker and index your content. If you only publish once every week, that’s how often they’ll come.

But you can train bots to index your site within hours if you’re frequently publishing, and this can help you grow your business strategically. Some niches work better for this than others, such as niches where the information is constantly being refreshed, like the stock market, for example.

Day 18: Embrace Google’s EAT Guidelines

Google is always putting out algorithm advice for their ever-evolving changes. You should know that some are evergreen, while others get deactivated eventually. With the EAT guidelines, they’re looking for Expertise, Authority, and Trust.

Your site can achieve a positive expertise ranking by providing links to reputable sources and getting links from other authority sites pointing back to you. You can become an authority site through the use of stellar content, having ample information about your credentials, securing positive reviews or testimonials and more.

The trust they’re looking for is in how your visitors will experience your site. Having the SSL certificate is a good start. Make sure your visitors can safely and effectively navigate your domain, too.

Day 19: Use Social Media as an Inroad to Better SEO

Social media doesn’t directly impact your search engine optimization, but there’s a definite connection between building awareness about a brand and social media sites, and when you can have more people talking about your brand, they’ll be creating links to your site.

It’s the links coming into your domain that will serve you well. The key is to build a brand that meets the needs of your audience, which means creating innovative, informative and entertaining content that gets shared and engaged with online.

Day 20: Cater to Voice Searches

Voice searches are being used by more individuals on a daily basis. While people used to type things into search engines, they can use their voice on the go or while multitasking instead.

Whether they’re asking Siri on their smart phone, or Alexa on their smart speaker, their voice is what’s commanding the information and results that Google provides to them. So you need to cater to this technology.

In order to do this, you have to start understanding what your customers are verbalizing. This may be different from what they would type in. For example, they might type in something like best diet fast, while they would verbally say, “Hey Siri – what’s the best diet plan for fast weight loss?”

These long-tail keyword phrases need to be used in your site content to cater to the ever-increasing usage of voice searches. You want to use the questions in your post titles, and thoroughly answer them so that any follow-up questions are handled.

Remember, searchers using voice often start with a query word like who, what, when, where, why or how. Use these to make sure you fully answer the question. So if you want to write a post about the best diet for fast weight loss, think about who would be using this and why (like an upcoming wedding or event).

Talk about what they need to do to implement it, how it works and when they can expect results – two weeks or a month, for example. Address where they can do to get more information or buy the product, too.

Day 21: Watch for Bounce Pages and Fix Whatever’s Wrong

If there’s one thing Google and other search engines have an eagle eye out for, it your bounce rate. Sending traffic to a site where people instantly leave reflects poorly on them.

You can watch your analytics to see how fast people are bouncing from your site and where it’s happening. If you see people largely leaving one page of your domain, then go in and fix it as quickly as possible.

It could be a technical issue like a page loading too slow – or it could be a content issue, where the visitor immediately realizes your site isn’t about what they thought it would be about.

Day 22: Pay Attention to Sudden Drops in Traffic

When you’re going through the motions of building a site with good authority and reputation, and you’re pleased with the traffic, you never want to rest on your laurels. Now is the time to stay one step ahead to ensure you don’t lose momentum.

There have been many website owners who were thrilled with their organic searches, only to wake up one day and realize their site’s been buried in the SERPs and they now only have a trickle of visitors coming from search engines.

This can happen for many reasons, but one is that Google or another search engine has created an algorithm update and you’re simply a victim of it. For example, think of the people who relied on keyword stuffing or link farms to help rank their site, only to realize the practice is now frowned upon, so all of their content is useless.

If you suddenly experience a drop in traffic (or you want to prevent this from happening), make sure you’re staying abreast of all of the updates happening in the world of SEO. Sometimes, a change can benefit you as it buries others who were doing something wrong and inadvertently bumps you up.

But if you know a change is coming, it can help you make alterations to your site and how you do things in the near future to stave off disaster and enjoy the benefits that come with simple awareness.

Day 23: Use People Also Ask to Create Thorough Content

Because of Google and other search engines giving preferential treatment to comprehensive posts, you want to work with what are known as topic clusters. Think of a keyword cloud or mind map where topics closely related to one main idea are all housed together.

When you go to Google and type in a topic, if you scroll down the page, you’ll see an area called People Also Ask. For example, if you type in best diet for over 40, you’ll see things in the People Also Ask area such as: what foods should you avoid at age 40, how can a 40 year old lose weight fast, and how can a woman lose 10 pounds in a month over 40?

Those are all topics you could weave into one post for comprehensive coverage. You can also go down to the Related Searches area and find more – such as: best diet for over 40 male, how to reduce belly fat after 40 female, hormones and weight gain after 40, and more.

Day 24: Give People Options If You’re Reviewing Products

Google MUM is an SEO update that has many primary issues, such as providing answers to queries, multi-language multimedia content and more. But one thing you want to do as a niche marketer in particular if you’re reviewing products is make sure all of your posts have multiple options on where someone can buy something.

So if you’re an affiliate promoting survival food buckets, for example, you’d want to link out to Amazon, Walmart, and anywhere else buyers could find the product. This isn’t bad for you because you know buyers have purchasing preferences and it gives you more opportunities to earn commissions, even if it takes a bit longer to initially gather your links.

Day 25: Improve Your Content’s Readability

Search engines are looking for pristine content, but not in a traditional way. Instead of content that reads like an encyclopedia, they want consumer-friendly, conversational content that’s easy to read and absorb.

In addition to the tone and style, you want to make sure there’s plenty of white space by breaking up long blocks of text with images and making paragraphs shorter and easier to devour.

Go through and edit your content to ensure it’s free of typos and spelling errors, overly long sentences and other issues. If and when you can, use bulletpoints so people can skim and include a hyperlinked table of contents so they can get to whatever topic they want to quickly and easily.

Day 26: Include Visual Elements to Your Text-Based Content

One thing search engines are putting a big emphasis on these days is the user experience, also known as UX. The way a persona experiences a website results in positive or negative feelings.

For example, if the navigation is off, they get flustered. If the site loads slow, or the content is poorly written, it’s a waste of time. Another thing people want is for the content to consist of more than just text.

To optimize your site for search engines, make sure you’re utilizing a healthy mix of all media formats you feel comfortable with – including things like infographics, gifs, images like quote posters, video and even audio.

Additionally, consider using tools like an MP4 compressor to optimize your video content for smooth playback and faster load times. By including a diverse range of visual elements, you enhance user engagement and improve the overall browsing experience.

Day 27: Find and Fix Broken Links to Improve User Experience

There are many reasons Google will ding your site when it comes to search engine optimization, and one is if your domain is full of broken links. The bots they send to your site to crawl and index the content will follow the links you have listed, so they all need to be in working order.

You can use Google Analytics or other tools to show you what links are leading to a 404 page (an error page). Then, you’ll need to go into the blog post or page and either update the link so that it works or remove the link completely.

Day 28: Capitalize on Your Ability to Rank for Trending Topics

Trending topics will usually have a lot of people searching for them, and fewer sites competing for their attention. That’s primarily because most bloggers are late to the party when it comes to writing content about breaking news or trends.

Whatever your niche is, try to stay abreast of news or trends you see forming so that you can capture the lion’s share of traffic from search engines. For example, if you’re in the health niche and there’s a trend to use keto to control blood sugar – or news breaks about a new treatment, stop whatever it is you’re doing and create a valuable post detailing what people need to know about it.

Day 29: Leverage Your Subscriber List for Backlinks and Social Shares

If you need to build backlinks and show that you have people visiting (and sticking around) on your site, be sure to send your email subscribers to your blog whenever you publish new content.

Many people focus on getting people on their list to only promote products to them, but they can be a fantastic source of engagement – which includes sharing your links, reviewing your work, and giving you backlinks as an authority figure from their own site.

Day 30: Learn How to Curate, Not Copy Content

Because outgoing and incoming links are an importance piece of your SEO strategy, you want to learn how to curate content the right way. Curation is when you gather snippets, quotes and links or media from other sources and create one post that highlights them all around a theme.

For example, you might be working on a blog post for diabetes nutrition. You can include a quote from an expert, embed a video from someone who explains a concept well, or summarize a strategy in a sentence or two that is shared in depth on another blog – and add your thoughts about what is being shared to the post.

You will not copy all of their content – just a small amount, with a link back to the original post or site so that readers can follow it and get more information. You’re giving credit to the source, and they will see the link to your post in their own analytics.

When they realize they’re being used as an authority figure or expert, they will often share the link to your piece with their own blog and social media followers as well as their email subscribers.

This helps you get an incoming link from their authority site, and wider engagement as a brand. Like a museum curator, your job will be to gather an exhibit of the best ideas for the overall topic and share them with your audience, along with your own interpretation.

If you’ve already been working on building a content site for quite a bit of time, don’t worry. Start implementing good SEO habits from this point on, and slowly but surely, work through your older content to tweak it so that it’s strategically in line with today’s search engine requirements and preferences.

30 Day Profit Scaling Plan

Everyone wants to make more money, but sometimes, you get to a point where you feel like you’re working so much, you’re not sure how to do that without more hours in the day.

As an online entrepreneur, the goal is not to work more, but to work smarter. You want to scale your business to profit more without having to spend more in time or money than you’ll earn back.

The process of scaling your business is not something that happens overnight. In fact, there are many simple steps you can take to start seeing your profit margins rise. You will find thirty days’ worth of scalable opportunities listed below.

Take one at a time and implement it into your business to see how it affects it. Then, move on to the next one. You may find that some are more lucrative than others, but some free up more time, allowing you to spend those hours on other profit-generating tasks.

Day 1: Start with a Strong Time Management Plan

You’ve probably heard the saying time is money, but when you’re trying to scale your business, it’s even more important. There are likely many hours being absorbed by wasteful time management and you don’t even realize it.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. Some use their time more wisely than others. Whether you’re engaged in a lively conversation on Facebook, or taking one too many breaks to check the news or binge watch a show, this is time that could be spent on scaling your business to the next level.

Before you can do anything, you need to get a true accounting of how many hours you are spending on actual work, and where you can free up time to grow your business. There are tracking tools that can prevent you from allowing distractions to keep your business stagnant.

Day 2: Pick a Skill You Need to Learn or Perfect

Today, you need to look at your skillset and figure out what skill you have that needs to be improved, or what skill you need to learn in order to scale your business into something bigger and better.

Skills can not only add additional revenue to your profit margin, but it can also help you speed things up. On the profit side, when you have a business model where talent is imperative, such as graphic design, there’s a big difference between what you can charge for using Canva templates and what you can charge for creating something original in Photoshop.

With improvements in skills, you can go from something taking an hour to complete, to something taking ten minutes. Freeing up time can be beneficial in allowing you to scale up your profits by focusing on other things.

Day 3: Set Aside Funds for Outsourcing and Delegating

Many people forget the importance of reinvesting in their business. This is one of the easiest ways you can scale your business. Set aside small amounts each month to outsource tasks to others so that you can either free up your own time to work on something more lucrative or to double the production of your deliverables.

You can be twice as productive with another person onboard, whether it’s a freelancer or someone you bring on as an hourly or salaried employee than you could if you try to do everything yourself.

Day 4: Repurpose What You’ve Already Created

Why reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to? One way to grow your business is to repurpose things you’ve already done into other things. For example, you can take your own blog posts, emails, and courses and sell private label rights to them.

This brings an additional income stream into your business with no extra work. Just make sure you’re upfront and honest about it being existing (not new) content. You can also turn your work into other media formats for a wider reach and more profits.

You can turn a blog post into a YouTube video or a podcast episode. You can distill the important points in the article down into an infographic and put it on Pinterest. This helps scale your content into something massive.

If you sell an eBook, take that and create a video info product course out of it. You can break up each chapter of the eBook into a video module. Or, you can create a membership where each month, your subscribers get access to a new report (chapter).

Day 5: Create Exclusivity and a Sense of Urgency

You’re already producing product on your own, but you can take it to the next level by adding two things – a sense of urgency and a bit of exclusivity. False urgency is never a good idea, and instead of helping you scale your business, it can sabotage it.

But if you put time restrictions or other consumer limitations on your products, like a limited number available, it can elevate you to the status of an in-demand vendor. This way, whenever you come out with something new, people will hurry to buy it before it’s gone (or before the price bumps up).

Day 6: Add High Ticket Products to Your Offers

Whenever you make plans to scale your business, consider adding a high ticket product to your line. Many marketers are afraid of launching a high ticket product because they worry about the buyer finding enough value in it.

But all you have to do is figure out what you could add strategically to what you’re currently offering to make it worth the extra money. For example, selling a course is one way to earn money.

But offering to do something for them – like creating a blog and filling it with product reviews – is another. You could also offer to take them by the hand and coach them through a process, which could be priced at a top tier level.

Day 7: Work Strategically on Affiliate Recruitment

Many marketers, when they start launching products, focus on the product creation and launch steps primarily. Then they go straight into catering to their new subscribers and creating the next product.

What you should be doing, if you want to scale your business, is focus on recruiting the kind of affiliates that can help scale your profits without you having to do more work. The kinds of affiliates you need to recruit are those who routinely top leaderboards for the kinds of products you’re launching.

You’ll need to go about it strategically, because these individually can not only bring the sales, but they’re going to be ultimately sharing their list of subscribers with you, because those buyers will get added to your own list for future sales.

First, make sure you’re connected to all of the people you consider to be prime affiliate targets. Be networking with them before you hit them up for a launch. When the time comes, reach out to them personally and let them know about your product, why they’re going to love presenting it to their list, and what perks (if any) you’re offering them for a promo.

You might include a bigger commission on the front end, a spot on your download page, or something else – like a readymade bonus they can use. Be sure to send them the link to your JV (joint venture) page as well as a full review copy.

Day 8: Create an Incredible Tripwire Offer

A tripwire is a no brainer, irresistible offer that is easily taken up by your prospect. Some people use free gifts as a tripwire, while others create extremely low cost products that can’t be passed up.

If you haven’t used tripwires before, this is a great way to scale your profits because you don’t have to put a lot of effort into their creation, but they can help you build a database of potential buyers on your email list with ease.

Once you have them on your list, you’ll be able to email them with offers that grow incrementally, after you prove your worth and value as a product creator (or affiliate, if you’re promoting other peoples’ products).

Day 9: Start Targeting Better with Paid Ads

Strategically growing your reach organically can be a big burden of time and effort. If you can take time today and once a month or more to learn the art of mastering paid ads, you’ll be able to create a shortcut to sales and list building.

Paid ads on social networks and search platforms allow you to pinpoint exactly who it is you’re targeting and have a message tailored to that demographic. So if you want to reach women over the age of 50 for a specific weight loss program, you can.

Don’t go over your budget. It may take a bit of time to figure out what you’re doing, and there are plenty of courses for paid ad strategies on platforms like Facebook. Test the waters and see how quickly you’re able to scale your profits with paid ads versus the effort it takes to secure an organic reach.

Day 10: Add More Items in Your Funnels

Sometimes, you just need to present more to your buyer in order to scale your profits. When someone is in buying mode, they’ll often say yes to add-ons and upgrades. But just because you don’t like upgrade offers yourself, you may have avoided using them.

This is a big mistake. You can take products you’ve done in the past, products you turn into your own from private label rights, or ones you create from scratch and add them to your funnel as upsells or downsells.

Of course, you don’t want a consumer stuck in a funnel for what seems like forever. If you gain a reputation for someone who has a dozen upgrade offers they have to click through, it may make people not want to consider your offer at all.

But you can go from a front end only (single product) strategy to one where you have a couple of upgrades and downsells and add an incredible amount of income to your launches.

This doesn’t just please the customer (because they’re getting the opportunity to get another great deal), but it also pleases your affiliates. They’d always rather promote a funnel with multiple opportunities to earn than a single product.

Day 11: Give Customers More Payment Options

Sometimes, the opportunity for more profits is right under your nose and you didn’t even know it. Payment options can be a big factor in whether or not someone spends money with you or walks away.

The first thing you want to do is look at the different payment options you have available. For example, you might only have PayPal. Some people don’t know that they can use a credit card to pay through PayPal, so they just leave.

You might have the option to add Stripe or a number of other payment processors to your sales to encourage more people to buy. This isn’t the only way payments can help scale your business.

If you tend to create products that cost more than the usual low-priced items, such as memberships, then you may want to scale your profits by allowing a variation of payment plans.

For example, give those who pay for a full year upfront a larger discount, and those who pay quarterly a smaller one. For the ones who pay monthly, make it afford for them since they often can’t (or don’t want to) spend a large amount on your products all at once.

Day 12: Dig Into Your Analytics and Use the Data Strategically

Analytics are a great way to figure out exactly where you should be putting more effort into growing your profits. It will tell you what demographic is showing up and converting into sales, and even what time of day.

You should go through your analytics – whether it’s through cPanel or another tool, and study the information carefully. You’ll see what products are performing, what keywords bring in the best customers, and many more details that you can strategically use to your advantage.

Day 13: Start Networking with People Who Can Grow Your Brand

Networking is something that can be used to help you increase profits with ease. Just as you’d networking with prospective affiliates, you want to find competitors and influencers in your niche who have a wide reach.

Start engaging with their content, tagging them in posts you make about their own leadership, and starting direct conversations with them about how you can mutually help one another increase your brand and reach.

You might simply be helping share each other’s social content, promoting one another’s products – or even collaborating on a joint venture product together and ultimately share the subscribers, profits and branding.

Day 14: Take Time to Create Something Unique and Innovative

It’s kind of sad, but if you look at the various online marketplaces, what you’ll usually see are a bunch of knockoffs. One marketer comes up with something unique, and dozens act as copycats to do the same thing.

Have you ever seen the online marketing persona and product called Rich Jerk? When that was released, the floodgates opened with all kinds of cookie cutter launches nicknamed something similar.

Instead of following in the footsteps of everyone else, scale your profits by really taking some time to think of what the marketplace is missing. What is it consumers need help with, where no one is serving their needs (or at least not well enough)?

Sometimes, it’s a matter of taking a simple step newbies are often told to do (like “build a list”) and mapping it out for them in the easiest to understand manner so they can finally implement the instructions.

Day 15: Wield the Power of Multimedia Social Networks

One way to scale your profits is to leverage the power of social media sites. There are so many places where consumers spend a great deal of time – whether it’s Facebook, TikTok, YouTube or elsewhere.

Your audience is there absorbing content. You don’t want to just wait for them to type in a search term and land on your blog. You want to show up in their social feeds where they can consume, engage with and share your content, automatically helping you expand your reach (and your profits) without paying for it.

Take time today to search for your target audience on multimedia social platforms. See if they’re on primarily text-based ones like Facebook, if they’re finding what they need on video socials like YouTube or TikTok, using image-socials like Instagram and Pinterest or even engaging on audio socials like Clubhouse.

Day 16: Start Monetizing Every Email and Post

Some marketers forget that they have multiple opportunities each and every day to monetize their content. They focus so much on idea brainstorming and content creation that when they’re ready to publish it, they forget about adding links or a call to action that helps them get paid.

Go back and look at your past emails and blog posts, social media content and even products. In each of these, you can add links to your own products or recommendations for other peoples’ products.

That doesn’t mean your content will lose value. You can write a lengthy blog post chock full of value and still include hyperlinks to items that can help someone achieve their goals.

Day 17: Expand Your Brand to Other Platforms and Channels

Have you gotten complacent about your publishing routine for content and info products? Sometimes, we learn one strategy and fail to get our of our comfort zone and expand past that.

First, start looking at other social platforms to publish content on. If you’ve never created audio, then start a podcast on If you don’t feel adept at making images, use Canva templates and start your own Pinterest board to amplify your profit potential.

Next, look at how you’re selling your own info products. Are you just using Warrior Plus to sell your courses? Expand into JVZoo and ClickBank, or Udemy and see how that adds to your bottom line.

Day 18: Improve Your Planning and Launch Process

Planning is something everyone can get better at. When you learn how to plan better, you open up the ability to profit more. Plans can be done for your daily routine, for each individual project task list, for how you manage your time, and more.

Sometimes, it helps to have a checklist for your planning process so you can fly through it and not have to stop and think about what comes next. You can tighten your schedule and perfect your launch and project systems with a little planning that ensures you optimize everything for profits.

Day 19: Look Into Other Business Models

There may come a time when you’ve maximized every part of your current business system. You may need to add something on to your online endeavors in order to elevate your income.

For example, if you’re an affiliate for other peoples’ info products, consider creating a course of your own that affiliates promote for you. Or, you may want to get into something that offers residual income, like memberships or selling PLR.

There are so many business options you have to consider in addition to info products and affiliate marketing, such as selling low content products, dropshipping, domain flipping, coaching, etc.

Day 20: Invest in Tools and Products That Improve Your Business

Using tools and products doesn’t always require an investment of money. Sometimes it’s just an investment of time finding and learning how to use them. But today, look at things that are available that can help you scale your profits.

It might be an editing tool like Camtasia (or CamStudio). It could be a course teaching you a strategy you haven’t felt confident implementing yet. Maybe it’s a page builder that creates sleek, professional looking sales pages that will help convert buyers.

Day 21: Look for Ways to Reduce Spending

When it comes to scaling profits, you have to look at wasteful spending, too. Sometimes, you’re the root cause of not seeing a better bottom line. Go ahead and admit it if you’re buying too many courses, tools and products and never using them – allowing them to sit stagnant on your computer.

Sometimes, you’re spending money for monthly fees for things you don’t need or use. Be honest about what bad spending habits you have and rein in your outgoing expenses.

This will not only save you money, but it’ll possibly allow you to redirect those funds into something more effective at helping you make more money, like outsourcing to a freelancer.

Day 22: Reevaluate Your Loyalty to Others

Sometimes, it’s not what you’re not doing that kills profits, but what you are doing. One good example of this is engaging in reciprocal promotions. When you get started online, you often feel a kinship with those who helps you get to where you are.

The people who walked you through a difficult technical task or who helped share your launch links are those who deserve you appreciation. But your loyalty only needs to go so far.

You can thank someone and do something nice for them in return without sacrificing your own reputation or business. The person who helped you may not have good products themselves, and they’ll expect you to promote their product because they promoted yours.

Don’t let yourself blindly promote anyone as a thank you for what they’ve done. Instead, evaluate everything on its true merit, and be ready to protect your subscribers from a bad investment.

Never let a friend talk you into letting them use your PayPal account or Facebook ads account because their own got banned. If they ruined theirs, there’s good chance they’ll ruin yours, too – and then all of your profits might dry up!

Day 23: Go for the Repeat Sale

Getting your first sale from a customer can be exciting. It’s even more of an honor when they confirm their subscription to your list. Don’t let that opportunity go to waste. You want to immediately jump into action proving your worth, while still angling for an addition sale.

You can’t just assume the buyer is going to enjoy your first product so much that they go looking for more. Instead, you want to court them into considering additional purchases.

Present your products to them and show them how it would be beneficial for them to own it. You also want to prevent them from abandoning your list. If you never cater to their needs again, they won’t feel any reason to continue getting emails from you, so don’t be afraid to set yourself up for repeat business.

Day 24: Get Really Good at SEO

Previously, we discussed the benefit of being able to scale profits by targeting your exact audience using paid ads. But there’s a lot to be said for mastering organic traffic, too.

Take time today to start learning SEO (search engine optimization) so you can bring more visitors and prospective buyers to your blog and product offers. You need to learn the basics, such as integrating keywords into your content – but you also need to stay abreast of what Google and other search engines are looking for in the sites they index for the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages).

Day 25: Learn How to Create a Buzz for Your Launches

You can quietly launch a product and see a steady trickle of sales come in throughout the day or week of the launch. Or, you can do what people like John Reese used to do when he launched Traffic Secrets and build such as buzz about your product that it rakes in an exorbitant amount of money at once (in his case, $1 million in 24 hours).

Creating a buzz involves a longer launch process, but you’re able to hit a high demand and ramp up your profits because when launch day arrives, your product shoots to the top of the bestseller list, is seen by more people (including affiliates who want to jump onboard), and discussed by everyone in social circles online.

You’ll be making lots of pre-launch content, including valuable freebies that serve as sneak peeks and teasers. You’ll also be making the rounds networking with affiliates, hosting webinars to field questions about the upcoming product and more.

Day 26: Use a System of Automation Whenever Possible

Automation helps you scale profits by freeing up your time to work on more lucrative areas of your business. Usually, the things you’re automating are the chores that must be done, but that are time hogs.

For example, queueing up emails and blog posts or social content steals minutes out of your day. You can use tools to post these in the right places, at the right times for you. You can even find tools that will automatically create transcripts out of your video or audio content – so look for automation options for everything you do and see if it can help you start earning more.

Day 27: Consider Upping Your Prices

When you first began putting out your own products, chances are you were a bit hesitant to make people pay for something when you were a sheer newbie. But even if you’re still fairly new to the marketing scene, you need to know when it’s time to up your prices.

Increasing your prices is a simple and effective way to scale your income. Instead of working harder, you just charge slightly more and see your income inch up higher and higher.

You always want to keep your product priced according to its value. But it might be worth experimenting with price points to see if your buyers are willing to spend more with you, and once you reach a point to where sales slack off, you’ll know where to correctly settle your pricing structure.

Day 28: Break Big Courses Up Into Smaller Ones

When it comes to repurposing content, you usually think of using blog content, social videos and more. But you can also instantly increase your income by taking one of your main products and chopping it up into miniature ones at a lower cost.

For example, let’s say you have a $47 eBook course with 10 chapters on traffic generation strategies. You could take each of the 10 chapters and split it into its own miniature course with a PDF and maybe even a video to go along with it.

These can be priced lower, and can get more people to take a chance on you if they’re not familiar with you or unable to afford a higher priced product, but wouldn’t mind spending smaller amounts more often.

Day 29: Start Split Testing to Improve Conversions

One strategic thing many marketers fail to do is split test their sales copy. You can scale your income by just seeing what works best to convert your visitors into buyers. It might be length of copy, certain bulletpoints, a specific storyline, or even something as simple as the colors you’re using.

There are tools you can use to split test sales copy, but you can also split test emails that you’re sending out, too. See which one converts best and you can start to improve your messaging for increased profits.

Day 30: Reduce Risk and Set Future Milestones

Lastly, take time today to see how you can reduce risk that seems to sabotage your profits. It might be offering too wide of a refund policy, or promoting products that aren’t solid enough for the consumer.

You also want to set milestones and goals for your marketing and craft a plan that helps you achieve them. It might be a milestone for when you have certain project tasks completed – or it could be a specific goal of getting 10 new affiliates onboard.

Leveling up with your income requires you to stop going through the motions and carefully evaluate where you can make improvements that not only add more revenue to your business, but eliminates anything detracting from it.

5-Day Business Systems for Marketers

When you embark on a career as an online entrepreneur, you’re usually not ready for the sheer volume of tasks you have to handle on your own. Even if you’re just running a single business model, it can get overwhelming trying to master time management and remember to carry out your responsibilities.

It’s imperative that you systemize your business so that you’re able to thrive with a functioning operation that lessens your stress and even allows you to bring in help from time to time when and if you want to step away from your business for some down time.

In the blueprint below, you’ll find a readymade system that you can integrate into your schedule where you’re working five days a week, handling six tasks per day. This will address your blogging routine, email marketing, social marketing, product launches, affiliate marketing and customer service efforts.

You can also switch things around so that you do all of your blogging on day 1, all email tasks on day 2, and so on, if you prefer to knock it out that way rather than have a variety of business aspects to work on daily – it all depends on your personal preferences.

Day 1

Blogging System – Analyze the Traffic and Engagement of Previous Posts

On the first day of each week, you need to see what’s working and what’s not in terms of getting traffic to your blog and having those visitors engage with you. Check traffic stats and log into your dashboard to approve and reply to comments.

You want to stay aware of what is helping you rise in the SERPs (search engine results pages), what gets shared on social media to send traffic your way, and what slants cause people to generate enough emotion that they need to respond with a comment.

When you check analytics, you can also go back to work on blog posts that are underperforming, strengthening their keywords, content and value so they have a fighting chance to get seen.

Email Marketing System – Create the Draft Templates for the Upcoming Week of Emails

On day one, log into your email autoresponder system and create a draft broadcast email for each of the days of the week you plan to email out. In the title, put the day of the week and date, such as Mon 23rd so you know which day to schedule it later.

In the body, go ahead and enter your greeting, such as Hi {firstname_fix}! and type in the words personal, promo, and value with about two lines between each one. Then, type in your usual sign off, such as, “To your success… John.”

This draft template is going to make it easy for you to quickly log in if something arises during the week that you want to remember to add to an outgoing email. Don’t do anything else to these drafts today.

Social Marketing System – Create Some List-Building Posts and Link to Your Lead Magnet

Day one of your socialization is going to be to log into your favorite social media networks and apps, like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and more – and create a post about something to do with your lead magnet or the value in being on your list.

Make sure you link to the lead magnet page, because you want these particular posts that you create to help build your list. You can pull one specific tip from your lead magnet with a call to action telling them they can learn more about it in your free report, or create a post that makes people think, such as asking a question about who is struggling with an issue – with a call to action that they can find the link to a report that can help in the comments, where you share it.

Product Launch System – Pinpoint the Needs of Your Target Audience

If you want to be a vendor – a product creator who sells digital info products, then you’re going to spend day one researching the needs of your audience so that you can create something they won’t want to miss out on.

Look at emails that have come in, comments people have posted on your blog and in social groups. Look on forums and see what types of books are selling in your niche to see where the biggest demand is and make a list of the problems you see that you can help with.

Affiliate Marketing System – Gather Ideas for a Week’s Worth of Potential Product Promos

Your first day of the week as an affiliate, you want to gather ideas for as many products as you want to promote. If you want to write three reviews per week, then find three products – tangible or digital.

Today, you’re looking for quality products that you’ll enjoy promoting. Look on sites like Warrior Plus, ClickBank, JVZoo, Amazon, Share-a-Sale, and Commission Junction, too. Don’t just aim for commission, but find something that pays well while also benefiting your readers, so you don’t sabotage your reputation.

Customer Service System – Answer All Incoming Support Tickets and Emails

Customer service should never be neglected, so on day one, you’re going to sort through all of the incoming emails you’ve received from your audience – and that includes checking your spam folder to make sure no one fell through the cracks.

If you have a support system in place, make sure each one achieves a resolved status before shutting down for the night, if possible. At the very least, make sure each customer has received communication from you about your efforts to resolve it.

Day 2

Blogging System – Conduct Niche Research and Map Out Your Blog Topics

Day two of blogging will require you to start conducting niche research for next week’s upcoming blog posts. Bloggers typically want a variety of slants to keep their audience coming back.

You might have value-packed pillar posts, shorter tip posts, interviews with other experts, curated information, and more. What you do want to do is make sure of is that your posts are trendy and relevant in that moment.

If there’s breaking news you want to cover in your niche, be aware of it by looking up news and data for your topic. Go ahead and outline some main points for each post if you want to make it easier on yourself.

Email Marketing System – Update Your Promo List for the Next Week

For your second day of email marketing, update the list of items you want to promote in your emails that week. These can be a mix of things you sell or items you promote as an affiliate.

Go to sites like Muncheye and Warrior Plus to see a launch calendar of digital info products that will be releasing in the coming week in your niche. If you want to get a coupon code from another vendor to offer your customers, secure those deals on this day.

Have everything ready to go – such as the JV pages you need to refer to. Don’t promote too many items in each email. You can spread things out a bit. Even if something launches on a Tuesday, you don’t have to promote it until Wednesday if you already have something scheduled for Tuesday.

Social Marketing System – Engage in Some Personal and Direct Networking

Social marketing is a very important part of succeeding as an online marketer. On day two, you want to have one-on-one communications with people you want in your circles. You can do this by private messaging them, emailing them or engaging on their content.

These can be people you want to recruit as an affiliate later, marketers you want to approve you as an affiliate, experts you hope to interview, people you want to learn from and more.

Product Launch System – Brainstorm and Outline a Product

For the second day of your product launch system, you’re going to think of a product that will meet the needs of your customers and outline it in depth. This makes the product creation process quick and easy.

Look at what competitors have launched and think of how you can do something better or different that will be in demand – a product people are willing to pay for. It can be text or video based, and it doesn’t have to be a gigantic product because narrow, targeted products often convert better than broad, comprehensive ones.

Affiliate Marketing System – Jot Down the Features and Benefits of Each One

Day two of your affiliate marketing system will be to go through the products you wanted to promote and make a list of the specifications and benefits of each one. Write down what it is, the price point, what problem it will solve, and how it works.

Don’t be afraid to also make a note of any drawbacks you find with it. This can be a way for you to brainstorm a bonus for any missing information, or to provide helpful tips for anything that is lacking.

Customer Service System – Check Social Media PMs to Address Direct Messages

The second day of customer service will mean you log into social media accounts to check for customer service issues. It might be something someone has direct messaged you, a comment they left on one of your posts, etc.

Many people only use social media to log complaints against vendors and companies. You need to be able to salvage your reputation by handling anything that comes up in a professional manner, without flying into a fit of rage.

Day 3

Blogging System – Create Multimedia Elements to Break Up Text

Midway through your work week, on day three, you’re going to create some images or videos to help break up monotonous text on your blog. This will also help it show up better in social media feeds, because if someone shares a link to your post, it will pull the image or video into the feed with it.

You can make simple images on Canva with a callout of a certain quote from your post. You can create an infographic of the main points of your post – whatever you feel helps give a reader’s eyes a quick break from a large block of text.

If you don’t want to make images yourself, you can also download stock photos to help break up text, too. You can use free ones like Pixabay or paid ones from sites like iStockPhoto or DepositPhoto.

Email Marketing System – Add Personalization, Value, Promos and Links to Each Email

Your third day of email marketing will have you logging in to the autoresponder system and going into the drafts you’ve made for next week’s emails. Start by going to each one and adding a bit of personalization under the greeting.

Then, insert the promos for products you’ve been gathering – with details about the special deal or what’s included, along with the links to the product and any coupon codes you have.

Make sure you end your email with a snippet of value, like a tip or solution to a problem, so that your audience doesn’t feel as if you’re slamming them with constant promotions without giving them anything in return.

Social Marketing System – Create and Share Some Multimedia in Your Feed

On day three, you’ll be bringing different media formats to your social networking accounts. You can share these on your profile, page and group. This can be media you’ve created (ideally) or just something you found relevant and useful that someone else created.

Look for YouTube videos, podcast episode links, images like infographics, and more. Always add some of your own commentary about the media they’re seeing. Why did it resonate with you, what do (or don’t) you like about it? Make sure you create a call to action for them to engage with your post.

Product Launch System – Order or Create the Branding for Your Launch

The third day of product launch systemization is when you either create or order the branding you want for your product. If you create it yourself, you might se a tool you purchased or a site like Canva to make an eCover.

You can use a product like SmartMockups to create a multi-device image if you have something like a video module course you’re creating. You can also outsource this task to someone on Fiverr or Upwork.

Affiliate Marketing System – Apply for Approval and Gather Your Links

The middle day for your affiliate marketing system means you’ll be going to those products you want to promote and applying for and grabbing your affiliate links so they can be included in your upcoming emails, in blog posts, and elsewhere.

If optional, make sure you enter a note to the vendor about why you want to promote so they know you have a genuine interest and aren’t just going to send junk traffic and ruin their conversions.

Customer Service System – Create a Survey to See How You Can Improve and Email It

On day three for customer service, create a survey or question to send to your subscribers and followers to see where you can improve. You can also ask specific questions about what they need help with, or whether they would like something you have in mind.

This kind of solicitation for feedback shows that you go the extra mile to meet the needs of your audience. Be sure to take their comments into consideration. If they took time to respond, then they’re trying to help you succeed, too.

Day 4

Blogging System – Write Your Upcoming Week’s Blog Posts

On the fourth day of your blogging system, you’re going to sit down and write your upcoming blog posts. Whether it’s one or seven, do your best to write a post that’s worthy of rising in the search engine ranks and garnering a lot of organic traffic.

You also want to make sure you end with a call to action. That might be for them to sign up to your list, share the post with others, leave a comment, etc. You want engagement to soar.

Email Marketing System – Queue Up Each Email for the Correct Date and Time

Your emails will be complete now, so today, you can queue each one up. If you have multiple lists, you can pick and choose which ones it goes out to. Pick the correct date you want it to go out as well as the time (be mindful of EST versus CST time).

When each email is queued up, be sure to create a test of each one. This allows you to quickly see it and ensure you’ve entered your links, that it’s free of typos and errors, and that it’s formatted correctly.

Social Marketing System – Curate Some Great Information for Your Followers

On your fourth day of social marketing, be a great curator for your followers. One way to succeed with this is to look through your own feed of the people you are following and share some of their content with your own followers.

This builds good will with the other person (they’ll be more apt to share your posts in the future), and it shows your audience that you are good about finding valuable posts from others to share with them.

Don’t just share anything and everything. Be selective. If you don’t find anything in your feed, then go outside of it to find something from someone else to share, like another expert or blogger with some content you found interesting.

Product Launch System – Create the Product for Your Buyers

For day four of your product launch, you’re going to dive into product creation. Many people can create their product in a day, but it all depends on how fast and knowledgeable you are.

If it takes a bit longer, don’t stress about it. Just take your time and create the product, picking up on your daily tasks whenever it’s complete. Remember, you can also outsource product creation or use private label rights as a readymade product or springboard for your own info product.

Affiliate Marketing System – Write or Record Your Review and Post It to Your Blog

Day four is the day you’ll be creating your affiliate reviews, too. You can write them or record them on video, such as doing an unboxing reveal or creating a screen capture showcasing a case study of your results with a product.

Upload it to your blog when you’re done – ideally with some sort of image or video so that it breaks up text and can be found easier in the feeds on social media if someone shares it.

Customer Service System – Whip Up an Unexpected Gift for Your Subscribers or Blog Readers

For your fourth day of customer service, you can create a simple, yet valuable unexpected gift for your blog readers, subscribers and social media followers. This might be something as simple as a cheat sheet, checklist or template they can use.

If you don’t want to make one, you can purchase the rights to one by looking for low content PLR and rebranding it and editing it to be specifically for your audience as a gift from you.

Day 5

Blogging System – Format and Schedule the Posts to Go Live

On your final blog task for the week, you want to format each of the blog posts you want to go live next week and schedule them for publication. Some people do multiple posts per day, some daily, and some just once or twice a week.

For formatting, make sure you have the font broken up so that it’s not one large swath of text without any broken up paragraphs. You should also have skimmable sub-headings or sections that are in bold.

You can use bulletpoints and make sure your images are aligned properly. You want to make sure you have images tagged with relevant keywords as well. And if possible, bold and underline hyperlinks.

You can do a preview of what the post will look like, and you should always do this to ensure that everything looks good, links are in place, and there are no errors or typos. Make sure you space your posts out and have them categorized and tagged for SEO and human navigation.

Email Marketing System – Check Analytics and Clean Up Your List

The last day of the week, you’ll be looking at last week’s emails to see how they performed with your subscribers. Which subjects got the best open rates? How many people, on average, are opening your emails?

You want to look for any bounced emails and clean those up. You also want to delete the unsubscribes because some systems will charge you based on numbers, and those will include the unsubscribed emails in your database.

Social Marketing System – Share Something You’ll Profit From as a Vendor or Affiliate

Social media is a great place to monetize your online efforts. Today, pick something you can earn money from and post about it with a link on a variety of platforms, making sure to track what worked best.

It might be a course of yours, a print on demand tangible item, a coaching program – or something you’re promoting as an affiliate for someone else. You might create a text post for Facebook, a video for YouTube and TikTok, an image for Pinterest and Instagram, etc.

Product Launch System – Create Your Copy, List It on a Platform and Notify Affiliates

The last day of your product launch will have you first creating the sales copy that details the benefits of your product for prospective buyers. Your copy should include a storyline, headlines, bulletpoints, a call to action and more.

You then want to create a listing for the item for sale on a platform of your choice, scheduling it ahead of time. You can do this on sites like Warrior Plus, JVZoo, and ClickBank to name a few.

Notify affiliates by creating a listing on Muncheye, emailing your affiliates, reaching out directly to people you want to recruit, and more. Make sure you give them a link to where they can grab their affiliate link to promote for you.

Affiliate Marketing System – Share the Review in Emails and on Social Media

On the final day of your affiliate marketing system for the week, take the link to your product reviews that you’ve created and share them on social media. You can post the links to the blog post reviews on Facebook, create Pins for them on Pinterest, and more.

You want to make sure that wherever you’re sharing the links, your target audience is prevalent on the site. You should be looking for groups and hashtags to see if there’s an audience there.

Customer Service System – Make Note of Any Complaints or Requests and Work on a Solution

Finally, take care of the customers by taking their concerns to heart and actively working on a solution that you can present to them in the coming week. For example, if someone says your blog is hard to read because it has white text on a black background, then see if switching it would work better.

If they approach you saying they really need help with one thing in particular, make a note of it and either use the idea for a product in the upcoming week or as a free gift with a tip sheet to help them.

One great thing you can do to let people know you hear them is to thank the person who submitted the topic (first name only in case they don’t want their full name divulged) and you can even gift them the solution you create in advance with a personalized message that you hope it helps and you appreciate the feedback because you know it’ll help others, too.

Systemizing your online business isn’t just something you can do if you want to. It’s almost a necessity. Along the way, as you gain more experience, you’ll develop systems and processes of your own – but this should get you started with a roadmap to ensure it all gets handled effectively.