Swimming in Workout Clothes

I was CRAZY hot from working out. So, naturally I jumped in the pool with my work out clothes on. That’s just how I roll!

I’m proud to report that last week I worked out four days and this week I’ve worked out four days so far…Finally getting back into a habit of trying to be healthier. It hit me a couple of weeks ago that I’m almost thirty (a year and two months to go…) and I would like to be in shape for my next several decades in life. So, I’ve been werqin on mah fitness! Yep!

Stopped gambling? Check! Stopped drinking? Check! Started working out again? Check! Gonna stop eating unhealthy foods…next on the list along with getting over my need for diet Pepsi…I’m losing bad habits left and right ya’ll!!!


People were looking at me all weird like why is that girl wearing sweat pants and a sports bra in the pool. I just looked back like- why are you wearing swim suits ya weirdos?!? I was hot and DID NOT CARE! hahaha! Only bad thing? I still had another quarter of a mile to walk back to my apartment. Doing that soaking wet kinda sucked! Was totally worth it though 😉

Have you ever jumped into a pool fully clothed? It feels like the ultimate rebellion, doesn’t it? Although skinny dipping is the actual ultimate rebellion, this felt pretty bad ASH if I do say so myself.

My Ultimate Fantasy Right Now

I have a pretty big and intense fantasy right now! It’s not sexual like you’d find on https://www.hdpornvideo.xxx/?hl=es, but it is pretty wild! I want to call/text my husband and ask him to quit his job, have him rush home, help me give and sell everything away and then just hit the road! I want to just move out of my apartment this weekend and leave town and start my dream of being a TRAVELING writer and photographer.

I only have one scheduled shoot left on my calendar right now- it’s this weekend. I want to finish the gig and then get outta dodge! Crazy? YES! Want to do it anyway? Hell yes!

What’s the worst that could happen? My husband and I could run out of money by next week. We might have to turn to more exotic income streams like putting some sexual work on this website. It could be fun but lets keep that in the maybe pile for now. But since we are struggling we will have to think about it. We could be barely able to find food let alone gas to get to our next destination. We could end up having to beg for cash to come back home with our tails between our legs and look for a new job for my husband (I only say my husband because my job could be done from anywhere with internet access…). While trying to find him work we might have to live with my father-in-law, my parents or in my car.

There! I’ve figured out the worst case scenario. On the flip side…what’s the best thing that could happen? We could come up with a way to have plenty of money on the road. My blogs could get wildly popular and fund our adventures from state to state and then ultimately country to country. We could wake up every day with something new and exciting to do. Then, once we’re done with the globe trotting lifestyle we could settle down and maybe start a family or some other adventure.

If my husband and I keep waiting to start living out our dreams, we may end up waiting the rest of our lives. I don’t want to wake up one day regretting all the things I didn’t do! I want to make a plan to start living out our dreams and goals THIS year! Not next year, next decade or even in retirement….but NOW! Why not?!?

The photo above is what prompted this post. I found it on Ali Brown’s facebook page and it really struck a cord in me. Obviously…LOL! I don’t want to wait anymore for the perfect moment. The moment may never be perfect. It’s beyond time to shake things up. Thinking it’s time to discuss this with the hubby. He gets off at 6 and we will definitely be talking tonight!

Source for image above

How To Become a Millionaire


stacks of money image from Wikipedia.org
I want to be a #millionaire … So, I’ve given this some thought and here’s 10 ways I can acquire a million dollars:
1. Sell 500,000 copies of my eBook 50 Ways to Keep Me From G*mbling since I get about $2 per copy sold. If not this book, then some other awesome eBook I write. This is the most likely scenario anyway out of all the items on my list…IMHO (2018 Update this will NOT happen because I deleted the book from Amazon LOL)
2. Hang out at the casino more often in hopes of an awkward reenactment of “Indecent Proposal” ….oh wait- I’m not a whore and not Demi Moore….
3. Rob a bunch of banks and then skip town to a non extradition country like in the movies.
4. Take a life insurance policy out on myself. Fake own death. Have hubby collect the money and meet me in another country/town/place…
5. Continue adding money to a retirement account and wait 50 years to let it grow and compound into a million all the while gritting my teeth that it’s taking so damn long…
6. I heard about a guy that was pretending to be homeless and was making $300K a year doing that…I’m way cuter and could totally get a million dollars in a year or two. Right? LOL! Don’t answer this question. Thanks! hahaha
7. Have a long lost relative leave me a hefty inheritance…highly unlikely considering I know all the folks in my family as far as I know and doubt an unknown family member would leave me money at the time of their expiration…but hey….these are just thoughts anyway….
8. Get a wildly popular blog and insane endorsement deals. This could totally happen! If a woman writing about the color of her kids poop can make $2 million on her blog I totally could do that too!
9. Make a crap ton of Youtube videos and get a bunch of hits ala Gangnam Style…
10. Create a product, patent that crap and then sell the bejesus out of it. Pet rock, slinky, koosh ball, and ahem… SNUGGIE …. so why not me?!?

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All About Moi

Found this nifty questionnaire on The Dansha Diaries and since I thought it was cool I decided I would do one all about me!

All about moi:
NICKNAMES: The Famous Ashley Grant, that’s about it as of
late. My maiden name led to nicknames that I shall not repeat. Kids can be
BIRTHDAY: 08-14 (I would give the year but that would, like a
pin to a balloon, burst the illusion of my real age.)
HEIGHT: 5’4.5 – Yep! I’ve got a half in my height!
HAIR COLOR: dark brown but I’m thinking of dying it auburn again
FROM: Pineville, KY but have lived in Tampa, FL
since I was a one year old.
PETS: Sadly none, but I will change this once I get a place
that doesn’t charge RENT for an animal!!!
FAMILY: Just a few on my husband’s side but too many to count on mine…
PERSONALITY: Awesome! DUH! I’m wild and loud and crazy and
LIKES: Writing, taking pictures, blogging, traveling
(although I don’t do it enough yet- planning on changing this too!), cooking,
crafting, hanging out with the hubster!
DISLIKES: Stress, uncertainty, controversy, loneliness
FAVORITE ACCENTS: Australian, Southern a.k.a redneck- feels like home. LOL!
FAVORITE ANIMALS: Cats and dogs! They both have qualities I love so it’s a tie
between the two.
FAVORITE BOOKS: 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris  and My So CalledFreelance Life by Michelle Goodman
FAVORITE COLORS: Hot pink and black-together not separate!
FAVORITE COUNTRY: America for sure, but I have not
traveled enough of the world to make that my final answer.
FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK: Sunday- I always seem the most
relaxed on a Sunday
FAVORITE DRINK: Diet Pepsi- don’t judge!
FAVORITE FLOWER: Carnations have always been my favorite.
FAVORITE HOLIDAYS: Christmas – I prefer giving gifts over receiving though
FAVORITE MONTH: January- new beginnings!
FAVORITE POSSESSIONS: My laptop and camera
FAVORITE QUOTES: “The stuff you own ends up owning you”
“If you don’t like what you are doing, change it!”
“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”
FAVORITE SHOES: My sneakers. They’re the most comfortable!
FAVORITE SPORT: To watch- football, but only live. To
play- none- I have no coordination!
places, eat new foods, try new things, explore
1. Spiders and snakes
2. The dark
3. Death
1. How to make a million dollars and then actually do it!
2. Spanish
3. How to be more independent
1. Laptop
2. My cell phone
3. A caffeinated beverage!
1. German
2. Cherokee Indian
3. English
1. Saysa Rawr! (Don’t ask. LOL)
2. Oh hai!
3. Not sure what else I say the most. Haha
So now you all know a lot little about me!

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Virgin Sangria Recipe

I found an awesome mocktail recipe for Virgin Sangria (below) that I’m dying to try. As soon as I make another coupon list I’ll be heading to the store to buy the materials to make this yummy looking drink. According to reviews it’s a hit. Looking forward to trying it 🙂

What’s your favorite mocktail recipe?

Virgin Sangria (Source for Recipe)


– 3 cups unsweetened grape juice

– 3/4 cup apple juice concentrate

– 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice

– 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

– 1 small unpeeled lemon, sliced and seeded

– 1 small unpeeled orange, sliced and seeded

– 1 small unpeeled apple, cored, cut into eights

– 1 3/4 cups club soda or 1 3/4 cups sparkling water

Combine all the ingredients except the soda/sparkling water in a large pitcher.

2 Stir well, and chill.
3 Add soda/sparkling water just before serving.
4 Serve over ice in wineglasses.Source for Recipe

My Deepest Regret….

My biggest regret is how often I have neglected to live in the present moment. Rather than enjoy every single day to it’s fullest, I was always thinking about upcoming things. I can’t wait until I get to high school became I can’t wait until graduation became I can’t wait until college became I can’t wait to get married….you get the idea….

Too often I have looked forward to something rather than being happy with my current state of, well, being. I keep saying things like I can’t wait to go to Europe, I can’t wait to get a place of my own, I can’t wait to be blah blah blah…. If I died today would they put on my tombstone “she couldn’t wait for this”? That’s a scary thought. Am I just going to keep fast forwarding my life until that final day of my life comes? I don’t want to live like a person rushing to die!

I realize that I have taken many things for granted. So, I’m planning to do something I’ve never REALLY done before and that’s stop looking forward. Yes, I’ve said this in the past, but I’ve got to commit to living in the current moment and being 100% content with where I am right now.

I’ve got a lot of things I want to do, but planning to do them should not be all I think about. This way of thinking has kept me in a deep depression that I hide from the world. I constantly think about the things I haven’t done, haven’t achieved, haven’t received, and it keeps me feeling a sense of lack that makes me so sad.

I should instead be looking at what I HAVE done, what I HAVE achieved, what I HAVE received and be grateful for the abundance of things in my life I overlook and take for granted daily.

I saw this awesome photo on facebook and plan to really commit to this:

No more regrets! I forgive myself for always trying to fast forward my life and am excited to be here today and be here every day from now on. I will keep working towards my goals and dreams but I will not center my life on the future anymore. I will be grateful for all that I have right now and be grateful for all that I receive in each moment for the rest of my days. Tomorrow CAN wait, let’s enjoy today while today is still here!

Source for image above.

Mother’s Day HANDmade Card – So Cute!

Difficulty: Easy



– Scissors
– Crayons
– Construction Paper – 8.5″X11″
– Your hand

How to Assemble:

1. Fold a piece of 8.5″X11″ Construction Paper in half. Trace your hand close to the folded edge. The result should look like this:

2. Carefully cut out the hand taking care to not cut the thumb or the finger to that the card will still be connected. It should then look like this:

3. Add your own message to the inside of the card. As you can see in the above image I used the heart gap as an “O” to write out the message I LOVE U! On the front as pictured at the top of this post I simply wrote “Happy Mother’s Day!” Feel free to get creative though and write whatever you feel will tell mom you love her!

Why Mondays are Awesome According to The Buried Life

cute happy Monday image

Found this on the facebook page of The Buried Life and loved it so much I HAD to share it- “I know today is Monday and you assume it’s going to suck, but according
to statistics, there will be over 5,000 weddings, 10,000 childbirths,
and 42 million hugs occurring today throughout the United States. Also
today, there will be at least 4 people that will win the multimillion
dollar lotteries, 600 people will get promotions at work, and 3,000
people will lose their virginity. There will also be 600 dogs adopted,
35,000 balloons sold, and 800,000 skittles eaten. Plus, the words ‘I
love you’ will be said over 9 million times. So again, I know today is
Monday and you assume it’s going to suck, but just smile, because
according to statistics, it should actually be a really nice day.”

Have you heard of the show The Buried Life? The premise is simple. What Do You Want to Do Before You Die? This simple question spawned what is now a more than 6 year journey of four young guys trying to cross items off their bucket list. One of the coolest things to me about their journey is that for every item they accomplish on their list they have to help a stranger accomplish something on the stranger’s list.

I just finished watching Season 2 last night and immediately went online and purchased their book and I can’t wait to get it and read it!!! These guys are a massive inspiration to me.

Like them on facebook and while you are there, like me too 🙂

Source for image above.

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5 Things I Have Learned From Sarah Jenks

Have you heard of Sarah Jenks? I confess, I only recently learned about her. However, now that I know who she is and what she does, I’m a fan!

The Reader’s Digest version about Sarah Jenks is that she is an advocate for the empowerment of women who teaches them to “Live More, Weigh Less”. Regardless of where you are now in mind, body and spirit, her goal “is to change the landscape of the way women relate to their bodies and to redefine what it takes to be happy.”

Do you see why I became an instant fan? Ah, she is amazing. Watching her free training videos got me pumped up enough to make changes in my own life too.

Here are 5 Things I Have Already Learned From Sarah Jenks

1. You should not wait until you have lost weight for your dreams to come true. Instead of focusing so much on all the things you will do “when you are thin” do them now! Why wait on the weight?

2. You should not be working out. Instead, you should be moving and having fun and getting in tune with your body. Why pump iron and hate it when you can go out dancing and have a blast? Why get bored on a treadmill when instead you could join a friend for a walk on the beach. Moving your body is way better than “working out”. If it’s a chore, it’ll be a bore!

3. Diets don’t work. Sure, you can lose weight but eventually you will give up on your diet and possibly gain all the weight back, if not more.- I can DEFINITELY relate to this. I was on a crazy diet last year and once I could no longer stand being on it, I went right back to my old eating ways and gained every last damn pound back. No! I’m not proud of it, but it proved to me that Sarah is right, diets simply don’t work.

4. You can make a change right now! You can begin doing things to make your dreams come true regardless of where you are in life.
5. Getting spiritual can help you “find the magic in everyday life”. Connecting with a higher power, meditating and just getting in tune with your mind can help you find your happiness regardless of your situation.



Pay it Forward Day 4/25/13

Get ready because according to http://payitforwardday.com/, Thursday April 25, 2013 is Pay it Forward Day…

Have you seen the movie Pay it Forward? If not the Reader’s Digest version of the film is a 12 year old boy is given an assignment to fix the world inspiring him to help three people with the requirement that they help three people and thus the helping will be “paid forward” to the next recipient.

If you haven’t seen the movie, then maybe you have heard those wild stories about the chain of folks that bought coffee for the person behind them and it kept going until one person finally didn’t want to pay for the coffee for the person behind them. One of the most recent occurrences I read of this happening was in December in Winnipeg Canada where a “pay it forward” coffee chain went on for three hours

Have you ever participated in an act of paying it forward? I personally have. I have given coupons to ladies that I knew could use them at the grocery store, I’ve paid for coffee for the stranger behind me, I’ve even paid for gas for someone who’s credit card kept getting declined. In each instance I simply said to pay it forward…I like to think that these recipients of my random generosity did just that.

I think the idea of paying it forward is brilliant. If everyone started doing random acts of kindness with no expectation of receiving something in return, I think the world could be a better place. Maybe I’m taking it too far with that belief, but maybe not.

Looking for ways you can do a random act of kindness on Pay it Forward day or anyday? Here are some ideas:

– If you are like me and sometimes get breakfast at a chain on the way to work, give the cashier $5 for the person’s breakfast behind you.

– Leave a $1 in the toy section at the Dollar Store. I saw this on a website where a woman would take little snack bags and place $1 and the tax in them and taped them in random spots of the toy section at Dollar Tree. Can you imagine the excitement in a child being one of the lucky ones to find that baggy?!?

– While at lunch/dinner today tip your waiter 50% or all of the cost of your bill. Or pay for some stranger’s entire meal. I recently read a sweet story of a young couple who went out to dinner for Valentine’s Day and when they requested the check there was a note on it from a stranger that said “The only request is that someday you pay it forward. In the meantime, enjoy your youth, enjoy friendship, enjoy love. Be good to each other and good luck.” The anonymous older couple had paid for a $250 dinner for these young lovers!!! Amazing!

– The simple one that has gone viral- pay for the coffee for the person behind you at your favorite coffee place

– If you own a business pick a random past customer and give them something free

– In downtown Tampa and St. Pete meter monitors watch for meters to expire to give folks parking tickets. I sometimes keep extra coins to fill those meters before they expire saving random people from getting a ticket. You could do the same in your area =)

– Leave a coupon next to an item at the grocery store. The person that gets it might be needing that little bit of savings and you could make their day.

What ideas do you have for paying it forward? Have you paid it forward in the past? I’d love to know. Share it in the comments below.


Have a drink you want me to try or a product you want me to review? 

Contact me HERE! I’m PR friendly ?

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